
*  sys-power/cpupower
Latest version available: 4.13.
Latest version installed: 4.13.
Size of files: KiB
Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/
Description: Shows and sets processor power related values
License: GPL-


`--# cpupower --cpu all frequency-info --governors
analyzing CPU :
available cpufreq governors: performance powersave
analyzing CPU :
available cpufreq governors: performance powersave
analyzing CPU :
available cpufreq governors: performance powersave
analyzing CPU :
available cpufreq governors: performance powersave
analyzing CPU :
available cpufreq governors: performance powersave
analyzing CPU :
available cpufreq governors: performance powersave
analyzing CPU :
available cpufreq governors: performance powersave
analyzing CPU :
available cpufreq governors: performance powersave
`--# cpupower --cpu all frequency-info --policy
analyzing CPU :
current policy: frequency should be within MHz and 3.40 GHz.
The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
analyzing CPU :
current policy: frequency should be within MHz and 3.40 GHz.
The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
analyzing CPU :
current policy: frequency should be within MHz and 3.40 GHz.
The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
analyzing CPU :
current policy: frequency should be within MHz and 3.40 GHz.
The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
analyzing CPU :
current policy: frequency should be within MHz and 3.40 GHz.
The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
analyzing CPU :
current policy: frequency should be within MHz and 3.40 GHz.
The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
analyzing CPU :
current policy: frequency should be within MHz and 3.40 GHz.
The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
analyzing CPU :
current policy: frequency should be within MHz and 3.40 GHz.
The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
`--# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor powersave
`--# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
`--# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors
performance powersave

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