LeetCode_155-Min Stack
class MinStack {
struct Node {
int nNum;
int nMinNum;
Node* pNext;
Node() {
pNext = nullptr;
/** initialize your data structure here. */
MinStack() {
m_pHead = nullptr;
} ~MinStack() {
while(m_pHead != nullptr) {
Node* pTmp = m_pHead;
m_pHead = m_pHead->pNext;
delete pTmp;
pTmp = nullptr;
} void push(int x) {
if(m_pHead == nullptr) {
m_pHead = new Node;
m_pHead->pNext = nullptr;
m_pHead->nMinNum = x;
else {
Node* pTmp = new Node;
pTmp->nMinNum = m_pHead->nMinNum;
pTmp->pNext = m_pHead;
m_pHead = pTmp;
if(m_pHead->nMinNum > x) {
m_pHead->nMinNum = x;
m_pHead->nNum = x;
} void pop() {
if(m_pHead != nullptr) {
Node* pTmp = m_pHead;
m_pHead = m_pHead->pNext;
delete pTmp;
pTmp = nullptr;
} int top() {
if(m_pHead != nullptr) {
return m_pHead->nNum;
return ;
} int getMin() {
return m_pHead->nMinNum;
} protected:
Node* m_pHead;
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