如果你在更新dotnet core新的类库后运行程序提示如下的错误:

Can not find runtime target for framework '.NETCoreAPP, Version=v1.0' compatible with one of the target runtimes: 'win10-x64, win81-x64, win8-x64, win7-x64'. Possible causes:
        The project has not been restored or restore failed -run 'dotnet restore'
        The project does not list one of 'win10-x64, win81-x64, win7-x64' in the 'runtimes'

解决方法:在项目的 project.json 文件添加以下的节点 重新编译即可:

或者 可以修改
Microsoft.NETCore.App节点的内容如下,Version的版本请对应你的dotnet core版本号
"type":"platform", "version":"1.0.1" }

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