Moving x86 assembly to 64-bit (x86-64)
While 64-bit x86 processors have now been on the market for more than 5 years, software support is only slowly catching on. 64-bit x86, or x86-64 as its inventors at AMD called it, not only offers programmers the ability to manipulate and address data in larger chunks, but added some other niceties like an additional 8 general purpose registers.
Transitioning assembly code from x86 to x86-64 is pretty straightforward, but there are some changes worth noting.
- Full 64-bit registers are prefixed with r. So for 64-bit operations, you use
rather thaneax
rather thanedi
and so forth. - The 8 new integer registers are labeled
r8, r9, ... r15
. To use only a part of the register, a suffix is added. 8-bits = b, 16-bits = w, 32-bits = d, meaningr8b, r8w and r8d
in the case ofr8
. - 32-bit operations on a register automatically zero out the upper 32-bits of that register. For instance, if you load 0 into
eax, rax
is guaranteed to be 0. - The C ABI and calling conventions are substantially different. On standard x86 (32-bit), arguments are passed on the stack. On x86-64, many of the arguments are passed via registers.
For Linux, the calling conventions are as follow:
rbp, rbx and r12 through r15
belong to the calling function. If the called function intends to modify them, it should save them at the beginning and restore them before returning. The caller must assume that all other registers can be changed by the called function.As in x86, integral return values are passed in
. Parameters are trickier. The first 6 integral parameters are passed left-to-right, inrdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8 and r9
respectively. Remaining integral parameters are passed on the stack, but from right-to-left.p. 21 of the x86-64 ABI has a good explanation.
In Windows x64, the system is similar. Registers
rbp rbx, rdi, rsi and r12 through r15
belong to the calling function. All others belong to the called function. Return values are via rax. Input parameters are passed first inrcx, rdx, r8 and r9
(left to right). Remaining arguments are passed via the stack, right to left. pushad and popad
are gone. There are no 64-bit equivalent instructions. Presumably this is because with a greater number of registers, there should be no need to save and restore all registers when entering and exiting a function.cqo
is the newcdq
. For sign-extending fromeax to edx
(32 bit),cdq
was used. For sign-extendingrax
tordx, cqo
(convert-quad-to-oct) is used. It’s a handy little instruction, and not one that I managed to find easily.
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