js & sort array object
js & sort array object
sort array object in js
let msgs = [
"senderUid": "6845484",
"receiverUid": "6845481",
"serialNum": "A 1564737163253",
"msgId": 606896983568064500,
"text": "xxxxx",
"time": "17:11",
"count": 1,
"isSelf": true
"senderUid": "6845484",
"receiverUid": "6845481",
"serialNum": "A 1564737283216",
"msgId": 606897486704189400,
"text": "zzzz",
"time": "17:13",
"count": 2,
"isSelf": true
"senderUid": "6845481",
"receiverUid": "6845484",
"serialNum": "C 1564735983212",
"msgId": 606892034444533800,
"text": "C 文本消息 text 3",
"time": "16:52",
"count": 3
"senderUid": "6845481",
"receiverUid": "6845484",
"serialNum": "C 1564735426174",
"msgId": 606889698041045000,
"text": "C 文本消息 text 2",
"time": "16:42",
"count": 3
"senderUid": "6845481",
"receiverUid": "6845484",
"serialNum": "C 1564730001766",
"msgId": 606866947376980000,
"text": "C 文本消息 text 1",
"time": "15:12",
"count": 3
let log = console.log;
// time format & msgId
log(`msgs =`, JSON.stringify(msgs, null, 4));
// 1. sort by id
msgs.sort((a, b) => (a.msgId > b.msgId) ? 1 : -1);
log(`msgs =`, JSON.stringify(msgs, null, 4));
// 2. group time
let msgs = [
"senderUid": "6845481",
"receiverUid": "6845484",
"serialNum": "C 1564735983212",
"msgId": 606892034444533800,
"text": "C 文本消息 text 3",
"time": "16:52",
"count": 3
"senderUid": "6845481",
"receiverUid": "6845484",
"serialNum": "C 1564735426174",
"msgId": 606889698041045000,
"text": "C 文本消息 text 2",
"time": "16:42",
"count": 3
"senderUid": "6845481",
"receiverUid": "6845484",
"serialNum": "C 1564730001766",
"msgId": 606866947376980000,
"text": "C 文本消息 text 1",
"time": "15:12",
"count": 3
"senderUid": "6845484",
"receiverUid": "6845481",
"serialNum": "A 1564737163253",
"msgId": 606896983568064500,
"text": "xxxxx",
"time": "17:11",
"count": 1,
"isSelf": true
"senderUid": "6845484",
"receiverUid": "6845481",
"serialNum": "A 1564737283216",
"msgId": 606897486704189400,
"text": "zzzz",
"time": "17:13",
"count": 2,
"isSelf": true
let log = console.log;
// time format & msgId
// log(`msgs =`, JSON.stringify(msgs, null, 4));
// 1. sort by id
// 2. group time
const list = [
color: 'white',
size: 'XXL',
num: 3,
color: 'red',
size: 'XL',
num: 1,
color: 'black',
size: 'M',
num: 7,
log(`msgs =`, JSON.stringify(list, null, 4));
list.sort((a, b) => (a.num > b.num) ? 1 : -1);
log(`new msgs =`, JSON.stringify(list, null, 4));
js date string to timestamp
// timestamp
let t1 = new Date().getTime();
let t11 = Date.parse('2019/08/02 18:54');
let t2 = new Date("16:52");
log(`t1 =`, t1);
log(`t11 =`, t11);
log(`t2 =`, t2);
const autoGetToday = (time = ``, debug = false) => {
let log = console.log;
let date = new Date();
let year = date.getFullYear();
let month = date.getMonth() + 1;
let day = date.getDate();
if (debug) {
let today = `${year}/${month}/${day} ${time}`;
if (debug) {
log(`today =`, today);
return today;
autoGetToday(`19:20`, true);
five minutes
let nowTime = Date.now();
console.log(`nowTime =`, nowTime);
let nowTime1 = Date.parse(`2019/08/02 17:18`);
console.log(`nowTime1 =`, nowTime1);
let nowTime2 = Date.parse(`2019/08/02 17:13`);
console.log(`nowTime2 =`, nowTime2);
let five = nowTime1 - nowTime2;
console.log(`five =`, five);
// mm, ss, ms
const fiveMinutes = 5 * 60 * 1000;
let msgs = [
"senderUid": "6845484",
"receiverUid": "6845481",
"serialNum": "A 1564737163253",
"msgId": 606896983568064500,
"text": "B",
"time": "2019/08/02 17:11",
"count": 1,
"isSelf": true
"senderUid": "6845484",
"receiverUid": "6845481",
"serialNum": "A 1564737283216",
"msgId": 606897486704189400,
"text": "A",
"time": "2019/08/02 17:13",
"count": 2,
"isSelf": true
"senderUid": "6845481",
"receiverUid": "6845484",
"serialNum": "C 1564735983212",
"msgId": 606892034444533800,
"text": "C",
"time": "2019/08/02 16:52",
"count": 3
"senderUid": "6845481",
"receiverUid": "6845484",
"serialNum": "C 1564735426174",
"msgId": 606889698041045000,
"text": "D",
"time": "2019/08/02 16:42",
"count": 3
"senderUid": "6845481",
"receiverUid": "6845484",
"serialNum": "C 1564730001766",
"msgId": 606866947376980000,
"text": "E",
"time": "2019/08/02 15:12",
"count": 3
"senderUid": "6845481",
"receiverUid": "6845484",
"serialNum": "C 1564730001766",
"msgId": 606866947376970000,
"text": "G",
"time": "2019/08/01 5:12",
"count": 3
"senderUid": "6845481",
"receiverUid": "6845484",
"serialNum": "C 1564730001766",
"msgId": 606866947376910000,
"text": "F",
"time": "2019/08/01 15:12",
"count": 3
let log = console.log;
// time format & msgId
// log(`msgs =`, JSON.stringify(msgs, null, 4));
// 1. sort by id
// asc & ascending
// msgs.sort((a, b) => (a.msgId > b.msgId) ? 1 : -1);
// desc & descending
msgs.sort((a, b) => (a.msgId < b.msgId) ? 1 : -1);
// log(`msgs =`, JSON.stringify(msgs, null, 4));
// 2. group time
// TODO & groups
let nowTime = Date.now();
// log(`nowTime =`, nowTime);
// mm, ss, ms
const fiveMinutes = 5 * 60 * 1000;
let DB = {};
let len = msgs.length;
let groupFlag = ``;
if (msgs[0]) {
groupFlag = Date.parse(msgs[0].time);
let cp_msgs = msgs;
let finished = false;
// group flag
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// filter
let new_cp_msgs = cp_msgs.filter(
(obj, k) => {
let {
} = obj;
if (time.includes(`/`)) {
time = Date.parse(time);
} else {
let today = autoGetToday(time);
time = Date.parse(today);
let min = Math.abs(groupFlag - time);
if (min <= fiveMinutes) {
// DB[i].push(obj);
} else {
return obj;
if (cp_msgs.length <= 1 && finished) {
} else {
DB[i] = [];
// if (cp_msgs.length <= 1) {
// break;
// }
log(`cp_msgs =`, cp_msgs);
for (let j = 0; j < cp_msgs.length; j++) {
if (cp_msgs.length === 1) {
finished = true;
let obj = cp_msgs[j];
let {
} = obj;
if (time.includes(`/`)) {
time = Date.parse(time);
} else {
let today = autoGetToday(time);
time = Date.parse(today);
let min = Math.abs(groupFlag - time);
if (min <= fiveMinutes) {
} else {
groupFlag = time;
cp_msgs = new_cp_msgs;
const autoGetToday = (time = ``, debug = false) => {
let log = console.log;
let date = new Date();
let year = date.getFullYear();
let month = date.getMonth() + 1;
let day = date.getDate();
if (debug) {
let today = `${year}/${month}/${day} ${time}`;
if (debug) {
log(`today =`, today);
return today;
console.log(`DB groups =`, JSON.stringify(DB, null, 4));
xgqfrms 2012-2020
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