Oracle推荐在对集群做调整时,比如增加、删除节点之前,应该对OCR做一个备份,可以使用export 备份到指定文件。如果做了replace或restore等操作,Oracle建议使用"cluvfy comp ocr -n all" 命令做一次全面检查。
[oracle@rac3 ~]$ crs_stat -t
Name Type Target State Host
ora....SM1.asm application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora....C3.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora.rac3.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora.rac3.ons application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora.rac3.vip application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora....SM2.asm application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
ora....C4.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
ora.rac4.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
ora.rac4.ons application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
ora.rac4.vip application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
ora.racdb.db application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora....b1.inst application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora....b2.inst application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
ora....rver.cs application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora....db2.srv application ONLINE ONLINE rac3 [root@rac3 bin]# ./crsctl stop crs
Stopping resources.
Successfully stopped CRS resources
Stopping CSSD.
Shutting down CSS daemon.
Shutdown request successfully issued.
[oracle@rac4 ~]$ crs_stat -t
Name Type Target State Host
ora....SM1.asm application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora....C3.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora.rac3.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora.rac3.ons application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora.rac3.vip application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora....SM2.asm application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
ora....C4.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
ora.rac4.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
ora.rac4.ons application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
ora.rac4.vip application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
ora.racdb.db application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora....b1.inst application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora....b2.inst application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
ora....rver.cs application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora....db2.srv application ONLINE ONLINE rac3 [root@rac4 bin]# ./crsctl stop crs
Stopping resources.
Successfully stopped CRS resources
Stopping CSSD.
Shutting down CSS daemon.
Shutdown request successfully issued.
[root@rac4 bin]# ./ocrconfig -export /home/oracle/ocr.exp
[root@rac4 bin]# ll /home/oracle/ocr.exp
-rw-r--r-- root root Jan : /home/oracle/ocr.exp
[root@rac3 bin]# ./crsctl start crs
Attempting to start CRS stack
The CRS stack will be started shortly [root@rac4 bin]# ./crsctl start crs
Attempting to start CRS stack
The CRS stack will be started shortly
[root@rac3 bin]# ./crsctl check crs
CSS appears healthy
CRS appears healthy
EVM appears healthy [root@rac4 bin]# ./crsctl check crs
CSS appears healthy
CRS appears healthy
EVM appears healthy
[root@rac4 bin]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/raw/raw1 bs=1M count=
dd: writing `/dev/raw/raw1': No space left on device
+ records in
+ records out
[root@rac4 bin]# ./ocrcheck
PROT-: Failed to initialize ocrcheck [root@rac3 bin]# ./ocrcheck
PROT-: Failed to initialize ocrcheck
[root@rac3 cluvfy]# pwd
[root@rac3 cluvfy]# ./runcluvfy.sh comp ocr -n all Verifying OCR integrity
Unable to retrieve nodelist from Oracle clusterware. Verification cannot proceed.
[oracle@rac3 ~]$ crs_stat -t --ocr被破坏,集群已经宕掉
CRS-: Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon. [oracle@rac4 ~]$ crs_stat -t
CRS-: Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon.
[root@rac4 bin]# ./ocrconfig -import /home/oracle/ocr.exp
[root@rac4 bin]#
[root@rac4 bin]# ./ocrcheck
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
Version :
Total space (kbytes) :
Used space (kbytes) :
Available space (kbytes) :
ID :
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw1
Device/File integrity check succeeded Device/File not configured Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
[root@rac3 bin]# ./ocrcheck
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
Version :
Total space (kbytes) :
Used space (kbytes) :
Available space (kbytes) :
ID :
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw1
Device/File integrity check succeeded Device/File not configured Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
[oracle@rac3 cluvfy]$ ./runcluvfy.sh comp ocr -n all Verifying OCR integrity Checking OCR integrity... Checking the absence of a non-clustered configuration...
All nodes free of non-clustered, local-only configurations. Uniqueness check for OCR device passed. Checking the version of OCR...
OCR of correct Version "" exists. Checking data integrity of OCR...
Data integrity check for OCR passed. OCR integrity check passed. Verification of OCR integrity was successful.
[root@rac3 bin]# ./crsctl start crs
Attempting to start CRS stack
The CRS stack will be started shortly [root@rac4 bin]# ./crsctl start crs
Attempting to start CRS stack
The CRS stack will be started shortly
[oracle@rac4 ~]$ crs_stat -t
Name Type Target State Host
ora....SM1.asm application ONLINE OFFLINE
ora....C3.lsnr application ONLINE OFFLINE
ora.rac3.gsd application ONLINE OFFLINE
ora.rac3.ons application ONLINE OFFLINE
ora.rac3.vip application ONLINE OFFLINE
ora....SM2.asm application ONLINE OFFLINE
ora....C4.lsnr application ONLINE OFFLINE
ora.rac4.gsd application ONLINE OFFLINE
ora.rac4.ons application ONLINE OFFLINE
ora.rac4.vip application ONLINE OFFLINE
ora.racdb.db application ONLINE OFFLINE
ora....b1.inst application ONLINE OFFLINE
ora....b2.inst application ONLINE OFFLINE
ora....rver.cs application ONLINE OFFLINE
ora....db2.srv application ONLINE OFFLINE
[root@rac3 bin]# ./crsctl check crs
CSS appears healthy
CRS appears healthy
EVM appears healthy [root@rac4 bin]# ./crsctl check crs
CSS appears healthy
CRS appears healthy
EVM appears healthy
[root@rac3 bin]# ./ocrconfig -showbackup rac4 // :: /opt/ora10g/product/10.2./crs_1/cdata/crs rac3 // :: /opt/ora10g/product/10.2./crs_1/cdata/crs rac3 // :: /opt/ora10g/product/10.2./crs_1/cdata/crs rac4 // :: /opt/ora10g/product/10.2./crs_1/cdata/crs rac4 // :: /opt/ora10g/product/10.2./crs_1/cdata/crs
更改备份位置 ocrconfig -backuploc /oracle/backup/ocr
[root@rac3 bin]# ./ocrconfig -export /home/oracle/ocr.bak2 -s online
[root@rac3 bin]#
[root@rac3 bin]# ./ocrcheck
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
Version :
Total space (kbytes) :
Used space (kbytes) :
Available space (kbytes) :
ID :
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw1
Device/File integrity check succeeded Device/File not configured Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
输出显示当前只有一个Primary OCR,位于 /dev/raw/raw1,没有Mirror OCR
[root@rac3 bin]# ./ocrconfig -replace ocr /dev/raw/raw8
PROT-: Internal Error
4.添加一个Mirror OCR
[root@rac3 bin]# ./ocrconfig -replace ocrmirror /dev/raw/raw7
[root@rac3 bin]#
[root@rac3 bin]# ./ocrcheck
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
Version :
Total space (kbytes) :
Used space (kbytes) :
Available space (kbytes) :
ID :
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw1
Device/File integrity check succeeded
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw7 --新添加的Mirror OCR
Device/File integrity check succeeded Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
现在有两个OCR了,可以修改原来的Primary OCR了
6.修改Primary OCR为/dev/raw/raw8
[root@rac3 bin]# ./ocrconfig -replace ocr /dev/raw/raw8
[root@rac3 bin]#
[root@rac3 bin]# ./ocrcheck
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
Version :
Total space (kbytes) :
Used space (kbytes) :
Available space (kbytes) :
ID :
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw8 --Primary OCR改变了
Device/File integrity check succeeded
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw7
Device/File integrity check succeeded Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
[root@rac4 bin]# ./ocrcheck
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
Version :
Total space (kbytes) :
Used space (kbytes) :
Available space (kbytes) :
ID :
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw8
Device/File integrity check succeeded
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw7
Device/File integrity check succeeded Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
9.使用ocrconfig -replace命令后,所有节点上的/etc/oracle/ocr.loc文件内容也都自动同步了,
[root@rac4 bin]# more /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
#Device/file /dev/raw/raw1 getting replaced by device /dev/raw/raw8
三,解决PROT-22: Storage too small错误
现在我想改回原来的Primary OCR
[root@rac3 bin]# ./ocrconfig -replace ocr /dev/raw/raw1
PROT-: Storage too small
查询metalink发现,这是一个10.2.0.1上的bug,要求ocrmirror设备的大小要比原始ocr设备大128M,详细描述可以参考:ID 317628.1。
那如何更改过来???? 可参考 http://blog.itpub.net/14284241/viewspace-442842/
[root@rac3 bin]# ./ocrcheck
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
Version :
Total space (kbytes) :
Used space (kbytes) :
Available space (kbytes) :
ID :
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw8
Device/File integrity check succeeded
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw7
Device/File integrity check succeeded Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
[root@rac3 bin]# ./ocrconfig -export /home/oracle/ocr.bak3 -s online
[root@rac3 bin]#
[root@rac3 bin]# ./crsctl stop crs
Stopping resources.
Successfully stopped CRS resources
Stopping CSSD.
Shutting down CSS daemon.
Shutdown request successfully issued. [root@rac4 bin]# ./crsctl stop crs
Stopping resources.
Error while stopping resources. Possible cause: CRSD is down.
Stopping CSSD.
Shutting down CSS daemon.
Shutdown request successfully issued.
[root@rac3 bin]# more /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
#Device/file /dev/raw/raw1 getting replaced by device /dev/raw/raw8
[root@rac3 bin]# vi /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
[root@rac3 bin]# more /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
#Device/file /dev/raw/raw1 getting replaced by device /dev/raw/raw8
local_only=false [root@rac4 bin]# more /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
#Device/file /dev/raw/raw1 getting replaced by device /dev/raw/raw8
[root@rac4 bin]# vi /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
[root@rac4 bin]# more /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
#Device/file /dev/raw/raw1 getting replaced by device /dev/raw/raw8
[root@rac3 bin]# ./ocrcheck
PROT-: Failed to initialize ocrcheck
[root@rac3 bin]# ./ocrconfig -import /home/oracle/ocr.bak3
[root@rac3 bin]# ./ocrcheck
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
Version :
Total space (kbytes) :
Used space (kbytes) :
Available space (kbytes) :
ID :
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw1
Device/File integrity check succeeded Device/File not configured Cluster registry integrity check succeeded [root@rac4 bin]# ./ocrcheck
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
Version :
Total space (kbytes) :
Used space (kbytes) :
Available space (kbytes) :
ID :
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw1
Device/File integrity check succeeded Device/File not configured Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
[root@rac3 bin]# ./crsctl start crs
Attempting to start CRS stack
The CRS stack will be started shortly [root@rac4 bin]# ./crsctl start crs
Attempting to start CRS stack
The CRS stack will be started shortly
[oracle@rac3 ~]$ crs_stat -t
Name Type Target State Host
ora....SM1.asm application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora....C3.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora.rac3.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora.rac3.ons application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora.rac3.vip application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora....SM2.asm application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
ora....C4.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
ora.rac4.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
ora.rac4.ons application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
ora.rac4.vip application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
ora.racdb.db application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
ora....b1.inst application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora....b2.inst application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
ora....rver.cs application ONLINE ONLINE rac3
ora....db2.srv application ONLINE ONLINE rac4
[root@rac3 bin]# ./crsctl check crs
CSS appears healthy
CRS appears healthy
EVM appears healthy [root@rac4 bin]# ./crsctl check crs
CSS appears healthy
CRS appears healthy
EVM appears healthy
--本文章 部分参考张晓明<<大话Oracle RAC>>及其他
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