maven clean插件使用进阶


Maven clean 插件



mvn clean:help

mvn clean:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=clean


<!-- 方式二:跳过clean -->
<skip>true</skip> <filesets>
<!-- 删除文件夹generated -->
<!-- 删除mozq文件夹中符合条件的,但是不会删除mozq文件夹 -->
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.1.0:clean (default-clean) @ demo-01 ---
[INFO] Deleting D:\00\mozq_pro1\shiro\demo-01\src\main\generated (includes = [], excludes = [])
[INFO] Deleting D:\00\mozq_pro1\shiro\demo-01\src\main\mozq (includes = [*.txt], excludes = [])
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Maven Clean Plugin
The Maven Clean Plugin is a plugin that removes files generated at build-time
in a project's directory. clean:clean
Goal which cleans the build.
This attempts to clean a project's working directory of the files that were
generated at build-time. By default, it discovers and deletes the directories
configured in,,, and project.reporting.outputDirectory. Files outside the default may also be included in the deletion by configuring
the filesets tag. Available parameters: excludeDefaultDirectories (Default: false)
Disables the deletion of the default output directories configured for a
project. If set to true, only the files/directories selected via the
parameter filesets will be deleted.
Expression: ${clean.excludeDefaultDirectories} failOnError (Default: true)
Indicates whether the build will continue even if there are clean errors.
Expression: ${maven.clean.failOnError} filesets
The list of file sets to delete, in addition to the default directories.
For example:
</filesets> followSymLinks (Default: false)
Sets whether the plugin should follow symbolic links while deleting files
from the default output directories of the project. Not following symlinks
requires more IO operations and heap memory, regardless whether symlinks
are actually present. So projects with a huge output directory that
knowingly does not contain symlinks can improve performance by setting
this parameter to true.
Expression: ${clean.followSymLinks} retryOnError (Default: true)
Indicates whether the plugin should undertake additional attempts (after a
short delay) to delete a file if the first attempt failed. This is meant
to help deleting files that are temporarily locked by third-party tools
like virus scanners or search indexing.
Expression: ${maven.clean.retryOnError} skip (Default: false)
Disables the plugin execution.
Expression: ${clean.skip} verbose
Sets whether the plugin runs in verbose mode. As of plugin version 2.3,
the default value is derived from Maven's global debug flag (compare
command line switch -X).
Expression: ${clean.verbose}

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