DIRB v2.22
By The Dark Raver

dirb <url_base> [<wordlist_file(s)>] [options]

========================= NOTES =========================
<url_base> : Base URL to scan. (Use -resume for session resuming)
<wordlist_file(s)> : List of wordfiles. (wordfile1,wordfile2,wordfile3...)

======================== HOTKEYS ========================
'n' -> Go to next directory.
'q' -> Stop scan. (Saving state for resume)
'r' -> Remaining scan stats.

======================== OPTIONS ========================
-a <agent_string> : Specify your custom USER_AGENT.
-b : Use path as is.
-c <cookie_string> : Set a cookie for the HTTP request.
-E <certificate> : path to the client certificate.
-f : Fine tunning of NOT_FOUND (404) detection.
-H <header_string> : Add a custom header to the HTTP request.
-i : Use case-insensitive search.
-l : Print "Location" header when found.
-N <nf_code>: Ignore responses with this HTTP code.
-o <output_file> : Save output to disk.
-p <proxy[:port]> : Use this proxy. (Default port is 1080)
-P <proxy_username:proxy_password> : Proxy Authentication.
-r : Don't search recursively.
-R : Interactive recursion. (Asks for each directory)
-S : Silent Mode. Don't show tested words. (For dumb terminals)
-t : Don't force an ending '/' on URLs.
-u <username:password> : HTTP Authentication.
-v : Show also NOT_FOUND pages.
-w : Don't stop on WARNING messages.
-X <extensions> / -x <exts_file> : Append each word with this extensions.
-z <millisecs> : Add a milliseconds delay to not cause excessive Flood.

======================== EXAMPLES =======================
dirb http://url/directory/ (Simple Test)
dirb http://url/ -X .html (Test files with '.html' extension)
dirb http://url/ /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/vulns/apache.txt (Test with apache.txt wordlist)
dirb https://secure_url/ (Simple Test with SSL)


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