Note: First make sure QTP connect to QC.(转自:http://blog.csdn.net/franktan2010/article/details/7243314)
27.1 QC Path:
QC path’s root folder is “Subject”. So all QC path startwith “[QualityCenter]Subject”. Set QC path into QTP’s Toolsà Options…àFolder(Tab)
QTP use QC paths:
DataTable.Import “[QualityCenter]Subject\Input\TestCase1.xls” DataTable.ImportSheet “[QualityCenter]Subject\Input\TestCase1.xls”, “Global”, “Global” ExecuteFile “[QualityCenter]Subject\ScriptConfiguration.vbs” |
Note: QTP cannot use relative path, but you can write a function.
27.2 QCUtil Object
QCUtil Object provides the following properties:
Returns the Quality Center OTA Run object (QC: Test Plan). |
Returns the collection of tests (QC: Test Lab). |
Returns the Quality Center OTA TSTest object (QC: Test Lab). |
Boolean value indicates whether QTP is currently connected to a QC. |
Returns the Quality Center OTA QCConnection objectd |
Returns the Quality Center OTA Test object (QC: Test Plan). |
Example to use QCUtil object:
'Are we connecting to QC? IsQCConnected = Not (QCUtil.QCConnection Is Nothing) |
'Is the test stored in QC IsTestPresentInQC = Not (QCUtil.CurrentTest Is Nothing) |
'Is the test running from QC IsTestRunningFromQC = Not (QCUtil.CurrentRun Is Nothing) |
27.3 QC Open Test Architecture (OTA)
即QCCOM, 略。最顶层是TDConnectionObject.TDConnection Object TDConnectionObject TDConnection Object TDConnection Object TDConnection Object
27.4 TDConnectionObject
If QC connected:
Set TDConnection = QCUtil.QCConnection print TDConnection.Connected |
If QC not connected:
Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") qtApp.Launch qtApp.Visible = True qtApp.TDConnection.Connect "http://qcserver ", _ If qtApp.TDConnection.IsConnected Then print "Connect to qc is successful" & qtApp.TDConnection.User & “log in” End if |
27.4 TheCommand and Recordset Object
The Command and Recordset object allow us to get data from QC DB.
'Get the TD OTA object reference Set TDConnection = QCUTil.QCConnection 'Get the ID of the current test in the Data base TestID = QCutil.CurrentTest.Field ("TS_TEST_ID") 'Get all the design steps present in the Test and 'read the Step Description and Expected Text Set TDCommand = TDConnection.Command TDCommand.CommandText = _ "Select DS_DESCRIPTION, DS_EXPECTED From DESSTEPS where DS_TEST_ID = " & TestID 'Execute the query Set TDRes = TDCommand.Execute 'Loop throuh all the results in the recordset While Not TDRes.EOR Msgbox TDRes.FieldValue("DS_DESCRIPTION") Msgbox TDRes.FieldValue("DS_EXPECTED") TDRes.Next Wend |
27.5 The AttachmentFactory Collection
AttachmentFactory collection can access attachments present in thefollowing object:
Requirement Tab; |
Test Plan Tab: Folder, Test, Design steps; |
Test Lab Tab: Folder, Test, TestSet, TestRun, TestStep |
Defect; |
Here is the example to get attachment:
Set oAttachments = FromPlace.Attachments 'Get a collection of all attachments present Set allAttachment = oAttachments.NewList("") For Each oAttachment In allAttachment ‘process each attachments Next |
Download attachment as the “process each attachments” (above)
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") oAttachment.Load True,"" 'Copy the file from temporary downloaded location to the TOPlace folder FSO.CopyFile oAttachment.FileName, _ TOPlace & oAttachment.Name(1),True |
27.6 Simple way to download files from QC:PathFinder & Locate method
Note: 1PathFinder based on the folders specified in the Folder Tab (ToolsàOptionàFolders)
2 The method only used on foldersor tests present in the test plan tab
3 If QTP local temporary fileshave same name file, will not download. So clear temporary files beforedownload.
sFilePath = PathFinder.Local(“QCcommon.vbs”)
‘Or full path
sFilePath = PathFinder.Local(“[QualityCenter] Subject\AllTest\QCcommon.vbs”)
27.7 Uploading attachment to QC
'Get attachments (AttachmentFactory) Set oAttachments = QCUtil.CurrentTest.Attachments 'Now just upload the new one Set oNewAttachment = oAttachments.AddItem(Null) oNewAttachment.FileName = NewFileName oNewAttachment.Type = 1 'TDATT_FILE oNewAttachment.Post |
27.8 Getting the Current Test location
'Function to get the current test path is running from Public Function GetCurrentTestPath() GetCurrentTestPath = "" 'The test in not in QC If QCUtil.CurrentTest is Nothing Then Exit Function 'Get the test name testName = CurrentTest.Name 'Get the ID of the parent folder parentFolderID = CurrentTest.Field("TS_SUBJECT").NodeID 'Get the complete path of parent folder parentFolderPath = QCUtil.QCConnection.TreeManager.NodePath(parentFolderID) GetCurrentTestPath = parentFolderPath & "" & testName End Function |
27.9 Gettingthe Current Test Set Location:
'Path for the folder where the Test Set exists testSetFolder = QCUtil.CurrentTestSet.TestSetFolder.Path |
27.10Enumerating all the tests in test lab tab
The Test Lab folderstructure is managed by TestSetTreeManager object. TestSet object are managedby TestSetFactory object, Each TestSet object contains test managed byTSTestFactory object.
--TestSetFactory –TestSet –ConditionFactory –Condition --TSTestFactory--TSTest--RunFactory |
--TestSetTreeManager--TestSetFolder—TestSetFactory |
Here is the sample code:
'This function can be used to enumerate all the test present inside a testSet. Set allTests = oTestSet.TSTestFactory.NewList("") For each oTest in allTests Print "Test - " & oTest.name Next |
Function EnumerateAllTestSets(ByVal FolderPath) 'Check if the folder object has been passed or a string path If isObject(FolderPath) Then Set oTestSetFolder = FolderPath ElseIf FolderPath = "" or LCase(FolderPath) = "root" then 'Root folder needs special handling Set oTestSetFolder = QCUtil.QCConnection.TestSetTreeManager.Root Else 'Get the object from the path Set oTestSetFolder = QCUtil.QCConnection.TestSetTreeManager.NodeByPath(FolderPath) End If 'A root folder cannot have any test set. So we need not check 'for any testsets in case of the Root Folder. If oTestSetFolder.name <> "Root" Then Print oTestSetFolder.Path 'Loop through all the test sets present in the folder Set allTestSets = oTestSetFolder.TestSetFactory.NewList("") For each oTestSet in allTEstSets Print "Test Set - " & oTestSetFolder.Path & "" & oTestSet.Name 'Call another function to enumerate all the test inside the current test set EnuemrateTestInTestSet oTestSet Next End If |
27.11Enumerating all the tests in test plan tab
QC OTA model’s TreeManager object manage the folderstructure of test plan tab. Each folder contains folders/tests. Tests aremanaged by a TestFactory object.
--TestFactory--Test--DesignStepFactory--DesignStep |
--TreeManager--SysTreeNode |
Here is the sample code:
Public Function EnumerateAllTestsinTestPlan(ByVal folderPathOrObject) If IsObject(folderPathOrObject) Then 'We already have a reference to the folder object Set oTestPlanFolder = folderPathOrObject ElseIf folderPathOrObject = "" or lcase(folderPathOrObject) = "subject" Then 'Get the root subject folder Set oTestPlanFolder = QCutil.QCConnection.TreeManager.NodeByPath("Subject") Else 'Get the folder using the string path Set oTestPlanFolder = QCUTil.QCConnection.TreeManager.NodeByPath(folderPathOrObject) End If ‘And then use NewList on that object to get the collection of tests present in the folder Set oTestFactory = oTestPlanFolder.TestFactory.NewList("") For each oTest in oTestFactory MsgBox oTestPlanFolder.Path & "" & oTest.Name Next 'Recursively call this function for each sub folder Set allSubFolders = oTestPlanFolder.NewList() For each oFolder in allSubFolders EnumerateAllTestsinTestPlan oFolder Next End Function |
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