Install Kali Linux

Common Commands:

  • pwd
  • man
  • ls
    • ls -la
  • cd
  • mkdir
  • rmdir
  • cp
  • mv
  • locate
  • adduser
  • su
  • sudo
  • echo
  • cat
  • nano
  • chmod
    • chmod 777 username
  • ifconfig
  • ping

Starting and Stopping Services:

  • HTTP

    • /var/www/html
    • apache2
  • SSH
    • netstat -antp | grep ssh
  • Postgresql

  How to Start/Autostart/Stop services(command):

  • service servicename start
  • systemctl enable servicename
  • service servicename  stop

 Bash Scripting in Kali Linux:



 if [ "$1" == "" ]
echo "Usage: ./ [Network]"
echo "Example: ./ 192.168.1"
for ip in `seq `; do
ping -c $.$ip | grep "64 bytes" | cut -d " " -f | sed "s/.$//" &

Export the ping result to a file.

./ 10.0. > iplist.txt

Use with Namp

for ip in $(cat iplist.txt); do nmap -Pn $ip; done


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    Client Side Attacks Tool: setoolkit 1. Start setoolkit on Kali Linux. setoolkit 2. Select 1) Social- ...

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