Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum - LeetCode
Given a binary tree, find the maximum path sum.
For this problem, a path is defined as any sequence of nodes from some starting node to any node in the tree along the parent-child connections. The path does not need to go through the root.
For example:
Given the below binary tree,
/ \
2 3
Return 6
思路:所求的maximum path sum有可能会包括一个根节点和两条分别在左右子树中的路径,这里构建一个新的树,每个节点存储的值为所给二叉树对应位置节点向下的最大单条路径(不会在根节点分叉)。然后遍历整个树,找到maximum path sum。
代码中copyTree函数为构建树。遍历树并找到maximum path sum在help函数中实现。
class Solution {
TreeNode* copyTree(TreeNode* root)
if (!root) return NULL;
TreeNode* cur = new TreeNode(root->val);
cur->left = copyTree(root->left);
cur->right = copyTree(root->right);
int largest = ;
if (cur->left) largest = max(largest, cur->left->val);
if (cur->right) largest = max(largest, cur->right->val);
cur->val += largest;
return cur;
void help(TreeNode* root, TreeNode* cproot, int& res)
if (!root) return;
int localSum = root->val;
if (cproot->left && cproot->left->val > )
localSum += cproot->left->val;
if (cproot->right && cproot->right->val > )
localSum += cproot->right->val;
if (localSum > res) res = localSum;
help(root->left, cproot->left, res);
help(root->right, cproot->right, res);
int maxPathSum(TreeNode* root) {
TreeNode* cproot = copyTree(root);
int res = INT_MIN;
help(root, cproot, res);
return res;
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