2014-03-20 01:08


解法:为了让worst case得到最优化,就需要让best case和worst case最接近。具体做法请参见书上题解,因为我一直在想着二分,实在是摸不着头脑。


 // 6.5 Given 100 floors and 2 eggs.
// If the egg can sustain a dropping from nth floor, and will break for higher drop, please find a way to determine n, and minimize the number of droppings.
// Answer:
// That's indeed a brain teaser with mathematical principle.
// It just doesn't make sense to me, why it is optimized when num_of_drop(egg1) + num_of_drop(egg2) always stays the same.
// Perhaps you should read the book yourself. I do hope that I don't face such a question. Quite a teaser, tease me more.
int main()
return ;

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