wordpress 添加 显示磁盘剩余空间百分比的插件
在 wp-content/plugins
我取的文件名是: folder-sizes-dashboard-widget.php
在仪表盘 可以看到 Folder Sizes
Plugin Name: Folder Sizes Dashboard Widget
Plugin URI: http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/q/67876/12615
Description: List the following folder sizes in a Dashboard Widget: Uploads dir, WP Content dir, WordPress base dir.
Observation: PHP folder size functions from this Answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8348396/1287812
add_action( 'wp_dashboard_setup', 'wpse_67876_wp_dashboard_setup' );
function wpse_67876_wp_dashboard_setup()
// Admins only
if( current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) )
wp_add_dashboard_widget( 'wpse_67876_folder_sizes', __( 'Folder Sizes' ), 'wpse_67876_wp_add_dashboard_widget' );
function wpse_67876_wp_add_dashboard_widget()
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$upload_space = wpse_67876_foldersize( $upload_dir['basedir'] );
$content_space = wpse_67876_foldersize( WP_CONTENT_DIR );
$wp_space = wpse_67876_foldersize( ABSPATH );
/* ABSOLUTE paths not being shown in Widget */
// echo '<b>' . $upload_dir['basedir'] . ' </b><br />';
echo '<i>Uploads</i>: ' . wpse_67876_format_size( $upload_space ) . '<br /><br />';
// echo '<b>' . WP_CONTENT_DIR . ' </b><br />';
echo '<i>wp-content</i>: ' . wpse_67876_format_size( $content_space ) . '<br /><br />';
if( is_multisite() )
echo '<i>wp-content/blogs.dir</i>: ' . wpse_67876_format_size( wpse_67876_foldersize( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/blogs.dir' ) ) . '<br /><br />';
// echo '<b>' . ABSPATH . ' </b><br />';
echo '<i>WordPress</i>: ' . wpse_67876_format_size( $wp_space );
$calc_root_path = ABSPATH;
/* get disk space free (in bytes) */
$df = disk_free_space($calc_root_path);
/* and get disk space total (in bytes) */
$dt = disk_total_space($calc_root_path);
/* now we calculate the disk space used (in bytes) */
$du = $dt - $df;
/* percentage of disk used - this will be used to also set the width % of the progress bar */
$dp = sprintf('%.2f',($du / $dt) * 100);
/* and we formate the size from bytes to MB, GB, etc. */
$df = my_custom_format_size($df);
$du = my_custom_format_size($du);
$dt = my_custom_format_size($dt);
<style type='text/css'>
.progress {
border: 2px solid #5E96E4;
height: 32px;
width: 540px;
margin: 30px auto;
.progress .prgbar {
background: #A7C6FF;
position: relative;
height: 32px;
z-index: 999;
.progress .prgtext {
color: #286692;
text-align: center;
font-size: 13px;
padding: 9px 0 0;
width: 540px;
position: absolute;
z-index: 1000;
.progress .prginfo {
margin: 3px 0;
<div class='progress'>
<div class='prgtext'><?php echo $dp; ?>% Disk Used</div>
<div class='prgbar' style="width:<?php echo $dp; ?>%;"></div>
<div class='prginfo'>
<span style='float: left;'><?php echo "$du of $dt used"; ?></span>
<span style='float: right;'><?php echo "$df of $dt free"; ?></span>
<span style='clear: both;'></span>
function my_custom_format_size( $bytes )
$types = array( 'B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB' );
for( $i = 0; $bytes >= 1024 && $i < ( count( $types ) -1 ); $bytes /= 1024, $i++ );
return( round( $bytes, 2 ) . " " . $types[$i] );
function wpse_67876_foldersize( $path )
$total_size = 0;
$files = scandir( $path );
$cleanPath = rtrim( $path, '/' ) . '/';
foreach( $files as $t ) {
if ( '.' != $t && '..' != $t )
$currentFile = $cleanPath . $t;
if ( is_dir( $currentFile ) )
$size = wpse_67876_foldersize( $currentFile );
$total_size += $size;
$size = filesize( $currentFile );
$total_size += $size;
return $total_size;
function wpse_67876_format_size($size)
$units = explode( ' ', 'B KB MB GB TB PB' );
$mod = 1024;
for ( $i = 0; $size > $mod; $i++ )
$size /= $mod;
$endIndex = strpos( $size, "." ) + 3;
return substr( $size, 0, $endIndex ) . ' ' . $units[$i];
通过PHP显示 磁盘剩余空间
步骤1 - PHP代码
$calc_root_path = '/home/vagrant';
/* get disk space free (in bytes) */
$df = disk_free_space($calc_root_path);
/* and get disk space total (in bytes) */
$dt = disk_total_space($calc_root_path);
/* now we calculate the disk space used (in bytes) */
$du = $dt - $df;
/* percentage of disk used - this will be used to also set the width % of the progress bar */
$dp = sprintf('%.2f',($du / $dt) * 100);
/* and we formate the size from bytes to MB, GB, etc. */
$df = my_custom_format_size($df);
$du = my_custom_format_size($du);
$dt = my_custom_format_size($dt);
步骤2 - css 样式
这是进度条的样式,你可以将这个样式代码,放入到你要存放的web路径中,让 步骤1 的php代码可以引入到这个css样式
<style type='text/css'>
.progress {
border: 2px solid #5E96E4;
height: 32px;
width: 540px;
margin: 30px auto;
.progress .prgbar {
background: #A7C6FF;
position: relative;
height: 32px;
z-index: 999;
.progress .prgtext {
color: #286692;
text-align: center;
font-size: 13px;
padding: 9px 0 0;
width: 540px;
position: absolute;
z-index: 1000;
.progress .prginfo {
margin: 3px 0;
步骤3 HTML 代码
你可以选择将这短代码放入到web 目录的一个php文件中。这个HTML代码能够放入到步骤1创建的php文件或者是独立分开的文件。
<div class='progress'>
<div class='prgtext'><?php echo $dp; ?>% Disk Used</div>
<div class='prgbar'></div>
<div class='prginfo'>
<span style='float: left;'><?php echo "$du of $dt used"; ?></span>
<span style='float: right;'><?php echo "$df of $dt free"; ?></span>
<span style='clear: both;'></span>
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