jQuery validator plugin之Validator
Destroys this instance of validator freeing up resources and unregistering events.
Object holding all validation methods known to the validator. This can be accessed to override individual methods, while keeping the default messages.
jQuery.validator.addClassRules( name, rules )
jQuery.validator.addClassRules( rules )
- rulesType: ObjectA map of className-rules pairs (see example).
jQuery.validator.setDefaults( options )
- optionsType: ObjectOptions to set as default.
Accepts everything that validate() accepts.
One or more arguments can be passed, in addition to the string template itself, to insert into the string.
If you're familiar with the term, this makes this function support currying. If you don't care about that, just use the first argument.
Add a custom validation method. It must consist of a name (must be a legal javascript identifier), a javascript based function and a default string message.
jQuery.validator.addMethod( name, method [, message ] )
- nameType: StringThe name of the method used to identify it and referencing it; this must be a valid JavaScript identifier
- methodType: Function()The actual method implementation, returning true if an element is valid. First argument: Current value. Second argument: Validated element. Third argument: Parameters.
- valueType: Stringthe current value of the validated element
- elementType: Elementthe element to be validated
- paramsType: Objectparameters specified for the method, e.g. for min: 5, the parameter is 5, for range: [1, 5] it's [1, 5]
- messageType: StringThe default message to display for this method. Can be a function created by ''jQuery.validator.format(value)''. When undefined, an existing message is used (handy for localization), otherwise the field-specific messages have to be defined.
For simple one-off validation, you can use the bundled pattern
method (in additional methods, source in src/additional/pattern.js
) to validate a field against a regular expression.
In general, it is a good idea to encapsulate those regular expressions inside their own method.
If you need lots of slightly different expressions, try to extract a common parameter.
See also a library of regular expressions.
Show the specified messages.
Validator.showErrors( errors )
- errorsType: ObjectOne or more key/value pairs of input names and messages.
Resets the controlled form.
Validator.numberOfInvalids( errors )
- errorsType: ObjectOne or more key/value pairs of input names and messages.
Returns the number of invalid fields.
Validates the form, returns true if it is valid, false otherwise.
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