If an activity resumes, or if you resume it, it startsagain after a pause.


Normal services will be resumed in the spring.春天将恢复正常服务。

An issue of shares is a time when a company gives people the chance to buy part of it or gives extra shares to people who already own some.


If one person or animal transmits a disease to another, they have the disease and cause the other person or animal to have it.

...mosquitoes that transmit disease to humans...


PHRASE 由于;为了;因为…的缘故If you do something for the sake of something, you do it for that purpose or in order to achieve that result. You can also say that you do it for something's sake .

Let's assume for the sake of argument that we manage to build a satisfactory database...


VERB (形势、规定或法律)强迫,迫使If you are obliged to do something, a situation, rule, or law makes it necessary for you to do that thing.

The storm got worse and worse. Finally, I was obliged to abandon the car and continue on foot...


Suddenly she was rich beyond her wildest dreams.她突然出乎意料地发了大财。

N-COUNT (态度、观点或说法的)重复,附和An echo is an expression of an attitude, opinion, or statement which has already been expressed.

I hear an echo of the thinking that got us into this mess in the first place...


Political attacks work only if they find an echo with voters.


N-UNCOUNT (电视、广播节目的)播送,播放The transmission of television or radio programmes is the broadcasting of them.

ADJ-GRADED 广大的;巨大的If you describe something as immense, you mean that it is extremely large or great.

...an immense cloud of smoke...


DJ (观点等)一致的,吻合的,不矛盾的If one fact or idea is consistent with another, they do not contradict each other.

This result is consistent with the findings of Garnett & Tobin...


Please convey our condolences to the family.请向家人转达我们的哀思。

VERB 吹嘘;炫耀;夸耀If someone boasts about something that they have done or that they own, they talk about it very proudly, in a way that other people may find irritating or offensive.

Witnesses said Furci boasted that he took part in killing them...


PHRASE 令…满意If you do something to someone's satisfaction, they are happy with the way that you have done it.

She never could seem to do anything right or to his satisfaction...


VERB (用布)擦干,擦净,擦拭If you rub an object or a surface, you move a cloth backward and forward over it in order to clean or dry it.

She took off her glasses and rubbed them hard...


to put yourself or someone else onto the official list of membersof a coursecollege, or group


Is it too late to enrol at the college?现在去那所大学注册是不是来不及了?

VERB 将…妖魔化;把…想象成魔鬼If people demonize someone, they convince themselves that that person is evil.

Each side began to demonize the other.


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