TOJ 4105 Lines Counting (树状数组)
题意:给定N条线段,每条线段的两个端点L和R都是整数。然后给出M个询问,每次询问给定两个区间[L1,R1]和[L2,R2],问有多少条线段满足:L1≤L≤R1 , L2≤R≤R2 ?
题解,采用离线做法,先将所有线段和询问区间全部保存。然后将每个询问[L1,R1][L2,R2]拆分成两个,L1-1, [L2,R2]和 R1,[L2,R2]。x, [L2,R2]表示起点 L <= x,终点 R满足 L2 <= R <= R2的线段条数,则每个询问的答案就是 R1,[L2,R2]的值 - L1-1, [L2,R2]的值。那么下面就需要查询x,[L2,R2]的值了。
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
#define N 100100
struct Line{
int s, t;
bool operator < (const Line a) const {
return s < a.s;
struct Range{
int s, id;
Line t;
bool operator < (const Range a) const {
return s < a.s;
int v[N];
int lb(int x){return x&-x;}
void add(int id){
while(id < N){
id += lb(id);
int get(int id){
if(id == ) return ;
return v[id]+get(id-lb(id));
int ans[N];
int main(){
int n, m, i, j;
while(~scanf("%d", &n)){
for(i = ; i < n; i++) scanf("%d %d", &p[i].s, &p[i].t);
scanf("%d", &m);
int s1, t1, s2, t2, c = ;
for(i = ; i < m; i++){
scanf("%d %d %d %d", &s1, &t1, &s2, &t2);
rg[c].s = s1-;
rg[c].t.s = s2, rg[c].t.t = t2;
rg[c].id = c++; rg[c].s = t1;
rg[c].t.s = s2, rg[c].t.t = t2;
rg[c].id = c++;
sort(p, p+n);
sort(rg, rg+c);
memset(ans, ,sizeof(ans));
memset(v, , sizeof(v));
for(int i = , j = ; i < c; i++)
while(j < n && p[j].s <= rg[i].s)
int tm = get(rg[i].t.t) - get(rg[i].t.s-);
if(rg[i].id&) ans[rg[i].id/] += tm;
else ans[rg[i].id/] -= tm;
for(int i = ; i < m; i++) printf("%d\n", ans[i]);
return ;
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