Spring 3.0 + Atomikos构建jta分布式事务
Spring3.0已经不再支持jtom了,不过我们可以用第三方开源软件atomikos(http://www.atomikos.com/)来实现。Atomikos是目前在分布式事务管理中做得相当不错的开源软件。有10年以上的经验,Atomikos保障您的关键事务和 防止昂贵的数据丢失在发生系统故障或事故中。Atomikos支持XA(全局事务)和NON-XA(非全局事务),NON-XA效率高于XA.本文主要是讲XA事件,因为要在不同的数据库中操作多张表。
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
- xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:jee="http://www.springframework.org/schema/jee"
- xmlns:tx="http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx" xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context"
- xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-3.0.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx/spring-tx-3.0.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/jee http://www.springframework.org/schema/jee/spring-jee-3.0.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-3.0.xsd"
- default-lazy-init="true">
- <!-- spring atomikos 配置 开始-->
- <!-- mysql数据源 -->
- <bean id="mysqlDS" class="com.atomikos.jdbc.AtomikosDataSourceBean"
- init-method="init" destroy-method="close">
- <description>mysql xa datasource</description>
- <property name="uniqueResourceName">
- <value>mysql_ds</value>
- </property>
- <property name="xaDataSourceClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlXADataSource" />
- <property name="xaProperties">
- <props>
- <prop key="user">userName</prop>
- <prop key="password">password</prop>
- <prop key="URL">jdbc\:mysql\://\:3306/dataBaseName?autoReconnect\=true</prop>
- </props>
- </property>
- <!-- 连接池里面连接的个数? -->
- <property name="poolSize" value="3"/>
- </bean>
- <!-- oracle数据源 -->
- <bean id="oracleDS" class="com.atomikos.jdbc.AtomikosDataSourceBean"
- init-method="init" destroy-method="close">
- <description>oracle xa datasource</description>
- <property name="uniqueResourceName">
- <value>oracle_ds</value>
- </property>
- <property name="xaDataSourceClassName">
- <value>oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource</value>
- </property>
- <property name="xaProperties">
- <props>
- <prop key="user">userName</prop>
- <prop key="password">password</prop>
- <prop key="URL">jdbc\:oracle\:thin\:@\:1521\:dataBaseName</prop>
- </props>
- </property>
- <!-- 连接池里面连接的个数? -->
- <property name="poolSize" value="3"/>
- </bean>
- <!-- atomikos事务管理器 -->
- <bean id="atomikosTransactionManager" class="com.atomikos.icatch.jta.UserTransactionManager"
- init-method="init" destroy-method="close">
- <description>UserTransactionManager</description>
- <property name="forceShutdown">
- <value>true</value>
- </property>
- </bean>
- <bean id="atomikosUserTransaction" class="com.atomikos.icatch.jta.UserTransactionImp">
- <property name="transactionTimeout" value="300" />
- </bean>
- <!-- spring 事务管理器 -->
- <bean id="springTransactionManager"
- class="org.springframework.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionManager">
- <property name="transactionManager">
- <ref bean="atomikosTransactionManager" />
- </property>
- <property name="userTransaction">
- <ref bean="atomikosUserTransaction" />
- </property>
- </bean>
- <!-- spring 事务模板 我在项目当中用的是编程式事务-->
- <bean id="transactionTemplate"
- class="org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionTemplate">
- <property name="transactionManager">
- <ref bean="springTransactionManager" />
- </property>
- </bean>
- <bean id="simpleJdbcTemplate" class="org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcTemplate">
- <constructor-arg>
- <ref bean="mysqlDS" />
- </constructor-arg>
- </bean>
- <bean id="simplejdbcTemplateOra" class="org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcTemplate">
- <constructor-arg>
- <ref bean="oracleDS" />
- </constructor-arg>
- </bean>
- <!-- spring atomikos 配置 结束-->
- <!-- 接下来就是具体的Dao的配置 -->
- <bean id="oracleJtaDao" class="com.dao.TerminalOracleJtaDao">
- <property name="simplejdbcTemplateOra">
- <ref bean="simplejdbcTemplateOra" />
- </property>
- <property name="transactionTemplate">
- <ref bean="transactionTemplate" />
- </property>
- </bean>
- <bean id="myaqlJtaDao" class="com.dao.TerminalMyaqlJtaDao">
- <property name="simpleJdbcTemplate">
- <ref bean="simpleJdbcTemplate" />
- </property>
- <property name="transactionTemplate">
- <ref bean="transactionTemplate" />
- </property>
- </bean>
- </beans>
- # Required: factory implementation class of the transaction core.
- # NOTE: there is no default for this, so it MUST be specified!
- #
- com.atomikos.icatch.service=com.atomikos.icatch.standalone.UserTransactionServiceFactory
- # Set base name of file where messages are output
- # (also known as the 'console file').
- #
- com.atomikos.icatch.console_file_name = tm.out
- # Size limit (in bytes) for the console file;
- # negative means unlimited.
- #
- # com.atomikos.icatch.console_file_limit=-1
- # For size-limited console files, this option
- # specifies a number of rotating files to
- # maintain.
- #
- # com.atomikos.icatch.console_file_count=1
- # Set the number of log writes between checkpoints
- #
- # com.atomikos.icatch.checkpoint_interval=500
- # Set output directory where console file and other files are to be put
- # make sure this directory exists!
- #
- # com.atomikos.icatch.output_dir = ./
- # Set directory of log files; make sure this directory exists!
- #
- # com.atomikos.icatch.log_base_dir = ./
- # Set base name of log file
- # this name will be used as the first part of
- # the system-generated log file name
- #
- com.atomikos.icatch.log_base_name = tmlog
- # Set the max number of active local transactions
- # or -1 for unlimited.
- #
- # com.atomikos.icatch.max_actives = 50
- # Set the default timeout (in milliseconds) for local transactions
- #
- # com.atomikos.icatch.default_jta_timeout = 10000
- # Set the max timeout (in milliseconds) for local transactions
- #
- # com.atomikos.icatch.max_timeout = 300000
- # The globally unique name of this transaction manager process
- # override this value with a globally unique name
- #
- com.atomikos.icatch.tm_unique_name = tm
- # Do we want to use parallel subtransactions? JTA's default
- # is NO for J2EE compatibility
- #
- # com.atomikos.icatch.serial_jta_transactions=true
- # If you want to do explicit resource registration then
- # you need to set this value to false.
- #
- # com.atomikos.icatch.automatic_resource_registration=true
- # Set this to WARN, INFO or DEBUG to control the granularity
- # of output to the console file.
- #
- com.atomikos.icatch.console_log_level=INFO
- # Do you want transaction logging to be enabled or not?
- # If set to false, then no logging overhead will be done
- # at the risk of losing data after restart or crash.
- #
- # com.atomikos.icatch.enable_logging=true
- # Should two-phase commit be done in (multi-)threaded mode or not?
- # Set this to false if you want commits to be ordered according
- # to the order in which resources are added to the transaction.
- #
- # NOTE: threads are reused on JDK 1.5 or higher.
- # For JDK 1.4, thread reuse is enabled as soon as the
- # concurrent backport is in the classpath - see
- # http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/pub/mirrors/maven2/backport-util-concurrent/backport-util-concurrent/
- #
- # com.atomikos.icatch.threaded_2pc=false
- # Should shutdown of the VM trigger shutdown of the transaction core too?
- #
- # com.atomikos.icatch.force_shutdown_on_vm_exit=false
- TransactionTemplate.getTransactionTemplate().execute(new TransactionCallback(){
- public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status){
- boolean flag = true;
- try {
- } catche (Exception e){
- flag = false;
- } finally {
- if (!flag) {
- status.status.setRollbackOnly();
- }
- }
- }
- })
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