Note: Eleos: ExitLess OS Services for SGX Enclaves
Eleos increased I/O and memory intensive SGX program execution performance with In-enclave system calls and user-managed virtual memory.
- Running I/O-intensive, memory-demanding server applications in en-claves leads to significant performance degradation.
- Main reason for the application slowdown with SGX is substantial load on the in-enclave system call and secure paging mechanisms.
- Other reason for slowdown:
- Thousands-of-cycles long SGX management instructions.
- Enclave exits cost too high due to associated TLB flushes and processor state pollution.
- Reduced cache pollution due to system calls -> Limiting the LLC space available to the RPC thread using the Cache Allocation Technology.
- Application-managed paging -> User-level library SUVM: per-enclave page table and page cache in EPC along with a secure backing store in host memory.
- Low-overhead software address translation -> Memory accesses via spointers resolve to the SUVM page cache or trigger a software page fault to a page in evicted pages.
- Graceful handling of multiple enclaves -> All enclaves share the same PRM, so SUVM coordinates the size of its page cache with the SGX driver to avoid thrashing when new enclave invocation.
- Optimized eviction and memory access policies -> Exposing SUVM management to the application.
- preventing write back of clean pages to the backing store.
- providing direct access to the backing store at sub-page granularity.
Eleos enabling exit-less system calls and exit-less paging in enclaves to tackle performance issues in SGX applications.
Some Details
- Analyze the operational overhead of the various components of the system before system design
- Evaluate end-to-end by two real server applications: memcached and face verification (Modify origin code).
- Evaluate the RPC and SUVM mechanisms on several microbenchmarks (Cost in different usage scenarios).
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