Direct ByteBuffer是通过JNI在Java虚拟机外的内存中分配了一块(所以即使在运行时通过-Xmx指定了Java虚拟机的最大堆内存,还是可能实例化超出该大小的Direct ByteBuffer),该内存块并不直接由Java虚拟机负责垃圾收集.
ByteBuffer buffer=ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(256);
- 1 /**
- 2 * Allocates a new direct byte buffer.
- 3 *
- 4 * <p> The new buffer's position will be zero, its limit will be its
- 5 * capacity, its mark will be undefined, and each of its elements will be
- 6 * initialized to zero. Whether or not it has a
- 7 * {@link #hasArray </code>backing array<code>} is unspecified.
- 8 *
- 9 * @param capacity The new buffer's capacity, in bytes
- 10 * @return The new byte buffer
- 11 * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the <tt>capacity</tt> is a negative integer
- 12 */
- 13 public static ByteBuffer allocateDirect(int capacity) {
- 14 if (capacity < 0) {
- 15 throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity < 0: " + capacity);
- 16 }
- 17
- 18 DirectByteBuffer.MemoryRef memoryRef = new DirectByteBuffer.MemoryRef(capacity);
- 19 return new DirectByteBuffer(capacity, memoryRef);
- 20 }
- 21 //
- 22 public MemoryRef(int capacity) {
- 23 VMRuntime runtime = VMRuntime.getRuntime();
- 24 buffer = (byte[]) runtime.newNonMovableArray(byte.class, capacity + 7);
- 25 allocatedAddress = runtime.addressOf(buffer);
- 26 // Offset is set to handle the alignment: http://b/16449607
- 27 offset = (int) (((allocatedAddress + 7) & ~(long) 7) - allocatedAddress);
- 28 isAccessible = true;
- 29 isFreed = false;
- 30 }
- DirectByteBuffer.putInt(value);
- 1 //计算写数据的位置
- 2 @Override
- 3 public final ByteBuffer putInt(int x) {
- 4 if (!memoryRef.isAccessible) {
- 5 throw new IllegalStateException("buffer is inaccessible");
- 6 }
- 7 if (isReadOnly) {
- 8 throw new ReadOnlyBufferException();
- 9 }
- 10 putInt(ix(nextPutIndex(SizeOf.INT)), x);
- 11 return this;
- 12 }
- 13 //调用Memory来完成Int数据存储
- 14 private ByteBuffer putInt(long a, int x) {
- 15 Memory.pokeInt(a, x, !nativeByteOrder);
- 16 return this;
- 17 }
- 18
- 19 private long ix(int i) {
- 20 return address + i;
- 21 }
- 22
- 1 public static void pokeInt(long address, int value, boolean swap) {
- 2 if (swap) {
- 3 value = Integer.reverseBytes(value);
- 4 }
- 5 pokeIntNative(address, value);
- 6 }
- 7 //因为最后执行到JNI层.这块就不涉及到字节序的问题
- 8 private static native void pokeIntNative(long address, int value);
当执行 DirectByteBuffer.getInt();都执行了哪些操作
- 1 public int getInt() {
- 2 if (!memoryRef.isAccessible) {
- 3 throw new IllegalStateException("buffer is inaccessible");
- 4 }
- 5 return getInt(ix(nextGetIndex(SizeOf.INT)));
- 6 }
- 7
- 8 //最后执行Memory 的JNI方法
- 9 private int getInt(long a) {
- 10 return Memory.peekInt(a, !nativeByteOrder);
- 11 }
- 12 //Memory 执行的操作
- 13 public static int peekInt(long address, boolean swap) {
- 14 int result = peekIntNative(address);
- 15 if (swap) {
- 16 result = Integer.reverseBytes(result);
- 17 }
- 18 return result;
- 19 }
- 20 private static native int peekIntNative(long address);
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