电源相关知识—S0、S1(POS)、S2、S3(STR)、 S4、S5、睡眠、休眠、待机
S1 (POS) Standby: All processor caches are flushed, and the CPU(s) stop executing instructions. Power to the CPU(s) and RAM is maintained; RAM is refreshed; devices that do not indicate they must remain on may be powered down. Some newer machines do not support S1; older machines are more likely to support S1 than S3. This state can operate when a card or peripheral does not recognize S3. The most power-hungry of sleep-modes. POS means Power On Standby. S2 Standby: System appears off. The CPU has no power; RAM is refreshed; the system is in a lower power mode than S1. It is not commonly implemented. S3 (STR) Standby: In this state, the CPU has no power, the power supply is in a reduced power mode, main memory (RAM) is still powered, although it is almost the only component that is. Since the state of the operating system and all applications, open documents, etc. lies all in main memory, the user can resume work exactly where they left off the main memory content when the computer comes back from S3 is the same as when it was put into S3. S3 has two advantages over S4; the computer is faster to resume than to reboot, secondly if any running applications (opened documents, etc) have private information in them, this will not be written to the disk. However, disk caches may be flushed to prevent data corruption in case the system doesn't wake up e.g. due to power failure. STR means Save To RAM. In modern operating systems it's called as: Standby in versions of Windows through Windows XP and in some varieties of Linux, Sleep in Windows Vista and Mac OS X.
电源相关知识—S0、S1(POS)、S2、S3(STR)、 S4、S5、睡眠、休眠、待机的更多相关文章
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