作者: 负雪明烛
id: fuxuemingzhu
个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/



In LeetCode Store, there are some kinds of items to sell. Each item has a price.

However, there are some special offers, and a special offer consists of one or more different kinds of items with a sale price.

You are given the each item’s price, a set of special offers, and the number we need to buy for each item. The job is to output the lowest price you have to pay for exactly certain items as given, where you could make optimal use of the special offers.

Each special offer is represented in the form of an array, the last number represents the price you need to pay for this special offer, other numbers represents how many specific items you could get if you buy this offer.

You could use any of special offers as many times as you want.

Example 1:

Input: [2,5], [[3,0,5],[1,2,10]], [3,2]
Output: 14
There are two kinds of items, A and B. Their prices are $2 and $5 respectively.
In special offer 1, you can pay $5 for 3A and 0B
In special offer 2, you can pay $10 for 1A and 2B.
You need to buy 3A and 2B, so you may pay $10 for 1A and 2B (special offer #2), and $4 for 2A.

Example 2:

Input: [2,3,4], [[1,1,0,4],[2,2,1,9]], [1,2,1]
Output: 11
The price of A is $2, and $3 for B, $4 for C.
You may pay $4 for 1A and 1B, and $9 for 2A ,2B and 1C.
You need to buy 1A ,2B and 1C, so you may pay $4 for 1A and 1B (special offer #1), and $3 for 1B, $4 for 1C.
You cannot add more items, though only $9 for 2A ,2B and 1C.


  1. There are at most 6 kinds of items, 100 special offers.
  2. For each item, you need to buy at most 6 of them.
  3. You are not allowed to buy more items than you want, even if that would lower the overall price.









这种做法在remains全部是0的情况下,也会做一次遍历。但是注意不能改成min(remains) > 0的情况下才去继续遍历,因为有一个needs已经为0了的情况下,我们还要确保其他的needs都是0才可以。

我在写下面这个代码的时候,犯了一个大错:计算local_min的时候写成了local_min = min(local_min, spec[-1]) + self.dfs(price, special, remains),这个错误不可饶恕啊!!


class Solution(object):
def shoppingOffers(self, price, special, needs):
:type price: List[int]
:type special: List[List[int]]
:type needs: List[int]
:rtype: int
return self.dfs(price, special, needs) def dfs(self, price, special, needs):
local_min = self.directPurchase(price, needs)
for spec in special:
remains = [needs[j] - spec[j] for j in range(len(needs))]
if min(remains) >= 0:
local_min = min(local_min, spec[-1] + self.dfs(price, special, remains))
return local_min def directPurchase(self, price, needs):
total = 0
for i, need in enumerate(needs):
total += price[i] * need
return total


class Solution(object):
def shoppingOffers(self, price, special, needs):
:type price: List[int]
:type special: List[List[int]]
:type needs: List[int]
:rtype: int
return self.dfs(price, special, needs, {}) def dfs(self, price, special, needs, d):
val = sum(price[i] * needs[i] for i in range(len(needs)))
for spec in special:
remains = [needs[j] - spec[j] for j in range(len(needs))]
if min(remains) >= 0:
val = min(val, d.get(tuple(needs), spec[-1] + self.dfs(price, special, remains, d)))
d[tuple(needs)] = val
return val


class Solution(object):
def shoppingOffers(self, price, special, needs):
:type price: List[int]
:type special: List[List[int]]
:type needs: List[int]
:rtype: int
N = len(needs)
res = sum(p * n for p, n in zip(price, needs))
for sp in special:
if all(sp[i] <= needs[i] for i in range(N)):
remain = [needs[i] - sp[i] for i in range(N)]
if min(remain) >= 0:
res = min(res, sp[-1] + self.shoppingOffers(price, special, remain))
return res



class Solution {
int shoppingOffers(vector<int>& price, vector<vector<int>>& special, vector<int>& needs) {
return helper(price, special, needs, 0);
int helper(vector<int>& price, vector<vector<int>>& special, vector<int>& needs, int start) {
const int N = price.size();
int ans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
ans += price[i] * needs[i];
for (int i = start; i < special.size(); i++) {
auto offer = special[i];
int total = offer.back();
for (int j = 0; j < N; j ++) {
needs[j] -= offer[j];
if (*min_element(needs.begin(), needs.end()) >= 0) {
total += helper(price, special, needs, i);
ans = min(total, ans);
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
needs[j] += offer[j];
return ans;




2018 年 9 月 7 日 —— 中午不睡,下午崩溃
2019 年 3 月 23 日 —— 今天也是元气满满的一天!

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