My strength: I am good at problem resolving


In the first year when I come to America I passed the driver license testing, then I planed to go to Redwood National and State Parks and  Highway 1 in California to enjoy the beautify. I did not drive too often before I got the license, and highways and mountain roads were a big challenge for me. Besides, the distance from Seattle to California's Highway 1 is almost 900 miles. It is a challenge to a new driver like me since I am not familiar with the route. Moreover, I need to learn how to book the hotel during the travel.


I read a lot of travel strategy before I set off, and set the detailed driving plan of each day. The plan includes which route could enjoy the most beautiful scenic spots, where to take a break, and how to avoid the morning traffic near the town. And before driving I tried to remember the route in mind especially where to leave the main road.  Then I did not need to  keep glancing the Google map in driving, which could influence the safety.

For the hotel booking I learned how to use Expedia and Booking website to find out the most adaptable hotel. I checked how far from the hotels to the scenic spots, and compared the conditionals and expense during them then select the best one for me.


I was able to see beautiful parts of the country that you might not have seen. My  trip went as planned

I used 2 days to drive from Seattle to Redwood National and State Parks and I was so excited to see the tallest trees on Earth. In the past I just saw them from movie “Rise of the Planet of the Apes”. But when I was at the foot of these real tree, I was still shocked by the redwoods since they are unrealistic and unbelievable magical.

Then I used another 1 day to drive across the California Highway 1. In Monterey Bay I enjoyed the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  Leave Monterey Bay there is Big Sur where I like best. I passed over the Bixby Bridge – one of the tallest single span concrete bridges in the world and one of the most photographed bridges on the West Coast. It’s 714 feet long and 280 feet high. There are many beautiful sights along the Big Sur – Pfeiffer Beach, McWay Falls, Point Sur State Historic Park, Ragged Point.

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