A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.


The same as the well-known buckets effects, that is, the capacity of a bucket depends on its shortest board.

That theory may apply well to the achievements of a team, especailly when the outcomes are largely depends on the whole collaboration.

Just like my work, when several people cooperate to code for a program, the stability and the whole performance may be affected a lot by the poorest code.

Sometimes it would be very annoying if you found the program's performance went wrong due to the drawbacks in other's module, but it was you who were responsible for the whole program and you must bear the blame.

I must be that kind of coder, who often made others have the above feeling, because some of my code were really ugly.

Certainly I need to improve my coding skills and ensure the quality of my output.

My aim is to be an extraordinary coder and product-manager.

All I can do is follow my instincts, because I will never please everyone.


From Emma Watson.

Emma Watson, is she the famous character Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series?

Yes, a young prtty gril, born in 1990, my God, she is 27 years old now.

Time flies so fast. She becomes a charming young lady from a cute little girl, and I, a middle-aged man but still poor and foolish.

I must try to please the people around me, so I can't follow my heart, and I don't know what my inner self really wat, no aim, no purpose, just drift along the life wave, I even find it difficult to keep me not sinking into the water.

Ugly and boring. But I still have to struggle to live the rest my days, I am not sinlge, I must pay back the love I received.

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