
Generated and default property values


The database sometimes generates a property value, usually when you insert a row for the first time.


Examples of database-generated values are a creation timestamp, a default price for an item, and a trigger that runs for every modification.


Typically, Hibernate applications need to refresh instances that contain any properties for which the database generates values, after saving.


This means you would have to make another round trip to the database to read the value after inserting or updating a row.


Marking properties as generated, however, lets the application delegate this responsibility to Hibernate.


Essentially, whenever Hibernate issues an SQL INSERT or UPDATE for an entity that has declared generated properties, it does a SELECT immediately afterward to retrieve the generated values.


You mark generated properties with the @org.hibernate.annotations.Generated annotation.


Listing 5.4 Database-generated property values

代码清单5.4 数据库生成的属性值展示

  1. @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)
  2. @Column(insertable = false, updatable = false)
  3. @org.hibernate.annotations.Generated(
  4. org.hibernate.annotations.GenerationTime.ALWAYS
  5. )
  6. protected Date lastModified;
  7. @Column(insertable = false)
  8. @org.hibernate.annotations.ColumnDefault("1.00")
  9. @org.hibernate.annotations.Generated(
  10. org.hibernate.annotations.GenerationTime.INSERT
  11. )
  12. protected BigDecimal initialPrice;

Available settings for GenerationTime are ALWAYS and INSERT.

With ALWAYS, Hibernate refreshes the entity instance after every SQL UPDATE or INSERT.

当使用ALWAYS的时候,Hibernate每次执行SQL UPADATE或者INSERT插入的时候就会刷新实体。

The example assumes that a database trigger will keep the lastModified property current.


The property should also be marked read-only, with the updatable and insertable parameters of @Column.


both are set to false, the property’s column(s) never appear in the
INSERT or UPDATE statements, and you let the database generate the


With GenerationTime.INSERT, refreshing only occurs after an SQL INSERT, to retrieve the default value provided by the database.

使用GenerationTime.INSERT,只会在SQL INSERT的时候出现,来获取数据库的默认值。

Hibernate also maps the property as not insertable. hibernate也会映射为属性不可插入。

@ColumnDefault Hibernate annotation sets the default value of the
column when Hibernate exports and generates the SQL schema DDL.

@ColumnDefault属性注解,设置列表的默认属性,当hibernate导出和生成SQL schenma DDL的时候。

are frequently automatically generated values, either by the
database,as in the previous example, or by the application. Let’s have a
closer look at the @Temporal annotation you saw in listing 5.4.


lastModified property of the last example was of type java.util.Date,
and a database trigger on SQL INSERT generated its value.

在、上个例子的java.utia.Date类型中的 lastModifiied属性和数据库的SQL INSERT触发器产生值。

The JPA specification requires that you annotate temporal properties with @Temporal to declare the accuracy of the
SQL data type of the mapped column.


The Java temporal types are java.util.Date,java.util.Calendar, java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, and java.sql.Timestamp.

java类型有如下java.util.Date,java.util.Calendar, java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, and java.sql.Timestamp。

also supports the classes of the java.time package available in JDK 8.
(Actually, the annotation isn’t required if a converter is applied or
applicable for the property.You’ll see converters again later in this chapter.)


next listing shows a JPA-compliant example: a typical “this item was
created on” timestamp property that is saved once but never updated.

下一个代码清单展示一个JPA的兼容性例子。一个典型的 被创建于字段 一次保存的时候创建不被更新。

  1. @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)
  2. @Column(updatable = false)
  3. @org.hibernate.annotations.CreationTimestamp
  4. protected Date createdOn;
  5. // Java 8 API
  6. // protected Instant reviewedOn;




  1. @Entity
  2. @Table(name="RS_SIGNUPUSER")
  3. public class RsSignUpUser {
  4. @Id
  5. @GenericGenerator(name="UUIDGENERATE",strategy="uuid2")
  6. @GeneratedValue(generator="UUIDGENERATE")
  7. @Column(name="ID",length=36)
  8. private String ID;
  9. @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)
  10. @Column(updatable = false)
  11. @org.hibernate.annotations.CreationTimestamp
  12. private Date CREATETIME;
  13. @Column(name="UPDATETIME")
  14. @org.hibernate.annotations.UpdateTimestamp
  15. @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)
  16. private Date UPDATETIME;



  1. EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
  2. entityManager.getTransaction().begin();
  3. entityManager.persist( new Event( "Our very first event!", new Date() ) );
  4. RsSignUpUser rsuu = new RsSignUpUser();
  5. rsuu.setUSERZYBM("1");
  6. rsuu.setZONECODE("1");
  7. entityManager.persist(rsuu);


  1. entityManager.getTransaction().commit();
  2. entityManager.close();
  3. // now lets pull events from the database and list them
  4. entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
  5. entityManager.getTransaction().begin();
  6. try {
  7. Thread.sleep(1000);
  8. } catch (InterruptedException e) {
  9. // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  10. e.printStackTrace();
  11. }
  12. List<RsSignUpUser> result1 = entityManager.createQuery( "from RsSignUpUser", RsSignUpUser.class ).getResultList();
  13. for ( RsSignUpUser event : result1 ) {
  14. event.setBZ("bb");
  15. }
  16. entityManager.getTransaction().commit();
  17. entityManager.close();




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