supports the following video
tag attributes:
Attribute | Description |
autoplay | Specifies that the video will start playing as soon as it is ready |
class | Specifies one or more class names for an element (refers to a class in a style sheet) |
controls | Specifies that video controls should be displayed (such as a play/pause button etc). |
id | Specifies a unique id for an element; if not specified, the plugin will create one automatically |
height | Sets the height of the video player in pixels; you can also indicate percentages |
loop | Specifies that the video will start over again, every time it is finished |
muted | Specifies that the audio output of the video should be muted |
poster | Specifies an image to be shown while the video is downloading, or until the user hits the play button. Generally, a PNG or JPEG image. If not specified, the player will use the background color specified in the style sheet |
preload | Specifies if and how the author thinks the video should be loaded when the page loads; possible values: auto , metadata or none (recommended) |
src | Specifies the URL of the video file; this value can also be indicated with source tags (refer to the Multiple Codecs section for more information) |
style | Specifies an inline CSS style for an element |
tabindex | Specifies the tabbing order of an element. To avoid the keyboard to focus on this element, use -1 ; otherwise, 0 |
title | Specifies extra information about an element |
width | Sets the width of the video player in pixels; you can also indicate percentages |
The following markup displays all the attributes listed above for more clarity:
<video autoplay controls class="player" id="player1" height="360"
width="100%" loop muted poster="/path/to/poster.jpg"
preload="none" src="/path/to/media.mp4"
style="max-width: 100%" tabindex="0" title="MediaElement">
As a standalone library, MediaElement.js can be configured using the following settings.
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
renderers | array | [] |
List of the renderers to use |
fakeNodeName | string | mediaelementwrapper |
Name of MediaElement container |
pluginPath | string | build/ |
Path where Flash shims are located |
shimScriptAccess | string | sameDomain |
Flag in <object> and <embed> to determine whether to use local or CDN files. Possible values: always (CDN version) or sameDomain (local files) |
success | callback | Action(s) that will be executed as soon as the source is loaded; passes 2 arguments: media (the wrapper that mimics all the native events/properties/methods for all renderers) and node (the original HTML video , audio or iframe tag where the media was loaded originally; if html5 is being used, media and node are the basically the same) |
error | callback | Action(s) that will be executed if source doesn't load for any reason. Passes same arguments as success |
dailymotion | object | See Documentation | |
dash | object | Accepts debug , drm (object to load protected/licensed streaming; read here for more information) and path parameters to indicate dash.js URL/local path |
object | See Documentation (and a custom lang parameter to indicate the FB SDK language) |
flv | object | See Documentation (and a custom path parameter to indicate where to load library) |
hls | object | See Documentation (and a custom path parameter to indicate where to load library) |
youtube | object | See Documentation; also, a custom nocookie parameter to switch to YouTube's no-cookie URL and imageQuality parameter if user decides to use Image API to load a YouTube poster based on YouTube video ID (possible values: default , hqdefault , mqdefault , sddefault and maxresdefault ) |
- Vimeo and Soundcloud don't need any configuration for now since they are pretty straight forward.
- To use DRM with M(PEG)-DASH, make sure CORS are configured correctly, and also your site MUST be using SSL.
- Both
will be available for bothMediaElement
; however, when usingMediaElementPlayer
, a third argument is passed:instance
, which gives access to the methods associated to theMediaElementPlayer
class. - When using
arguments will be:error
(the details on the error event),media
Including the above, MediaElementPlayer object allows the following extra configuration elements.
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
classPrefix | string | mejs__ |
Class prefix for player elements |
poster | string | (empty) | Poster URL that overrides poster attribute |
showPosterWhenEnded | boolean | false |
When the video is ended, show the poster |
showPosterWhenPaused | boolean | false |
When the video is paused, show the poster |
defaultVideoWidth | number | 480 |
Default width if the <video> width is not specified |
defaultVideoHeight | number | 270 |
Default height if the <video> height is not specified |
videoWidth | number | -1 |
If set, overrides <video> width |
videoHeight | number | -1 |
If set, overrides <video> height |
defaultAudioWidth | number | 400 |
Default width for audio player if the user doesn't specify |
defaultAudioHeight | number | 30 |
Default height for audio player if the user doesn't specify |
defaultSeekBackwardInterval | function | Default amount to move back when back key is pressed. Default callback is represented like: function(media) {return (media.duration * 0.05);} |
defaultSeekForwardInterval | function | Default amount to move forward when forward key is pressed. Default callback is represented like: function(media) {return (media.duration * 0.05);} |
setDimensions | boolean | true |
Set dimensions via JS instead of CSS |
audioWidth | number | -1 |
Width of audio player |
audioHeight | number | -1 |
Height of audio player |
startVolume | number | 0.8 |
Initial volume when the player starts (overrided by user cookie); represented with float values |
loop | boolean | false |
Whether to loop or not media |
autoRewind | boolean | true |
Rewind to beginning when media ends |
enableAutosize | boolean | true |
Resize to media dimensions |
timeFormat | string | (empty) | Time format to use. Default: 'mm:ss' . Supported units: h : hour, m : minute, s : second and f : frame count. If use 2 letters, 2 digits will be displayed (hh:mm:ss ) |
alwaysShowHours | boolean | false |
Force the hour marker (##:00:00 ) |
showTimecodeFrameCount | boolean | false |
Whether to show frame count in timecode (##:00:00:00 ) |
framesPerSecond | number | 25 |
Used when showTimecodeFrameCount is set to true |
autosizeProgress | boolean | true |
Automatically calculate the width of the progress bar based on the sizes of other elements |
alwaysShowControls | boolean | false |
Hide controls when playing and mouse is not over the video |
hideVideoControlsOnLoad | boolean | false |
Display the video control when media is loading |
hideVideoControlsOnPause | boolean | false |
Display the video controls when media is paused |
clickToPlayPause | boolean | true |
Enable click video element to toggle play/pause |
controlsTimeoutDefault | number | 1500 |
Time in ms to hide controls |
controlsTimeoutMouseEnter | number | 2500 |
Time in ms to trigger the timer when mouse moves |
controlsTimeoutMouseLeave | number | 1000 |
Time in ms to trigger the timer when mouse leaves |
iPadUseNativeControls | boolean | false |
Force iPad's native controls |
iPhoneUseNativeControls | boolean | false |
Force iPhone's native controls |
AndroidUseNativeControls | boolean | false |
Force Android's native controls |
features | array | [...] |
List of features/plugin to use in the player; some will be included in the control bar (by default IN STRICT ORDER: playpause , current , progress , duration , tracks , volume , fullscreen ) |
useDefaultControls | boolean | false |
If set to true , all the default control elements listed in features above will be used, and the features will append any other plugins indicated in features . This approach is used mostly when adding more plugins WITHOUT modifying the elements in the control bar in any capacity |
isVideo | boolean | true |
Only for dynamic purposes |
stretching | string | auto |
Stretching modes for video player. If auto is set, player will try to find the max-width and max-height CSS styles to turn it into responsive mode; otherwise, will set the dimensions specified in the tag (same as setting this option as none ). The fill mode will try to use the available space to make the video fit and, when window is resized, it will crop the dimensions to center it according to the available space. |
enableKeyboard | boolean | true |
Turns keyboard support on and off for this instance |
pauseOtherPlayers | boolean | true |
When focused player starts, it will pause other players |
secondsDecimalLength | number | 0 |
Number of decimal places to show if frames are shown |
customError | string/callback | null |
If error happens, set up customized HTML message through a string or a function. The function has 2 parameters: media (the wrapper that mimics all the native events/properties/methods for all renderers) and node (the original HTML video , audio or iframe tag where the media was loaded originally) |
keyActions | array | [...] |
Keyboard actions to trigger different actions. Accepts array of objects in format: {keys: [1,2,3...], action: function(player, media) { ... }} . To see the entire list, please check /src/js/mediaelementplayer-player.js |
duration | number | -1 |
Start point to detect changes on media time duration |
timeAndDurationSeparator | string | <span> | </span> |
Separator between the current time and the total duration of media being played |
hideVolumeOnTouchDevices | boolean | true |
Touch devices (specially mobile devices) have different way to handle volume, so no need to display it |
enableProgressTooltip | boolean | true |
Enable/disable tooltip that shows time popup in progress bar |
useSmoothHover | boolean | true |
Enable smooth behavior when hovering progress bar (like YouTube's) |
forceLive | boolean | false |
If set to true , the Live Broadcast message will be displayed and progress bar will be hidden, no matter if duration is a valid number |
audioVolume | string | horizontal |
Position of volume slider on audio element |
videoVolume | string | vertical |
Position of volume slider on video element |
usePluginFullScreen | boolean | true |
Flag to activate detection of Pointer events when on fullscreen mode |
useFakeFullscreen | boolean | false |
Flag to bypass native capabilities on mobile devices and use the fake-fullscreen mode |
tracksAriaLive | boolean | false |
By default, no WAI-ARIA live region - don't make a screen reader speak captions over an audio track. |
hideCaptionsButtonWhenEmpty | boolean | true |
Option to remove the [cc] button when no <track kind="subtitles"> are present |
toggleCaptionsButtonWhenOnlyOne | boolean | false |
If true and we only have one track, change captions to popup |
startLanguage | string | (empty) | Automatically turn on a <track> element |
slidesSelector | string | (empty) | Selector for slides; could be any valid Javascript selector (#id , .class , img , etc.) |
tracksText | string | null |
Title for Closed Captioning button for WARIA purposes |
chaptersText | string | null |
Title for Chapters button for WARIA purposes |
muteText | string | null |
Title for Mute button for WARIA purposes |
unmuteText | string | null |
Title for Unmute button for WARIA purposes |
allyVolumeControlText | string | null |
Title for Volume slider for WARIA purposes |
fullscreenText | string | null |
Title for Fullscreen button for WARIA purposes |
playText | string | null |
Title for Play/Pause button for WARIA purposes when media is playing |
pauseText | string | null |
Title for Play/Pause button for WARIA purposes when media is paused |
MediaElementPlayer is a complete audio and video player, but you can also use just the MediaElement object which replaces <video>
and <audio>
with a Flash player that mimics the properties, methods, and events of HTML MediaElement API.
Property | Description | GET | SET |
autoplay | Set or return whether the audio/video should start playing as soon as it is loaded | X | X |
buffered | Return a TimeRanges object representing the buffered parts of the audio/video | X | |
controls | Set or return whether the audio/video should display controls (like play/pause etc.) | X | X |
currentSrc | Return the URL of the current audio/video | X | |
currentTime | Set or return the current playback position in the audio/video (in seconds) | X | X |
duration | Return the length of the current audio/video (in seconds); to determine it without playing media, preload="auto" must be set |
X | |
ended | Return whether the playback of the audio/video has ended or not | X | |
error | Return a MediaError object representing the error state of the audio/video | X | |
loop | Set or return whether the audio/video should start over again when finished | X | X |
muted | Set or returns whether the audio/video is muted or not | X | X |
paused | Return whether the audio/video is paused or not | X | |
readyState | Return the current ready state of the audio/video | X | |
seeking | Return whether the user is currently seeking in the audio/video | X | |
src | Set or return the current source of the audio/video element | X | X |
volume | Set or return the volume of the audio/video | X | X |
Method | Description |
load() | Reload the audio/video element; also, it is used to update the audio/video element after changing the source or other settings |
play() | Start playing the audio/video |
pause() | Halt (pauses) the currently playing audio or video |
stop() | Only present to support Flash RTMP streaming in MediaElementPlayer. The equivalent for other scenarios is pause |
remove() | Destroy the video/audio player instance |
canPlayType(type) | Determine whether current player can/cannot play a specific media type; type is MIME type and each renderer has a whitelist of them |
setPlayerSize (width, height) | Set player's width and height also considering the stretching configuration |
setPoster (url) | Add a image tag with the poster's url inside the player's layer; you can pass an empty string to clear the poster |
setMuted (muted) | Mute/unmute the player; muted is a boolean value |
setCurrentTime (time) | Set a new current time for the player; time is either an integer or float number, and if negative, it will start from zero. |
getCurrentTime () | Retrieve the current time of the media being played |
setVolume (volume) | Set a volume level for the player; volume is a number between 0 and 1 |
getVolume () | Retrieve the current volume level of the media being played |
setSrc (src) | Set a new URL/path for the player; each renderer has a different mechanism to set it |
getSrc () | Retrieve the media URL/path currently being played; each renderer has a different mechanism to return it |
Event | Action(s) executed when... |
loadedmetadata | Meta data (like dimensions and duration) are loaded |
progress | Browser is in the process of getting the media data |
timeupdate | The playing position has changed (like when the user fast forwards to a different point in the media) |
seeking | The seeking attribute is set to true indicating that seeking has started |
seeked | The seeking attribute is set to false indicating that seeking has ended |
canplay | A file is ready to start playing (when it has buffered enough to begin) |
play | The media is ready to start playing |
playing | The media actually has started playing |
pause | The media is paused either by the user or programmatically |
ended | The media has reach the end (a useful event for messages like "thanks for listening") |
volumechange | Volume is changed (including setting the volume to "mute") |
captionschange | The media has detected that captions have changed |
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