《C# 爬虫 破境之道》:第二境 爬虫应用 — 第一节:HTTP协议数据采集
- System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequest
- System.Net.FileWebRequest
- System.Net.FtpWebRequest
- System.Net.HttpWebRequest
[Code 2.1.1]
- using System.Crawler;
- {
- #region 以GET方式请求数据
- var ant = new WorkerAnt
- {
- WorkerId = (uint)Math.Abs(DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmssfff").GetHashCode()),
- };
- var job = new JobContext
- {
- JobName = "Mike test job 1",
- Uri = @"https://www.cnblogs.com/mikecheers/p/12090487.html",
- };
- ant.Work(job);
- #endregion
- #region 以POST方式请求数据
- var requestDataBuilder = new StringBuilder();
- requestDataBuilder.AppendLine("using System;");
- requestDataBuilder.AppendLine("namespace HelloWorldApplication");
- requestDataBuilder.AppendLine("{");
- requestDataBuilder.AppendLine(" class HelloWorld");
- requestDataBuilder.AppendLine(" {");
- requestDataBuilder.AppendLine(" static void Main(string[] args)");
- requestDataBuilder.AppendLine(" {");
- requestDataBuilder.AppendLine(" Console.WriteLine(\"《C# 爬虫 破境之道》\");");
- requestDataBuilder.AppendLine(" }");
- requestDataBuilder.AppendLine(" }");
- requestDataBuilder.AppendLine("}");
- var requestData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(
- @"code=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(requestDataBuilder.ToString())
- + @"&token=4381fe197827ec87cbac9552f14ec62a&language=10&fileext=cs");
- new WorkerAnt
- {
- WorkerId = (uint)Math.Abs(DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmssfff").GetHashCode())
- }.Work(new JobContext
- {
- JobName = "Mike test job 2",
- Uri = @"https://tool.runoob.com/compile.php",
- ContentType = @"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
- Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Post,
- Buffer = requestData,
- });
- #endregion
- Console.WriteLine("End of Main method.");
- Console.ReadLine();
- }
[Code 2.1.2]
- Worker 471365603 JobStatus: WaitingForActivation
- Worker 471365603 is starting a job named 'Mike test job 1'.
- Worker 471365603 JobStatus: WaitingToRun
- Worker 471365603 JobStatus: Running
- Worker 1110506678 JobStatus: WaitingForActivation
- Worker 1110506678 is starting a job named 'Mike test job 2'.
- Worker 1110506678 JobStatus: WaitingToRun
- Worker 1110506678 JobStatus: Running
- End of Main method.
- Totally 0 downloaded.
- Totally 512 downloaded.
- Totally 1024 downloaded.
- Totally 1536 downloaded.
- Totally 2048 downloaded.
- Totally 2560 downloaded.
- Totally 2624 downloaded.
- Totally 3136 downloaded.
- Totally 3648 downloaded.
- Totally 4024 downloaded.
- Totally 4028 downloaded.
- Totally 4540 downloaded.
- Totally 5052 downloaded.
- Totally 5422 downloaded.
- Totally 5934 downloaded.
- Totally 6446 downloaded.
- Totally 6822 downloaded.
- Totally 7334 downloaded.
- Totally 7846 downloaded.
- Totally 8222 downloaded.
- Totally 8734 downloaded.
- Totally 9246 downloaded.
- Totally 9758 downloaded.
- Totally 10270 downloaded.
- Totally 10782 downloaded.
- Totally 10886 downloaded.
- <!DOCTYPE html>
- <html lang="zh-cn">
- <head>
- <meta charset="utf-8" />
- <meta name="v...
- /* ********************** using 000.75ms / request ******************** */
- Worker 471365603 JobStatus: RanToCompletion
- Totally 0 downloaded.
- Totally 81 downloaded.
- {"output":"\u300aC# \u722c\u866b \u7834\u5883\u4e4b\u9053\u300b\n","errors":"\n"}
- /* ********************** using 012.32ms / request ******************** */
- Worker 1110506678 JobStatus: RanToCompletion
在[Code 2.1.1]中,主要涉及两个类:
- WorkerAnt(工蚁):在我的爬虫世界里,工蚁就是最小的工作单位了,它们勤勤恳恳,辛勤劳作,任劳任怨,颇为辛苦!致敬!
- JobContext(任务上下文):主要承载了任务的描述(参数信息),任务的状态信息,一个计时器(统计任务消耗的时间),还有Request相关的对象、缓存等。
在[Code 2.1.2]中,我们可以跟踪到每只小工蚁的运行状态,采集到的数据以及耗时。同时也可以看到“End of Main method.”出现在比较靠前的位置,这说明我们的小工蚁还是有点儿小聪明的,可以采用异步的方式采集数据。
[Code 2.1.3]
- namespace System.Crawler
- {
- using System;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Net;
- using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- public class JobContext
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// 任务名称
- /// </summary>
- public String JobName { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// 任务状态
- /// </summary>
- public TaskStatus JobStatus { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// 跑表,计时器。
- /// </summary>
- public Stopwatch Watch { get; set; }
- public WebRequest Request { get; set; }
- public WebResponse Response { get; set; }
- public Stream RequestStream { get; set; }
- public Stream ResponseStream { get; set; }
- public MemoryStream Memory { get; set; }
- public byte[] Buffer { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// 请求的目标Uri
- /// </summary>
- public String Uri { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// 设置509证书集合
- /// </summary>
- public X509CertificateCollection ClientCertificates { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// Headers
- /// </summary>
- public WebHeaderCollection Headers { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// 代理
- /// </summary>
- public IWebProxy Proxy { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// 权限认证信息
- /// </summary>
- public ICredentials Credentials { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// 获取或设置用于请求的 HTTP 版本。返回结果:用于请求的 HTTP 版本。默认为 System.Net.HttpVersion.Version11。
- /// </summary>
- public Version ProtocolVersion { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// 获取或设置一个 System.Boolean 值,该值确定是否使用 100-Continue 行为。如果 POST 请求需要 100-Continue 响应,则为 true;否则为 false。默认值为 true。
- /// </summary>
- public bool Expect100Continue { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// 设置Request请求方式
- /// </summary>
- public String Method { get; set; }
- // Summary:
- // Gets or sets the time-out value in milliseconds for the System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
- // and System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream() methods.
- //
- // Returns:
- // The number of milliseconds to wait before the request times out. The default
- // value is 100,000 milliseconds (100 seconds).
- //
- // Exceptions:
- // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException:
- // The value specified is less than zero and is not System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite.
- public TimeSpan Timeout { get; set; }
- // Summary:
- // Gets or sets a time-out in milliseconds when writing to or reading from a
- // stream.
- //
- // Returns:
- // The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. The default
- // value is 300,000 milliseconds (5 minutes).
- //
- // Exceptions:
- // System.InvalidOperationException:
- // The request has already been sent.
- //
- // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException:
- // The value specified for a set operation is less than or equal to zero and
- // is not equal to System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite
- public TimeSpan ReadWriteTimeout { get; set; }
- // Summary:
- // Gets or sets the value of the Accept HTTP header.
- //
- // Returns:
- // The value of the Accept HTTP header. The default value is null.
- public string Accept { get; set; }
- // Summary:
- // Gets or sets the value of the Content-type HTTP header.
- //
- // Returns:
- // The value of the Content-type HTTP header. The default value is null.
- public string ContentType { get; set; }
- // Summary:
- // Gets or sets the value of the User-agent HTTP header.
- //
- // Returns:
- // The value of the User-agent HTTP header. The default value is null.NoteThe
- // value for this property is stored in System.Net.WebHeaderCollection. If WebHeaderCollection
- // is set, the property value is lost.
- public string UserAgent { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// 返回数据编码默认为NUll,可以自动识别,一般为utf-8,gbk,gb2312
- /// </summary>
- public Encoding Encoding { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// 请求时的Cookie
- /// </summary>
- public string Cookie { get; set; }
- public CookieCollection Cookies { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// 来源地址
- /// </summary>
- public string Referer { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// 是否允许自动跳转
- /// </summary>
- public bool AllowAutoRedirect { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// 最大连接数
- /// </summary>
- public int ConnectionLimit { get; set; }
- public JobContext()
- {
- Uri = null;
- ClientCertificates = null;
- Headers = null;
- Proxy = null;
- ProtocolVersion = System.Net.HttpVersion.Version11;
- Expect100Continue = true;
- Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get;
- Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds();
- ReadWriteTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes();
- Accept = null;
- ContentType = null;
- UserAgent = null;
- Encoding = null;
- Cookie = null;
- Cookies = null;
- Referer = null;
- AllowAutoRedirect = true;
- ConnectionLimit = ;
- Credentials = null;
- }
- }
- }
[Code 2.1.4]
- namespace System.Crawler
- {
- using System;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Net;
- using System.Net.Security;
- using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- /// <summary>
- /// 一个爬虫的最小任务单位,一只小工蚁。
- /// </summary>
- public class WorkerAnt
- {
- public UInt32 WorkerId { get; set; }
- public void Work(JobContext context)
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"Worker { WorkerId } JobStatus: " + (context.JobStatus = TaskStatus.WaitingForActivation).ToString());
- if (null == context)
- throw new ArgumentNullException($"Worker { WorkerId } can not start a job with no context.");
- if (null == context.Method)
- throw new ArgumentNullException($"Worker { WorkerId } can not start a job with no method.");
- if (null == context.Uri || !Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(context.Uri, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute))
- throw new FormatException($"Worker { WorkerId } can not start a job with uri '{context.Uri}' is not well formed.");
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.JobName))
- Trace.WriteLine($"Worker {WorkerId} is starting a job with no name.");
- else
- Trace.WriteLine($"Worker {WorkerId} is starting a job named '{context.JobName}'.");
- Console.WriteLine($"Worker { WorkerId } JobStatus: " + (context.JobStatus = TaskStatus.WaitingToRun).ToString());
- context.Watch = new Stopwatch();
- context.Watch.Start();
- //这一句一定要写在创建连接的前面。使用回调的方法进行证书验证。
- if (null != context.ClientCertificates && < context.ClientCertificates.Count)
- ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, errors) => true;
- var Request = (context.Request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(context.Uri)) as HttpWebRequest;
- if (null != context.ClientCertificates && < context.ClientCertificates.Count)
- foreach (X509Certificate item in context.ClientCertificates)
- Request.ClientCertificates.Add(item);
- if (null != context.Headers && context.Headers.Count > )
- Request.Headers.Add(context.Headers);
- Request.Proxy = context.Proxy;
- if (null != context.ProtocolVersion)
- Request.ProtocolVersion = context.ProtocolVersion;
- Request.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = context.Expect100Continue;
- Request.Method = context.Method;
- Request.Timeout = (Int32)context.Timeout.TotalMilliseconds;
- Request.ReadWriteTimeout = (Int32)context.ReadWriteTimeout.TotalMilliseconds;
- Request.Accept = context.Accept;
- Request.ContentType = context.ContentType;
- Request.UserAgent = context.UserAgent;
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Cookie))
- Request.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Cookie] = context.Cookie;
- if (null != context.Cookies)
- {
- Request.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
- Request.CookieContainer.Add(context.Cookies);
- }
- Request.Referer = context.Referer;
- Request.AllowAutoRedirect = context.AllowAutoRedirect;
- if ( < context.ConnectionLimit)
- Request.ServicePoint.ConnectionLimit = context.ConnectionLimit;
- Console.WriteLine($"Worker { WorkerId } JobStatus: " + (context.JobStatus = TaskStatus.Running).ToString());
- if (null != context.Buffer && < context.Buffer.Length)
- {
- Request.ContentLength = context.Buffer.Length;
- Request.BeginGetRequestStream(acGetRequestStream =>
- {
- var contextGetRequestStream = acGetRequestStream.AsyncState as JobContext;
- contextGetRequestStream.RequestStream = contextGetRequestStream.Request.EndGetRequestStream(acGetRequestStream);
- contextGetRequestStream.RequestStream.BeginWrite(context.Buffer, , context.Buffer.Length, acWriteRequestStream =>
- {
- var contextWriteRequestStream = acWriteRequestStream.AsyncState as JobContext;
- contextWriteRequestStream.RequestStream.EndWrite(acWriteRequestStream);
- contextWriteRequestStream.RequestStream.Close();
- GetResponse(contextWriteRequestStream);
- }, contextGetRequestStream);
- }, context);
- }
- else
- GetResponse(context);
- }
- private void GetResponse(JobContext context)
- {
- context.Request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(acGetResponse =>
- {
- var contextGetResponse = acGetResponse.AsyncState as JobContext;
- using (contextGetResponse.Response = contextGetResponse.Request.EndGetResponse(acGetResponse))
- using (contextGetResponse.ResponseStream = contextGetResponse.Response.GetResponseStream())
- using (contextGetResponse.Memory = new MemoryStream())
- {
- var readCount = ;
- if (null == contextGetResponse.Buffer) contextGetResponse.Buffer = new byte[];
- IAsyncResult ar = null;
- do
- {
- if ( < readCount) contextGetResponse.Memory.Write(contextGetResponse.Buffer, , readCount);
- ar = contextGetResponse.ResponseStream.BeginRead(
- contextGetResponse.Buffer, , contextGetResponse.Buffer.Length, null, contextGetResponse);
- Console.WriteLine($"Totally {contextGetResponse.Memory.Length} downloaded.");
- } while ( < (readCount = contextGetResponse.ResponseStream.EndRead(ar)));
- contextGetResponse.Request.Abort();
- contextGetResponse.Response.Close();
- contextGetResponse.Buffer = null;
- var content = new UTF8Encoding(false).GetString(contextGetResponse.Memory.ToArray());
- Console.WriteLine(content.Length > ? content.Substring(, ) + "..." : content);
- contextGetResponse.Watch.Stop();
- Console.WriteLine("/* ********************** using {0}ms / request ******************** */"
- + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine, (contextGetResponse.Watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / ).ToString("000.00"));
- Console.WriteLine($"Worker { WorkerId } JobStatus: " + (contextGetResponse.JobStatus = TaskStatus.RanToCompletion).ToString());
- }
- }), context);
- }
- }
- }
- WorkerId:给每只小工蚁分配一个编号,就像人的身份证一样,没准等它老了,也能凭此编号领个社保什么的……
- Work(JobContext context):对小工蚁发号施令,要它去完成某采集任务。
- GetResponse(JobContext context):处理收到的回复数据。
Work(JobContext context)方法:
- 当JobContext.Method="GET"的时候,就不能指定JobContext.Buffer,否则会抛出异常;
- 提供了JobContext.Credentials对象,但对象的属性是否合法;
- 提供了JobContext.Method,但它的值是否有效;
- 提供了JobContext.Headers,但其值是否可以加入到Request.Headers中,因为有些Key是只能通过Request的属性指定的,请参考:WebHeaderCollection.IsRestricted 方法
- ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, errors) => true; :这一句一定要写在创建连接的前面。使用回调的方法进行证书验证。作为爬虫,我们就不要为难自己去验证证书了,但如果我们做的是浏览器程序,那么,还是守点儿规矩吧:)
- Request.Proxy = context.Proxy; :Proxy属性比较特殊,当我们Create一个Request后,这个属性的默认值并不是Null,这也导致我们在使用过程中,总感觉第一个请求的耗时很长,后面的请求就很快。作为优化的一种方式,就是不去判断JobContext.Proxy是不是Null,都给这个属性赋值,即使JobContext.Proxy是Null,也要明确地给Request.Proxy赋值。
- Request.ProtocolVersion = context.ProtocolVersion; :ProtocolVersion属性的类型是Version,但在赋值的时候,不要自己随便new一个Version,而是使用System.Net.HttpVersion进行赋值,参考JobContext的构造函数。目前支持的值有Version10和Version11,分别对应HTTP 1.0和HTTP 1.1。
- Request.Timeout与Request.ReadWriteTimeout的区别在于:Timeout是用来限制GetResponse和GetRequestStream的超时时间,通俗点理解就是Timeout是单次采集的整体(包括Socket.Connect()、Request和Response、读写流)超时时间,默认值是100秒,通常我们会把这个时间设置的短一点,比如5~8秒,但需要注意的是,MSDN上说它只对同步操作有效,异步操作是不起作用的,所以,JobContext中的初始值并没有修改,还是保留了原来的初始值,如果你的小虫子是同步方式工作的,那么就需要注意它们的意义了;ReadWriteTimeout则是限制实际数据流读写操作的时间,同理,也是同步有效,异步无效。
- Request.ContinueTimeout:这个属性是在Framework 4.5加入的,它表示在接收到 100-Continue 之前要等待的超时(以毫秒为单位),如果在超时过期之前接收到 100-Continue 响应,则可以发送实体正文。如果我们配置了Request.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = true,这个timeout就会起作用。因为100Continue的报文很小,所以这个超时的默认时间也很短,仅为350毫秒。这也算是Http协议的优化吧,本节结尾会贴一小段100Continue的报文,让大家有个直观的赶脚:)
- 还有示例中没有列举的其他属性,包括在新版本中加入的属性,大家可以参考MSDN文档的相关主题。也可以直接在VS中跳转到HttpWebRequest的定义,了解您当前版本适用的属性、方法。
GetResponse(JobContext context)方法:
另外就是附上说好的100 Continue报文:(通过Wireshark捕获)
[Code 2.1.5]
- >>> 1. 发送HTTP报头,包含Expect: 100-continue ----------------------------------------------
- POST /xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.ashx HTTP/1.1
- Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- encode_key: Ha1P29PAhyzRRmBiBkTJ6Q==
- Host:
- Content-Length: 480
- Expect: 100-continue
- Connection: Keep-Alive
- <<< 2. 收到100Continue ----------------------------------------------
- HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
- Content-Length: 0
- Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2019 01:27:18 GMT
- Server: WebSphere Application Server/8.0
- >>> 3. 发送请求的数据实体 ----------------------------------------------
- LloRmU0xleMjr8VibuqgDUvL9++cFpBDwtRt89fbWw2UsHjS1+cCPVmn0t9y4NysUZXAYIAlS5odowFdI/h5HAsSNk7jjaVsEK9dFseNfN+TaIIlwagFwvEEZ6tjZ0pF90hmq90iiHzH5ylDjuSfC3OJUpPrDEfAogcq/nRe8TwVRtVVSZ20RH5o0hDc/ibMSOBI/qVW+c1Ala2xfknQHi5RRGXSd3NauL9Bd0Oxk4lDIbGcWxVByoU9oZCeB8in4KdbjQtiHebigTRNiyS6lglZXY482ArxRq2Gourld/9F/gFhSCExiiBGkfwy6nzmdB66/JxBk4GYiO9fEfjamQAt3hPs8cE7zEDnPN25dVvpwhP66e3c81aUigOi6+P6634CyoSjMqyivy5p9SJsdFLeZueqH7QhZUAkR4+o4lyHVcdfs2FXlZnl23AWyBEMlcrwwzuGEYzLJqzkoxWVJ9KJP5qRbjQM
- <<< 4. 收到 Response ----------------------------------------------
- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- Content-Language: zh-CN
- Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=0000Hc6wSQjAvFXM1m2GbqKaRSE:-1; Path=/; HttpOnly
- Transfer-Encoding: chunked
- Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2019 01:27:18 GMT
- Server: WebSphere Application Server/8.0
- Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT
- Cache-Control: no-cache="set-cookie, set-cookie2"
- 168
- 1279tozwn5CTZnLt1r2pAYHxJ8HES8K0Sc0yhi5O2Tsk+/uZLPRraJlU9mqe/m6NwKRaWYraQmdz
- oWGsKdAgWFge5tGXlr1mvQCZO4/fWXFxM117snEnBm5bfwB9Zq+NOiF2E3L1WmT2Ooet40WAvMoR
- 3ZznhdI5Fm6gS0H7nLaYeujOlzc/lZWIl29HQHdHbnIWqqxIXbvdb9wXIycgHwAecFNtAWT7iS9H
- BQcqajo5he2h1ehDn/kJns9YMwCWVDQ7iQW/tqqlRzxFhpaAaHQXT+fZK/nhFbomFwdAekz32M6t
- 4qnHFXBsU6ABX50+bCj+QZ/e4t1M6On/nJXyQoytQwfKFJWt
- 0
100 Continue 参考报文
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之前的章节,我们陆续的介绍了使用C#制作爬虫的基础知识,而且现在也应该比较了解如何制作一只简单的Web爬虫了. 本节,我们来做一个完整的爬虫系统,将之前的零散的东西串联起来,可以作为一个爬虫项目运作流 ...
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在上一节中,我们完成了一个简单的采集示例.本节呢,我们先来小结一下,这个示例可能存在的问题: 没有做异常处理 没有做反爬应对策略 没有做重试机制 没有做并发限制 …… 呃,看似平静的表面下还是隐藏着不 ...
- 《C# 爬虫 破境之道》:第二境 爬虫应用 — 第六节:反爬策略研究
之前的章节也略有提及反爬策略,本节,我们就来系统的对反爬.反反爬的种种,做一个了结. 从防盗链说起: 自从论坛兴起的时候,网上就有很多人会在论坛里发布一些很棒的文章,与当下流行的“点赞”“分享”一样, ...
- 《C# 爬虫 破境之道》:第二境 爬虫应用 — 第七节:并发控制与策略
我们在第五节中提到一个问题,任务队列增长速度太快,与之对应的采集.分析.处理速度远远跟不上,造成内存快速增长,带宽占用过高,CPU使用率过高,这样是极度有害系统健康的. 我们在开发采集程序的时候,总是 ...
- 《C# 爬虫 破境之道》:第一境 爬虫原理 — 第六节:第一境尾声
在第一境中,我们主要了解了爬虫的一些基本原理,说原理也行,说基础知识也罢,结果就是已经知道一个小爬虫是如何诞生的了~那么现在,请默默回想一下,在第一境中,您都掌握了哪些内容?哪些还比较模糊?如果还有什 ...
- H3C 衡量路由协议的主要指标
- linux 操作 I/O 端口
在驱动硬件请求了在它的活动中需要使用的 I/O 端口范围之后, 它必须读且/或写到这些 端口. 为此, 大部分硬件区别 8-位, 16-位, 和 32-位端口. 常常你无法混合它们, 象你 正常使 ...
- C# 性能分析 反射 VS 配置文件 VS 预编译
本文分析在 C# 中使用反射和配置文件和预编译做注入的性能,本文的数据是为预编译框架,开发高性能应用 - 课程 - 微软技术暨生态大会 2018 - walterlv提供 本文通过代码生成工具,使用C ...
- Linux 内核PCI去除一个设备
一个 PCI 可用多个不同的方法被从系统中去除. 所有的 card-bus 设备在一个不同的物 理因素上是真正的 PCI 设备, 并且内核 PCI 核心不区分它们. 允许在机器运行时加减 PCI 设备 ...
- 【35.53%】【POJ 2912】Rochambeau
Time Limit: 5000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 2837 Accepted: 1008 Description N childre ...
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题面: You are given a 3D grid, which has dimensions X, Y and Z. Each of the X x Y x Z cells contains a ...
- 【NOIP模拟赛】【数学】完全平方数
问题描述 一个数如果是另一个整数的完全平方,那么我们就称这个数为完全平方数(Pefect Sqaure),也称平方数. 小A认为所有的平方数都是很perfect的~ 于是他给了小B一个任务:用任意个不 ...
- FreeNOS学习3——了解目录结构和Main函数
下载源码的文件夹,看到里面有以下内容: 解释一下里面都有啥 lib -> 共享代码 1.libfs 文件系统(磁盘管理) 2.liballoc 内存分配和虚拟内存映射(内存管理) 3.libex ...
- acwing 102 -利用二分枚举区间平均值
我真的是服了,看了一晚上发现居然,,,,, 上图吧,话说有人评论没... 对于结果来说,不一定要枚举有序数列,感觉这是一种猜结果的方法,只不过特别精确,令人发指 #include<cstdio& ...
- 【题解】P2521 [HAOI2011]防线修建(动态凸包)
[题解]P2521 [HAOI2011]防线修建(动态凸包) 凸包是易插入不好删除的东西,按照剧情所以我们时光倒流 然后问题就是维护凸包的周长,支持加入 本来很简单,但是计算几何就是一些小地方经验不足 ...