
If you allocate external resources in a Before method you need to release them after the test runs.Annotating a public void method with @After causes that method to be run after the Test method. All @After methods are guaranteed to run even if a Before or
Test method throws an exception. The @After methods declared in superclasses will be run after those of the current class.


使用@After注解一个public void方法会使该方法在@Test注解方法执行后被执行



public class MathTest {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
throw new Exception();
} @Test
public void testAdd() {
Math m = new Math();
assertTrue(m.add(1, 1) == 2);
} @After
public void tearDown() throws Exception {


If you allocate expensive external resources in a Before Class method you need to release them after all the tests in the class have run. Annotating a public static void method with @AfterClass causes that method to be run after all the tests in the class
have been run. All @AfterClass methods are guaranteed to run even if a Before Class method throws an exception.The @AfterClass methods declared in superclasses will be run after those of thecurrent class.


使用@AfterClass注解一个public static void方法会使该方法在测试类中的所有测试方法执行完后被执行




When writing tests, it is common to find that several tests need similar objects created before they can run. Annotating a public void method with @Before causes that method to be run before the Test method. The @Before methods of superclasses will be run
before those of the current class. No other ordering is defined.


使用@Before注解一个public void 方法会使该方法在@Test注解方法被执行前执行(那么就可以在该方法中创建相同的对象)



Sometimes several tests need to share computationally expensive setup (like logging into a database). While this can compromise the independence of tests, sometimes it is a necessary optimization.Annotating a public static void no-arg method with @BeforeClass
causes it to be run once before any of the test methods in the class. The @BeforeClass methods of superclasses will be run before those the current class.


使用@BeforeClass注解一个public static void 方法,并且该方法不带任何参数,会使该方法在所有测试方法被执行前执行一次,并且只执行一次



Sometimes you want to temporarily disable a test or a group of tests. Methods annotated with Test that are also annotated with @Ignore will not be executed as tests. Also, you can annotate a class containing test methods with @Ignore and none of the containing
tests will be executed. Native JUnit 4 test runners should report the number of ignored tests along with the number of tests that ran and the number of tests that failed.



public class MathTest {
@Ignore("do not test")
public void testAdd() {
Math m = new Math();
assertTrue(m.add(1, 1) == 2);
public class MathTest {
public void testAdd() {
Math m = new Math();
assertTrue(m.add(1, 1) == 2);



The Test annotation tells JUnit that the public void method to which it is attached can be run as a test case. To run the method, JUnit first constructs a fresh instance of the class then invokes the annotated method. Any exceptions thrown by the test will
be reported by JUnit as a failure. If no exceptions are thrown, the test is assumed to have succeeded.

The Test annotation supports two optional parameters.

The first, expected,declares that a test method should throw an exception. If it doesn't throw an exception or if it throws a different exception than the one declared, the test fails.

The second optional parameter, timeout, causes a test to fail if it takes longer than a specified amount of clock time (measured in milliseconds).

@Test注解的public void方法将会被当做测试用例






public class MathTest {
public void testAdd() throws Exception{
throw new Exception();

public class MathTest {
public void testAdd() {
for(;;){ }


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