GOF设计模式三: 外观模式 Facade
   “现有系统”功能强大、复杂,开发“新系统”需要用到其中一部分,但又要增加一部 分新功能,该怎么办?
4.1 Facade Pattern: Key Features

    You want to simplify how to use an existing system. You need to define your own interface.

    You need to use only a subset of a complex system. Or you need to interact with the system in

    a particular way.

    如果只希望使用现有系统的部分功能、或者以一 种特殊的方式与现有系统交互


    The Facade presents a new interface for the client of the existing system to use.


  Participants and collaborators

    It presents a simplified interface to the client that makes it easier to use.

    它呈 现给客户一套简单地接口,易于使用。
    The Facade simplifies the use of the required subsystem. However, because the Facade is

    not complete, certain functionality may be unavailable to the client.

    Define a new class (or classes) that has the required interface. Have this new class use the

    existing system.

     新定义的类,使用了现有系统的功能 ,为客户提供所需要的接口
4.1 Facade Pattern: Key Features

   动机 Motivation

     最小化通信 Minimize communication

     最小化依赖 Minimize dependencies
4.2 外观模式的比喻 Non-software examples

   例如,贸易公司的客户通过目录下订单,就类似一个“外观模式

     客户联系公司的客户联系代表

     客户联系代表 就作为“外观”,为客户提供接口,完成下单、付费、运 输等公司内部复杂的功能

     客户很轻松完成任务
4.3 外观模式与适配器模式的比较

   外观定义了新的接口,适配器使用旧的接口

    Facade defines a new interface, whereas Adapter uses an old interface

   适配器使得两个不一致的接口协同工作,而不是定义一个新的

    Adapter makes two existing interfaces work together as opposed to defining an entirely new one

   外观模式的本意是产生一个轻便的接口,适配器的本意是把现有的接口转换 一下

    The intent of Facade is to produce a simpler interface, and the intent of Adapter is to design to

    an existing interface

   一个外观接口可能包装了多个现有系统的对象、也可能增加了一些新功能, 而适配器只是包装一个对象     While Facade routinely wraps multiple objects and Adapter wraps a single object

   多数情况下,外观是单实例的

    Facade objects are often Singletons because only one Facade object is required

     GRASP原则的外观控制器,就是外观模式
4.4 适用性 Applicability

   简化复杂系统的使用 Provide a simple interface to a complex subsystem

     You do not need to use all the functionality of a complex system and can create a new class

      that contains all the rules for accessing that system

     If this is a subset of the original system, as it usually is, the API that you create for the new

      class should be much simpler than the original system's API

   在使用复杂系统的某个功能时,可以加入新功能

    You want to use the functionality of the original system and want to add some new functionality as well

   为客户软件层提供一个接口,隐藏了现有系统的细节

    Provide an interface to a software layer

     You want to encapsulate or hide the original system

   使客户与现有系统之间减少耦合、增加独立性、可移植性

   节约成本

     开发新的外观类的成本,要比每个人都去熟悉现有系统、了解如何使用现有系统的功能 要节省许多

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