原始指针 [raw pointers]
指针广泛应用于 C 和 C++:
- 在堆上分配新对象
- 通过参数将某些函数传递给其他函数
- 迭代/遍历数组或其他数据结构的元素
int* p = nullptr; // declare pointer and initialize it
// so that it doesn't store a random address
int i = 5;
p = &i; // assign pointer to address of object
int j = *p; // dereference p to retrieve the value at its address
MyClass* mc = new MyClass(); // allocate object on the heap
mc->print(); // access class member
delete mc; // delete object (please don't forget!)
// declare a C-style string. Compiler adds terminating '\0'.
const char* str = "Hello world";
const int c = 1;
const int* pconst = &c; // declare a non-const pointer to const int
const int c2 = 2;
pconst = &c2; // OK pconst itself isn't const
const int* const pconst2 = &c;
// pconst2 = &c2; // Error! pconst2 is const.
当定义函数时,尽量将指针参数标记为 const
引用更适合用来传递对象给函数,除非对象可能为 nullptr
函数指针使函数能够被传递给其他函数,在 C 风格代码中可用于回调。现代 C++ 使用 lambda 表达式来达到同样地目的。
C 风格代码示例:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class MyClass
int num;
std::string name;
void print() { std::cout << name << ":" << num << std::endl; }
// Accepts a MyClass pointer
void func_A(MyClass* mc)
// Modify the object that mc points to.
// All copies of the pointer will point to
// the same modified object.
mc->num = 3;
// Accepts a MyClass object
void func_B(MyClass mc)
// mc here is a regular object, not a pointer.
// Use the "." operator to access members.
// This statement modifies only the local copy of mc.
mc.num = 21;
std::cout << "Local copy of mc:";
mc.print(); // "Erika, 21"
int main()
// Use the * operator to declare a pointer type
// Use new to allocate and initialize memory
MyClass* pmc = new MyClass{ 108, "Nick" };
// Prints the memory address. Usually not what you want.
std:: cout << pmc << std::endl;
// Copy the pointed-to object by dereferencing the pointer
// to access the contents of the memory location.
// mc is a separate object, allocated here on the stack
MyClass mc = *pmc;
// Declare a pointer that points to mc using the addressof operator
MyClass* pcopy = &mc;
// Use the -> operator to access the object's public members
pmc->print(); // "Nick, 108"
// Copy the pointer. Now pmc and pmc2 point to same object!
MyClass* pmc2 = pmc;
// Use copied pointer to modify the original object
pmc2->name = "Erika";
pmc->print(); // "Erika, 108"
pmc2->print(); // "Erika, 108"
// Pass the pointer to a function.
pmc->print(); // "Erika, 3"
pmc2->print(); // "Erika, 3"
// Dereference the pointer and pass a copy
// of the pointed-to object to a function
pmc->print(); // "Erika, 3" (original not modified by function)
delete(pmc); // don't forget to give memory back to operating system!
// delete(pmc2); //crash! memory location was already deleted
操作符返回数组以字节为单位的大小。- 要确定元素的个数,可以用元素的大小值去除数组的总大小。
- 当数组传递给函数时,将退化为指针类型。
操作符用在指针上时返回时指针的大小,在 x86 系统上是4字节,在 x64 系统上是8字节。
#include <iostream>
void func(int arr[], int length)
// returns pointer size. not useful here.
size_t test = sizeof(arr);
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
std::cout << arr[i] << " ";
int main()
int i[5]{ 1,2,3,4,5 };
// sizeof(i) = total bytes
int j = sizeof(i) / sizeof(i[0]);
非 const
指针可以进行算术操作以指向不同的内存地址: ++, +=, -= and --。
- void* 以一个
(1 byte)的大小递增。 - 有类型的指针以类型的大小递增。
以下示例演示了指针如何通过算数操作 Windows 位图的像素点。
注意 new
和 delete
#include <Windows.h>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
header.biHeight = 100; // Multiple of 4 for simplicity.
header.biWidth = 100;
header.biBitCount = 24;
header.biPlanes = 1;
header.biCompression = BI_RGB;
header.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
constexpr int bufferSize = 30000;
unsigned char* buffer = new unsigned char[bufferSize];
bf.bfType = 0x4D42;
bf.bfSize = header.biSize + 14 + bufferSize;
bf.bfReserved1 = 0;
bf.bfReserved2 = 0;
bf.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); //54
// Create a gray square with a 2-pixel wide outline.
unsigned char* begin = &buffer[0];
unsigned char* end = &buffer[0] + bufferSize;
unsigned char* p = begin;
constexpr int pixelWidth = 3;
constexpr int borderWidth = 2;
while (p < end)
// Is top or bottom edge?
if ((p < begin + header.biWidth * pixelWidth * borderWidth)
|| (p > end - header.biWidth * pixelWidth * borderWidth)
// Is left or right edge?
|| (p - begin) % (header.biWidth * pixelWidth) < (borderWidth * pixelWidth)
|| (p - begin) % (header.biWidth * pixelWidth) > ((header.biWidth - borderWidth) * pixelWidth))
*p = 0x0; // Black
*p = 0xC3; // Gray
p++; // Increment one byte sizeof(unsigned char).
ofstream wf(R"(box.bmp)", ios::out | ios::binary);
wf.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&bf), sizeof(bf));
wf.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&header), sizeof(header));
wf.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(begin), bufferSize);
delete[] buffer; // Return memory to the OS.
void* 指针
指针指向原始内存地址。有时需要使用 void* 指针,例如在 C++ 代码和 C 函数之间传递时。
当有类型的指针转换为 void
指针时,保存的内存地址是不变的。然而,类型信息会丢失,所以你不能进行加减操作。内存地址是可以转型(cast)的,例如,从 MyClass*
到 void*
然后回到 MyClass*
这样的操作本身就是容易出错的,必须很谨慎。现代 C++ 几乎在所有场景中都不建议使用 void
void func(void* data, int length)
char* c = (char*)(data);
// fill in the buffer with data
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
*c = 0x41;
// main.cpp
#include <iostream>
extern "C"
void func(void* data, int length);
class MyClass
int num;
std::string name;
void print() { std::cout << name << ":" << num << std::endl; }
int main()
MyClass* mc = new MyClass{10, "Marian"};
void* p = static_cast<void*>(mc);
MyClass* mc2 = static_cast<MyClass*>(p);
std::cout << mc2->name << std::endl; // "Marian"
// use operator new to allocate untyped memory block
void* pvoid = operator new(1000);
char* pchar = static_cast<char*>(pvoid);
for(char* c = pchar; c < pchar + 1000; ++c)
*c = 0x00;
func(pvoid, 1000);
char ch = static_cast<char*>(pvoid)[0];
std::cout << ch << std::endl; // 'A'
operator delete(p);
C 风格代码中,函数指针主要用来将一个函数传递给另一个函数。这允许调用方可以定制函数的行为而不去修改他。
现代 C++ 中,lambda 表达式提供了同样地功能并保证了更高的安全性和其他优点。
// Declare pointer to any function that... // ...accepts a string and returns a string
string (*g)(string a); // has no return value and no parameters
void (*x)(); // ...returns an int and takes three parameters
// of the specified types
int (*i)(int i, string s, double d);
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string base {"hello world"};
string append(string s)
return base.append(" ").append(s);
string prepend(string s)
return s.append(" ").append(base);
string combine(string s, string(*g)(string a))
return (*g)(s);
int main()
cout << combine("from MSVC", append) << "\n";
cout << combine("Good morning and", prepend) << "\n";
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