Learn The First Day OF Operation Notes

Python Study Note 1的更多相关文章

  1. #MySQL for Python(MySQLdb) Note

    #MySQL for Python(MySQLdb) Note #切记不要在python中创建表,只做增删改查即可. #步骤:(0)引用库 -->(1)创建连接 -->(2)创建游标 -- ...

  2. Python Function Note

    Python Function Note #汉诺塔问题Python实现 def my_move(n, a, b, c): if n == 1: print(a + ' --> ' + c) el ...

  3. Python Study(02)之 Context Manager

    上下文管理器(context manager)是Python2.5开始支持的一种语法,用于规定某个对象的使用范围.一旦对象进入或者离开该使用范围,会有特殊操作被调用 (比如为对象分配或者释放内存).它 ...

  4. Beginning Scala study note(9) Scala and Java Interoperability

    1. Translating Java Classes to Scala Classes Example 1: # a class declaration in Java public class B ...

  5. Beginning Scala study note(8) Scala Type System

    1. Unified Type System Scala has a unified type system, enclosed by the type Any at the top of the h ...

  6. Beginning Scala study note(7) Trait

    A trait provides code reusability in Scala by encapsulating method and state and then offing possibi ...

  7. Beginning Scala study note(6) Scala Collections

    Scala's object-oriented collections support mutable and immutable type hierarchies. Also support fun ...

  8. Beginning Scala study note(5) Pattern Matching

    The basic functional cornerstones of Scala: immutable data types, passing of functions as parameters ...

  9. Beginning Scala study note(4) Functional Programming in Scala

    1. Functional programming treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical and avoids state and ...


  1. 【LeetCode】498. Diagonal Traverse 解题报告(Python)

    [LeetCode]498. Diagonal Traverse 解题报告(Python) 标签(空格分隔): LeetCode 作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: htt ...

  2. anaconda安装PIL

    PIL仅支持到python2.7: Pillow支持Python 3.x: conda install pillow 参考文献: 使用anaconda安装python3版本的PIL_不行不至-CSDN ...

  3. Java实习生常规技术面试题每日十题Java基础(四)

    目录 1.String 和StringBuffer的区别. 2.数组有没有length()这个方法? String有没有length()这个方法? 3.final, finally, finalize ...

  4. Android开发案例 点击按钮出现 简易的消息提示框

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android=&quo ...

  5. Unity——卡通渲染实现

    效果展示: 原模型: 一.简单分析 卡通渲染又叫非真实渲染(None-Physical Rendering-NPR),一般日漫里的卡通风格有几个特点: 1.人物有描边 2.有明显的阴影分界线,没有太平 ...

  6. PostgreSQL相关知识概念

    本文主要介绍PostgreSQL数据库的一些重要知识点, 包括数据库.模式.表空间.用户/角色等概念和关系, 帮助用户理解PostgreSQL数据库的重要概念, 从而能够更好的使用PostgreSQL ...

  7. MATLAB 右键该文件不存在或者SIMULINK打开后仿真器件报错

    错误示例: 提示是否创建文件 并且会提示某某模块或者某某文件未找到not found 原因: .m文件不存在,是因为所打开的文件还并没有添加进matlab的搜索目录,或者是需要.m文件运行后生成的 某 ...

  8. centos6.5搭建LAMP

    实验前准备    (1)service iptables stop   #关闭防火墙       service iptables status   #查看防火墙是否已经关闭       iptabl ...

  9. Lomsat gelral

    题目描述 You are given a rooted tree with root in vertex 11 . Each vertex is coloured in some colour. Le ...

  10. Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256M; support was removed in 8.0

    目录 启动一个Java Standalone程序时报错 解决办法 解释 参考 启动一个Java Standalone程序时报错 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM wa ...