It is only when you are pursued that you become swift.


It is so bad a feeling when there is no clear goal.

Sometimes I often find nothing to do but I know there are so many things need to be done.

So, try to list every step that leads to the great goal, and set some deadlines for every task.

Make sure that every task can be finished before the deadline.

Don't wait for inspiration. It comes while one is working.


From Henri Martisse.

Time is limited, and life is scary.

One day we wake up feeling like we can take over the world, and the next day we wake up feeling like all we want to do is to lay in bed and hide from everything.

Sometimes people walk into my life, grab my hand, and lead me the most beautiful path I have known, but sometimes the same person let go of my hand without warning, and I become stranded at a place where I never thought I would feel lost.

Let's be honest, sometimes everything is going so great and it seems like nothing could go wrong, but right when we begin to think that, something so horrible comes, crashing down and all of a sudden more problems come ricocheting around me and I just feel so heopless cause it is so bad.

It is so hard to understand why such things happen in life, and I personally wish I had an answer to that why.

I always ask myself, but all I can say that is no matter how hard life gets, I have to keep going.

The life around me will never stop going on.

And I have come to the point where I believe that because life never stops, I shouldn't stop either.

It is ok to take break and to give myself some time to heal, but I can't give up and I can't quit.

Keep positive, fill my heart with gratitude for what I already have, and always remind to humble and ture to who I am.

Don't wait for chance, try to find out where the best opportunity is.

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