windows  CONFIG SET protected-mode no报错说redis受保护模式,redis使用的是Redis-x64-3.2.100,参考博文说是redis3.2之后加入的特性,只能本地连接,需要关闭掉,重启redis。



port 7000
loglevel notice
logfile "D:/Redis_dir/Logs/redis7000_log.txt"
appendonly yes
appendfilename "appendonly.7000.aof"
cluster-enabled yes
cluster-config-file nodes.7000.conf
cluster-node-timeout 15000
cluster-slave-validity-factor 10
cluster-migration-barrier 1
cluster-require-full-coverage yes # 加入以下两行
protected-mode no
daemonize no




  期间遇到:Creating Server TCP listening socket bind: No error 参考博友方法执行解决了问题:



  This service uses the default config and binds to port 6379. When you start redis-server from the command line, if you haven't specified a different port through a config file, it picks up the default config again and tries to bind to port 6379 which fails.

  Your cli works because it connects to the redis service that's already listening on 6379. Your shutdown command stops the service and from there things work as expected. Mystery solved. Case closed.


  windows  CONFIG SET protected-mode no问题解决了,Jstorm配置了redis,启动监听显示读取了配置,执行task没有读取到,报错:redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Could not get a resource from the pool,参考各位大神暂时还未解决,持续更新......



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