

 namespace DecoratorPattern
/// <summary>
/// 饮料抽象类
/// </summary>
public abstract class Beverage
protected string description = "饮料";
protected float price = 0f;
public abstract string GetDescription(); public abstract float Cost();








装饰者模式 Decorator 闪亮登场:


1. 4个基类继承Beverage

 namespace DecoratorPattern
/// <summary>
/// 综合咖啡
/// </summary>
public class HouseBlend:Beverage
public HouseBlend(float price)
this.price = price;
this.description = "综合咖啡";
} public override float Cost()
return price;
public override string GetDescription()
return this.description;
 namespace DecoratorPattern
/// <summary>
/// 深焙咖啡
/// </summary>
public class DarkRoast:Beverage
public DarkRoast(float price)
this.price = price;
this.description = "深焙咖啡";
public override string GetDescription()
return this.description;
public override float Cost()
return price;
 namespace DecoratorPattern
/// <summary>
/// 浓缩咖啡
/// </summary>
public class Espresso:Beverage
public Espresso(float price)
this.price = price;
this.description = "浓缩咖啡";
public override float Cost()
return this.price;
public override string GetDescription()
return this.description;


 namespace DecoratorPattern
/// <summary>
/// 摩卡装饰者,为了能够取代Beverage,所以CondimentDecorator继承自Beverage,目的并非获得Beverage
/// 而是为了类型匹配
/// </summary>
public class Mocha : Beverage
Beverage beverage;
public Mocha(Beverage b, float price)
beverage = b;
this.price = price;
public override float Cost()
return beverage.Cost() + price;
} public override string GetDescription()
return beverage.GetDescription() + ", 摩卡";
 namespace DecoratorPattern
/// <summary>
/// 奶泡装饰者
/// </summary>
public class Whip : Beverage
private Beverage beverage;
public Whip(Beverage b, float price)
beverage = b;
this.price = price;
public override float Cost()
return beverage.Cost() + price;
public override string GetDescription()
return (beverage.GetDescription() + " ,奶泡");
 namespace DecoratorPattern
/// <summary>
/// 豆浆装饰者
/// </summary>
public class Soy : Beverage
private Beverage beverage;
public Soy(Beverage b, float price)
this.price = price;
beverage = b;
public override float Cost()
return beverage.Cost() + price;
} public override string GetDescription()
return( beverage.GetDescription() + ", 豆浆");


 using System;

 namespace DecoratorPattern
class CoffeeShop
static void Main(string[] args)
Beverage beverage = new Espresso(1.99f);
Console.WriteLine(beverage.GetDescription() + "$" + beverage.Cost()); //来一杯摩卡奶泡深焙咖啡
Beverage beverage2 = new DarkRoast(0.99f);
beverage2 = new Whip(beverage2, 0.1f); //用奶泡装饰深焙咖啡
beverage2 = new Mocha(beverage2, 0.2f); //再用摩卡装饰
Console.WriteLine(beverage2.GetDescription() + "$" + beverage2.Cost()); Console.ReadKey();
} }


参考资料《Head First 设计模式》

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