

用了好久是因为想ONE PASS,尝试过遍历的时候构建STACK,通过和顶端的距离来判定层数,但是其实最后POP的过程相当于又遍历了一次。而且STACK无法O(1) access,换成LIST需要手动来维持顺序。



public class Solution
int depth;
public int depthSumInverse(List<NestedInteger> nestedList)
if(nestedList.size() == 0) return 0; depth = getDepth(nestedList); return helper(nestedList,1);
} public int getDepth(List<NestedInteger> list)
int res = 1; for(NestedInteger n: list)
res = Math.max(res,getDepth(n.getList())+1); return res;
} public int helper(List<NestedInteger> list, int curLevel)
int res = 0;
for(NestedInteger i: list)
res += (depth+1-curLevel)*i.getInteger();
res +=helper(i.getList(),curLevel+1);
} return res;
} }



BFS倒是可以,模拟level order traversal。很重要的一点就是要保留积累值,代码里我用的cum= =baby cum..cum..



public class Solution {
public int depthSumInverse(List<NestedInteger> nestedList) {
if (nestedList.size() == 0) return 0;
int res = 0;
int cum = 0;
List<NestedInteger> tempList = new LinkedList<>();
while (true) {
for (NestedInteger i : nestedList) {
if (i.isInteger()) {
cum += i.getInteger();
} else {
res += cum;
if (tempList.size() == 0) {
return res;
} else {
nestedList = tempList;
tempList = new ArrayList<>();




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