常见的有Bahdanau Attention
及Luong Attention
代码的主要目标是通过一个描述时间的字符串,预测为数字形式的字符串。如“ten before ten o'clock a.m”预测为09:50
from keras.layers import Bidirectional, Concatenate, Permute, Dot, Input, LSTM, Multiply, Reshape
from keras.layers import RepeatVector, Dense, Activation, Lambda
from keras.optimizers import Adam
#from keras.utils import to_categorical
from keras.models import load_model, Model
#from keras.callbacks import LearningRateScheduler
import keras.backend as K import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline import random
#import math import json
import numpy as np
with open('data/Time Dataset.json','r') as f:
dataset = json.loads(
with open('data/Time Vocabs.json','r') as f:
human_vocab, machine_vocab = json.loads( human_vocab_size = len(human_vocab)
machine_vocab_size = len(machine_vocab)
def preprocess_data(dataset, human_vocab, machine_vocab, Tx, Ty):
A method for tokenizing data. Inputs:
dataset - A list of sentence data pairs.
human_vocab - A dictionary of tokens (char) to id's.
machine_vocab - A dictionary of tokens (char) to id's.
Tx - X data size
Ty - Y data size Outputs:
X - Sparse tokens for X data
Y - Sparse tokens for Y data
Xoh - One hot tokens for X data
Yoh - One hot tokens for Y data
""" # Metadata
m = len(dataset) # Initialize
X = np.zeros([m, Tx], dtype='int32')
Y = np.zeros([m, Ty], dtype='int32') # Process data
for i in range(m):
data = dataset[i]
X[i] = np.array(tokenize(data[0], human_vocab, Tx))
Y[i] = np.array(tokenize(data[1], machine_vocab, Ty)) # Expand one hots
Xoh = oh_2d(X, len(human_vocab))
Yoh = oh_2d(Y, len(machine_vocab)) return (X, Y, Xoh, Yoh) def tokenize(sentence, vocab, length):
Returns a series of id's for a given input token sequence. It is advised that the vocab supports <pad> and <unk>. Inputs:
sentence - Series of tokens
vocab - A dictionary from token to id
length - Max number of tokens to consider Outputs:
tokens -
tokens = [0]*length
for i in range(length):
char = sentence[i] if i < len(sentence) else "<pad>"
char = char if (char in vocab) else "<unk>"
tokens[i] = vocab[char] return tokens def ids_to_keys(sentence, vocab):
Converts a series of id's into the keys of a dictionary.
reverse_vocab = {v: k for k, v in vocab.items()} return [reverse_vocab[id] for id in sentence] def oh_2d(dense, max_value):
Create a one hot array for the 2D input dense array.
# Initialize
oh = np.zeros(np.append(dense.shape, [max_value]))
# oh=np.zeros((dense.shape[0],dense.shape[1],max_value)) 这样写更为直观 # Set correct indices
ids1, ids2 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(dense.shape[0]), np.arange(dense.shape[1])) # 'F'表示一列列的展开,默认按行展开。将id序列中每个数字再one-hot化。
oh[ids1.flatten(), ids2.flatten(), dense.flatten('F').astype(int)] = 1 return oh
Tx = 41 # Max x sequence length
Ty = 5 # y sequence length
X, Y, Xoh, Yoh = preprocess_data(dataset, human_vocab, machine_vocab, Tx, Ty) # Split data 80-20 between training and test
train_size = int(0.8*len(dataset))
Xoh_train = Xoh[:train_size]
Yoh_train = Yoh[:train_size]
Xoh_test = Xoh[train_size:]
Yoh_test = Yoh[train_size:]
1 # Define part of the attention layer gloablly so as to
2 # share the same layers for each attention step.
3 def softmax(x):
4 return K.softmax(x, axis=1)
5 # 重复矢量,用于将一个矢量扩展成一个维度合适的tensor
6 at_repeat = RepeatVector(Tx)
7 # 在最后一位进行维度合并
8 at_concatenate = Concatenate(axis=-1)
9 at_dense1 = Dense(8, activation="tanh")
10 at_dense2 = Dense(1, activation="relu")
11 at_softmax = Activation(softmax, name='attention_weights')
12 # 这里参数名为axes。。虽然和axis是一个意思
13 at_dot = Dot(axes=1)
15 # 每次新的预测的时候都需要更新attention
16 def one_step_of_attention(h_prev, a):
17 """
18 Get the context.
20 Input:
21 h_prev - Previous hidden state of a RNN layer (m, n_h)
22 a - Input data, possibly processed (m, Tx, n_a)
24 Output:
25 context - Current context (m, Tx, n_a)
26 """
27 # Repeat vector to match a's dimensions
28 h_repeat = at_repeat(h_prev)
29 # Calculate attention weights
30 i = at_concatenate([a, h_repeat]) #对应公式中x和yt-1合并
31 i = at_dense1(i)#对应公式中第一个Dense
32 i = at_dense2(i)#第二个Dense
33 attention = at_softmax(i)#Softmax,此时得到一个注意力分布
34 # Calculate the context
35 # 这里使用新的attention与输入相乘,即注意力的核心原理:对于输入产生某种偏好分布
36 context = at_dot([attention, a])#Dot,使用注意力偏好分布作用于输入,返回更新后的输入
38 return context
def attention_layer(X, n_h, Ty):
Creates an attention layer. Input:
X - Layer input (m, Tx, x_vocab_size)
n_h - Size of LSTM hidden layer
Ty - Timesteps in output sequence Output:
output - The output of the attention layer (m, Tx, n_h)
# Define the default state for the LSTM layer
# Lambda层不需要训练参数,这里初始化状态
h = Lambda(lambda X: K.zeros(shape=(K.shape(X)[0], n_h)))(X)
c = Lambda(lambda X: K.zeros(shape=(K.shape(X)[0], n_h)))(X)
# Messy, but the alternative is using more Input() at_LSTM = LSTM(n_h, return_state=True) output = [] # Run attention step and RNN for each output time step
# 这里就是每次预测时,先更新context,用这个新的context通过LSTM获得各个输出h
for _ in range(Ty):
# 第一次使用初始化的注意力参数作用输入X,之后使用上一次的h作用输入X,保证每次预测的时候注意力都对输入产生偏好
context = one_step_of_attention(h, X)
# 得到新的输出
h, _, c = at_LSTM(context, initial_state=[h, c]) output.append(h)
# 返回全部输出
return output
1 layer3 = Dense(machine_vocab_size, activation=softmax)
2 layer1_size=32
3 layer2_size=64
4 def get_model(Tx, Ty, layer1_size, layer2_size, x_vocab_size, y_vocab_size):
5 """
6 Creates a model.
8 input:
9 Tx - Number of x timesteps
10 Ty - Number of y timesteps
11 size_layer1 - Number of neurons in BiLSTM
12 size_layer2 - Number of neurons in attention LSTM hidden layer
13 x_vocab_size - Number of possible token types for x
14 y_vocab_size - Number of possible token types for y
16 Output:
17 model - A Keras Model.
18 """
20 # Create layers one by one
21 X = Input(shape=(Tx, x_vocab_size))
22 # 使用双向LSTM
23 a1 = Bidirectional(LSTM(layer1_size, return_sequences=True), merge_mode='concat')(X)
25 # 注意力层
26 a2 = attention_layer(a1, layer2_size, Ty)
27 # 对输出h应用一个Dense得到最后输出y
28 a3 = [layer3(timestep) for timestep in a2]
30 # Create Keras model
31 model = Model(inputs=[X], outputs=a3)
33 return model
model = get_model(Tx, Ty, layer1_size, layer2_size, human_vocab_size, machine_vocab_size)
from keras.utils import plot_model
opt = Adam(lr=0.05, decay=0.04, clipnorm=1.0)
model.compile(optimizer=opt, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
# (8000,5,11)->(5,8000,11),以时间序列而非样本序列去训练,因为多个样本间是没有“序”的关系的,这样RNN也学不到啥东西
outputs_train = list(Yoh_train.swapaxes(0,1))[Xoh_train], outputs_train, epochs=30, batch_size=100,verbose=2
outputs_test = list(Yoh_test.swapaxes(0,1))
score = model.evaluate(Xoh_test, outputs_test)
print('Test loss: ', score[0])
i = random.randint(0, len(dataset)) def get_prediction(model, x):
prediction = model.predict(x)
max_prediction = [y.argmax() for y in prediction]
str_prediction = "".join(ids_to_keys(max_prediction, machine_vocab))
return (max_prediction, str_prediction) max_prediction, str_prediction = get_prediction(model, Xoh[i:i+1]) print("Input: " + str(dataset[i][0]))
print("Tokenized: " + str(X[i]))
print("Prediction: " + str(max_prediction))
print("Prediction text: " + str(str_prediction))
i = random.randint(0, len(dataset)) def plot_attention_graph(model, x, Tx, Ty, human_vocab, layer=7):
# Process input
tokens = np.array([tokenize(x, human_vocab, Tx)])
tokens_oh = oh_2d(tokens, len(human_vocab)) # Monitor model layer
layer = model.layers[layer] layer_over_time = K.function(model.inputs, [layer.get_output_at(t) for t in range(Ty)])
layer_output = layer_over_time([tokens_oh])
layer_output = [row.flatten().tolist() for row in layer_output] # Get model output
prediction = get_prediction(model, tokens_oh)[1] # Graph the data
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.title("Attention Values per Timestep") plt.rc('figure')
cax = plt.imshow(layer_output, vmin=0, vmax=1)
fig.colorbar(cax) plt.xlabel("Input")
ax.set_xticklabels(x) plt.ylabel("Output")
# 这个图像如何看:先看纵坐标,从上到下,为15:48,生成1和5时注意力在four这个单词上,生成48分钟的时候注意力集中在before单词上,这个例子非常好
plot_attention_graph(model, dataset[i][0], Tx, Ty, human_vocab)
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