
Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning最初的设置职责的时候有点问题,不知是不是要打什么补丁或其它配置什么东东,,



原因:因为 ORA-02149: 指定的分区不存在

ORA-06512: 在 "SYSTEM.AD_DDL", line 165


ORA-14074: 分区界限必须调整为高于最后一个分区界

Note: 313642.1 - Create Aps Partitions Fails With Ora-2149 Ora-6512 Ora-14501


Create Aps Partitions Fails With ORA-2149 ORA-6512 ORA-14501 (文档 ID 313642.1)


In this DocumentSymptoms





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Applies to:

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning - Version 11.5.8 and later

Information in this document applies to any platform.


***Checked for relevance on 16-DEC-2013***


When attempting to create an ASCP plan name the following error message is generated:

There is an error while getting plan id. No free partitions available.

Profile option MSC:Share Plan Partitions = No

Create APS partitions program - MSCCRPAR - with parameters 0 for instance and 1 for plan fails with the following:

ORACLE error 2149 in FDPSTP

Cause: FDPSTP failed due to ORA-02149: Specified partition does not exist

ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.AD_DDL", line 154


ORA-14501: object is not partitioned


Table msc_exc_details_all is not partitioned

This is one of several tables that must be partitioned and when the MSCCRPAR process goes out to

create a Plan partition, it checks to make sure all of the tables are partitioned first before

creating the new partition. Since this one table is not partitioned, the program errored.


1.  Run the following script to determine which tables owned by MSC are partitioned:

select a.table_name,a.partition_name,a.num_rows

from all_tab_partitions a,dba_part_tables b

where a.table_name = b.table_name

and b.owner = 'MSC'

order by 1,2;

2.  Match the output of step 1 with the list of tables in note 137293.1 Appendix B. In this particular case, it was found that table msc_exc_details_all was not partitioned.

3.  In order to make this table partitioned, the latest Memory Based Planning Engine patch for 11.5.8 needs to be applied per Section I of note 223026.1.  Rerun step 1 to confirm table partitioning after
application of the patch.

4.  Rerun MSCCRPAR - Create APS Partitions


NOTE:137293.1 - How to Manage APS Partitions in the MSC Schema

NOTE:223026.1 - List of High Priority Patches for the Value Chain Planning (aka APS - Advanced Planning & Scheduling) Applications

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