
springboot 创建web项目只需要引入对应的web-starter,自己定义好moudel层,再采用相应的模版引擎技术(view层)就可以将数据渲染到模版中,从而生成一个单体的web应用!那这些视图是如何解析的呢?最常用的模版引擎语法有哪些呢?







SpringMVC 整个 SSM 都是基于它的,所以我们第一步应该去研究 SpringBoot 关于Mvc的自动配置!

  • 1、所有mvc相关的配置都在 WebMvcAutoConfiguration (视图解析器、静态资源过滤!)
  • 2、addResourceHandlers 静态资源处理方法
  1. @Override
  2. public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
  3. //禁用默认规则的一个配置,如果你手动的添加了资源映射路径的配置,那么这些自动配置就会直接失效!
  4. if (!this.resourceProperties.isAddMappings()) {
  5. logger.debug("Default resource handling disabled");
  6. return;
  7. }
  8. // 缓存控制
  9. Duration cachePeriod = this.resourceProperties.getCache().getPeriod();
  10. CacheControl cacheControl = this.resourceProperties.getCache().getCachecontrol().toHttpCacheControl();
  11. // 分析源代码,需要掌握看对象的方法调用!
  12. // localhost:8080/webjars/jquery.js
  13. // 判断是否存在一个映射路径 /webjars/**,
  14. // addResourceHandler 处理逻辑 /webjars/a.js
  15. // addResourceLocations 处理资源的地址 classpath:/META-INF/resources/webjars/a.js
  16. if (!registry.hasMappingForPattern("/webjars/**")) {
  17. customizeResourceHandlerRegistration(registry.addResourceHandler("/webjars/**")
  18. .addResourceLocations("classpath:/META-INF/resources/webjars/")
  19. .setCachePeriod(getSeconds(cachePeriod)).setCacheControl(cacheControl));
  20. }
  21. // 获取静态资源路径!
  22. String staticPathPattern = this.mvcProperties.getStaticPathPattern(); // localhost:8080/
  23. // 如果访问映射的路径是 staticPathPattern = "/**";
  24. // this.resourceProperties.getStaticLocations())
  25. if (!registry.hasMappingForPattern(staticPathPattern)) {
  26. customizeResourceHandlerRegistration(registry.addResourceHandler("/**")
  27. .addResourceLocations(getResourceLocations(this.resourceProperties.getStaticLocations()))
  28. .setCachePeriod(getSeconds(cachePeriod)).setCacheControl(cacheControl)); }
  29. }
  30. // 对应的资源加载先后顺序 优先级:META-INF > resources > static > public
  31. // 对于怎么验证这个优先级,可以建对于的文件加,放些静态资源,页面直接访问测试
  32. private static final String[] CLASSPATH_RESOURCE_LOCATIONS =
  33. {
  34. "classpath:/META-INF/resources/",
  35. "classpath:/resources/",
  36. "classpath:/static/",
  37. "classpath:/public/"
  38. };



什么是 webjars?




  1. <dependency>
  2. <groupId>org.webjars</groupId>
  3. <artifactId>jquery</artifactId>
  4. <version>3.4.1</version>
  5. </dependency>



很明显,这样是可以直接访问的。那这些可以常用的框架等静态资源我们可以这样引入,我们自定义的东西例如css 图片等该如何使用呢?


  1. private static final String[] CLASSPATH_RESOURCE_LOCATIONS =
  2. {
  3. "classpath:/META-INF/resources/", // 在 starter 中使用! SWAGGER-UI
  4. "classpath:/resources/", // 文件资源
  5. "classpath:/static/", // 静态资源
  6. "classpath:/public/" // 公共的,图标......
  7. };


  1. # 一旦自己配置了 那么默认的就会失效
  2. spring.resources.static-locations=xxx



  1. <dependency>
  2. <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>
  3. <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf</artifactId>
  4. </dependency>


  1. @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.thymeleaf") public class ThymeleafProperties {
  2. private static final Charset DEFAULT_ENCODING = StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
  3. public static final String DEFAULT_PREFIX = "classpath:/templates/";
  4. public static final String DEFAULT_SUFFIX = ".html";
  5. ...省略
  6. }





  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html lang="en">
  3. <head>
  4. <meta charset="UTF-8">
  5. <title>Title</title>
  6. </head>
  7. <body>
  8. <p>hello,thymeleaf!</p>
  9. </body>
  10. </html>


  1. package com.blog.controller;
  2. import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
  3. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
  4. @Controller
  5. public class IndexController {
  6. @GetMapping(value = "/test")
  7. public String test(){
  8. return "test";
  9. }
  10. }





Variable Expressions: ${...} 获取一些基本的变量值! OGNL;

  1. 对象的属性,调用方法
  2. 使用内置的基本对象
  1. ${#ctx.locale}
  2. ${param.foo}
  3. ${session.foo}
  4. ${application.foo}
  5. ${#request.getAttribute('foo')}
  6. ${#servletContext.contextPath}
  1. 工具对象
  1. ${#messages.msg('msgKey')}
  2. ${#uris.escapePath(uri)}
  3. ${#conversions.convert(object, 'java.util.TimeZone')}
  4. ${#dates.format(date, 'dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm')}
  5. ${#calendars.format(cal)}
  6. ${#numbers.formatInteger(num,3)}
  7. ${#strings.toString(obj)}
  8. ${#arrays.toArray(object)}
  9. .....


  1. Selection Variable Expressions: *{...} 选择表达式,和 ${} 是一样的;
  2. Message Expressions: #{...} 国际化内容获取!
  3. Link URL Expressions: @{...} URL表达式;th:href=“@{/login}”
  4. Fragment Expressions: ~{...} 组件化表达式;
  5. Literals (字面量);
  6. Text literals: 'one text' , 'Another one!' ,... (字符串)
  7. Number literals: 0 , 34 , 3.0 , 12.3 ,...
  8. Boolean literals: true , false
  9. Null literal: null
  10. Literal tokens: one , sometext , main ,...
  11. Text operations: (文本操作)
  12. String concatenation: +
  13. Literal substitutions: |The name is ${name}| Arithmetic operations: (数学运算)
  14. Binary operators: + , - , * , / , %
  15. Minus sign (unary operator): -
  16. Boolean operations: (布尔运算)
  17. Binary operators: and , or
  18. Boolean negation (unary operator): ! , not
  19. Comparisons and equality: (比较运算)
  20. Comparators: > , < , >= , <= ( gt , lt , ge , le )
  21. Equality operators: == , != ( eq , ne )
  22. Conditional operators: (条件运算符)
  23. If-then: (if) ? (then)
  24. If-then-else: (if) ? (then) : (else)
  25. Default: (value) ?: (defaultvalue)
  26. Special tokens:
  27. Page 17 of 104**No-Operation:** _

springmvc 启动配置原理



找到对应的Spring MVC Auto-configuration


  1. Spring MVC Auto-configuration
  2. // SpringBoot为SpringMVC 提供提供了自动配置,他可以很多好的工作于大多数的应用!
  3. Spring Boot provides auto-configuration for Spring MVC that works well with most applications.
  4. // 自动配置在Spring默认配置的基础上添加了以下功能:
  5. The auto-configuration adds the following features on top of Springs defaults: // 包含视图解析器
  6. Inclusion of ContentNegotiatingViewResolver and BeanNameViewResolver beans.
  7. // 支持静态资源文件的路径吗,包含webjar的支持
  8. Support for serving static resources, including support for WebJars (covered later in this document)).
  9. // 自动注册了转换器
  10. // 转换器 网页提交的前端对象,到后台自动封装为具体的对象;"1" 自动转换为 数字 1; // 格式化器Formatter 【2020-03-18 后台可以自动封装为Date】
  11. Automatic registration of Converter, GenericConverter, and Formatter beans. // 支持消息转换
  12. // request、response,对象自动转换为 json对象
  13. Support for HttpMessageConverters (covered later in this document).
  14. // 定错代码生成规则
  15. Automatic registration of MessageCodesResolver (covered later in this document). // 支持首页定制
  16. Static index.html support.
  17. // 支持自定义图标
  18. Custom Favicon support (covered later in this document).
  19. //配置web数据绑定
  20. Automatic use of a ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer bean (covered later in this document).
  21. // 如果你希望保持 Spring Boot MVC 一些功能,并且希望添加一些其他的 MVC配置(拦截器、格式化 器、视图控制器、或其他的配置),你可以添加自己的配置类 (类型为WebMvcConfigurer) 需要添加注 解@Configuration ,一定不能拥有注解@EnableWebMvc.
  22. If you want to keep those Spring Boot MVC customizations and make more MVC customizations (interceptors, formatters, view controllers, and other features), you can add your own @Configuration class of type WebMvcConfigurer but without @EnableWebMvc.
  23. //如果要提供RequestMappingHandlerMapping、RequestMappingHandlerAdapter或ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver的自定义实例,并且仍然保留Spring Boot MVC自定义,则可以声明WebMVCregistration类型的bean,并使用它来提供这些组件的自定义实例
  24. If you want to provide custom instances of RequestMappingHandlerMapping, RequestMappingHandlerAdapter, or ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver, and still keep the Spring Boot MVC customizations, you can declare a bean of type WebMvcRegistrations and use it to provide custom instances of those components.
  25. // 全面接管Spring MVC,自己配置配置类的时候加上 @EnableWebMvc即可!
  26. If you want to take complete control of Spring MVC, you can add your own @Configuration annotated with @EnableWebMvc, or alternatively add your own @Configuration-annotated DelegatingWebMvcConfiguration as described in the Javadoc of @EnableWebMvc.



  1. // 如果这个bean不存在,这个类才生效!~
  2. @ConditionalOnMissingBean(WebMvcConfigurationSupport.class)
  3. // @EnableWebMvc 源码
  4. @Import(DelegatingWebMvcConfiguration.class)
  5. public @interface EnableWebMvc
  6. // 点进DelegatingWebMvcConfiguration继承了WebMvcConfigurationSupport
  7. public class DelegatingWebMvcConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport
  8. //其实 @EnableWebMvc 就是导入了一个类 WebMvcConfigurationSupport ,但是源码中,一旦导入了 这个类,我们自动配置类就会全部失效!
  9. //如果我们要扩展springmvc
  10. //扩展mvc的方法:
  11. //1、编写一个自己的config配置类
  12. //2、实现一个接口WebMvcConfigurer
  13. //3、重写里面的方法即可!
  14. //@Configuration
  15. //public class MyMvcConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
  16. //}



  1. @Bean
  2. @ConditionalOnBean(ViewResolver.class) // 自动配置了 ViewResolver,就是SpringMVC中的视图解析器
  3. @ConditionalOnMissingBean(name = "viewResolver", value = ContentNegotiatingViewResolver.class)
  4. public ContentNegotiatingViewResolver viewResolver(BeanFactory beanFactory) {
  5. ContentNegotiatingViewResolver resolver = new
  6. ContentNegotiatingViewResolver();
  7. resolver.setContentNegotiationManager(beanFactory.getBean(ContentNegotiationMan ager.class));
  8. // ContentNegotiatingViewResolver uses all the other view resolvers to ocate
  9. // a view so it should have a high precedence
  10. // ContentNegotiatingViewResolver 使用其他所有的视图解析器定位视图,因此它应该具有一 个高的优先级!
  11. resolver.setOrder(Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE);
  12. return resolver;
  13. }



  1. @Override
  2. @Nullable // 参数可以为空
  3. public View resolveViewName(String viewName, Locale locale) throws Exception {
  4. RequestAttributes attrs = RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes();
  5. Assert.state(attrs instanceof ServletRequestAttributes, "No current ServletRequestAttributes");
  6. List<MediaType> requestedMediaTypes = getMediaTypes(((ServletRequestAttributes) attrs).getRequest());
  7. if (requestedMediaTypes != null) {
  8. // 获取所有候选的视图!
  9. List<View> candidateViews = getCandidateViews(viewName, locale,
  10. requestedMediaTypes); // 获取最好的视图
  11. View bestView = getBestView(candidateViews, requestedMediaTypes, attrs); // 返回最好的视图
  12. if (bestView != null) {
  13. return bestView;
  14. }
  15. }
  16. String mediaTypeInfo = logger.isDebugEnabled() && requestedMediaTypes != null ? " given " + requestedMediaTypes.toString() : "";
  17. if (this.useNotAcceptableStatusCode) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
  18. logger.debug("Using 406 NOT_ACCEPTABLE" + mediaTypeInfo); }
  20. }
  21. else {
  22. logger.debug("View remains unresolved" + mediaTypeInfo); return null;
  23. }
  24. }

既然他是从容器中加载所有的视图解析器,那么我们可以猜想,我们自己写一个视图解析器,也可以被 扫描并加载!

  1. // 自己写一个 bean
  2. @Bean
  3. public ViewResolver myViewResolver(){
  4. return new MyViewResolver();
  5. }
  6. private static class MyViewResolver implements ViewResolver{
  7. @Override
  8. public View resolveViewName(String viewName, Locale locale) throws Exception{
  9. return null;
  10. }
  11. }







  • 添加依赖
  1. <dependency>
  2. <groupId>org.flywaydb</groupId>
  3. <artifactId>flyway-core</artifactId>
  4. </dependency>
  • 配置
  1. # 默认不开启flyway
  2. spring.flyway.enabled=false
  3. spring.flyway.baseline-on-migrate=true
  4. # flyway字符编码
  5. spring.flyway.encoding=UTF-8
  6. # flyway文件位置
  7. spring.flyway.locations=classpath:db/migration
  8. # ִV1__xxx.sql v开头默认执行一次
  9. # R1__xxx 开头的脚本则会在项目启动时每次都会清除表后执行
  10. spring.flyway.clean-disabled=false
  11. # flyway 历史记录表
  12. spring.flyway.table=flyway_schema_history
  • 新建文件夹

如下图 resource 新增脚本文件(按图所示目录新建,不然无法生成)启动项目可以看到数据库中出现对应的flyway_schema_history表还有按脚本生成的表和数据,flyway_schema_history表中记录的脚本的变更历史

小结:至此我们完成SpringBoot web 项目的搭建,以及thymeleaf 模板的集成和数据库版本管理插件的集成。

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