using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine;

internal static class dfTexturePacker

public static Rect[] PackTextures2( this Texture2D texture, Texture2D[] textures, int padding, int maximumAtlasSize )
return PackTextures( texture, textures, padding, 256, 128, maximumAtlasSize );

private static Rect[] PackTextures( Texture2D texture, Texture2D[] sprites, int padding, int width, int height, int maxSize )

if( ( width > maxSize && height < maxSize ) || ( height > maxSize && width < maxSize ) )
width = height = maxSize;

if( width > maxSize || height > maxSize )
throw new InvalidOperationException( "Packed sprites exceed maximum atlas size" );

if( height > width )
int temp = width;
width = height;
height = temp;

MaxRectsBinPack bp = new MaxRectsBinPack( width, height, false );
Rect[] rects = new Rect[ sprites.Length ];

for( int i = 0; i < sprites.Length; i++ )

Texture2D sprite = sprites[ i ];
var spriteWidth = sprite.width + padding;
var spriteHeight = sprite.height + padding;

Rect rect = bp.Insert(

// If the rect could not be packed into the current dimensions,
// increase the texture size.
if( rect.width == 0 || rect.height == 0 )
return PackTextures( texture, sprites, padding, ( width <= height ? width << 1 : width ), ( height < width ? height << 1 : height ), maxSize );

rects[ i ] = rect;


// Check for max size
if( width > maxSize || height > maxSize )
throw new InvalidOperationException( "Packed sprites exceed maximum atlas size" );

texture.Resize( width, height );
texture.SetPixels( new Color[ width * height ] );

for( int i = 0; i < sprites.Length; i++ )

Texture2D sprite = sprites[ i ];
Rect rect = rects[ i ];
Color[] colors = sprite.GetPixels();


rects[ i ] = new Rect(
rect.x / width,
rect.y / height,
( rect.width - padding ) / width,
( rect.height - padding ) / height


return rects;


private class MaxRectsBinPack

Based on the Public Domain MaxRectsBinPack.cpp source by Jukka Jylänki

Ported to C# by Sven Magnus
This version is also public domain - do whatever you want with it.

public int binWidth = 0;
public int binHeight = 0;
public bool allowRotations;

public List<Rect> usedRectangles = new List<Rect>();
public List<Rect> freeRectangles = new List<Rect>();

public enum FreeRectChoiceHeuristic
RectBestShortSideFit, ///< -BSSF: Positions the rectangle against the short side of a free rectangle into which it fits the best.
RectBestLongSideFit, ///< -BLSF: Positions the rectangle against the long side of a free rectangle into which it fits the best.
RectBestAreaFit, ///< -BAF: Positions the rectangle into the smallest free rect into which it fits.
RectBottomLeftRule, ///< -BL: Does the Tetris placement.
RectContactPointRule ///< -CP: Choosest the placement where the rectangle touches other rects as much as possible.

public MaxRectsBinPack( int width, int height, bool rotations = false )
Init( width, height, rotations );

public void Init( int width, int height, bool rotations = false )
binWidth = width;
binHeight = height;
allowRotations = rotations;

Rect n = new Rect();
n.x = 0;
n.y = 0;
n.width = width;
n.height = height;


freeRectangles.Add( n );

public Rect Insert( int width, int height, FreeRectChoiceHeuristic method )
Rect newNode = new Rect();
int score1 = 0; // Unused in this function. We don't need to know the score after finding the position.
int score2 = 0;
switch( method )
case FreeRectChoiceHeuristic.RectBestShortSideFit: newNode = FindPositionForNewNodeBestShortSideFit( width, height, ref score1, ref score2 ); break;
case FreeRectChoiceHeuristic.RectBottomLeftRule: newNode = FindPositionForNewNodeBottomLeft( width, height, ref score1, ref score2 ); break;
case FreeRectChoiceHeuristic.RectContactPointRule: newNode = FindPositionForNewNodeContactPoint( width, height, ref score1 ); break;
case FreeRectChoiceHeuristic.RectBestLongSideFit: newNode = FindPositionForNewNodeBestLongSideFit( width, height, ref score2, ref score1 ); break;
case FreeRectChoiceHeuristic.RectBestAreaFit: newNode = FindPositionForNewNodeBestAreaFit( width, height, ref score1, ref score2 ); break;

if( newNode.height == 0 )
return newNode;

int numRectanglesToProcess = freeRectangles.Count;
for( int i = 0; i < numRectanglesToProcess; ++i )
if( SplitFreeNode( freeRectangles[ i ], ref newNode ) )
freeRectangles.RemoveAt( i );


usedRectangles.Add( newNode );
return newNode;

public void Insert( List<Rect> rects, List<Rect> dst, FreeRectChoiceHeuristic method )

while( rects.Count > 0 )
int bestScore1 = int.MaxValue;
int bestScore2 = int.MaxValue;
int bestRectIndex = -1;
Rect bestNode = new Rect();

for( int i = 0; i < rects.Count; ++i )
int score1 = 0;
int score2 = 0;
Rect newNode = ScoreRect( (int)rects[ i ].width, (int)rects[ i ].height, method, ref score1, ref score2 );

if( score1 < bestScore1 || ( score1 == bestScore1 && score2 < bestScore2 ) )
bestScore1 = score1;
bestScore2 = score2;
bestNode = newNode;
bestRectIndex = i;

if( bestRectIndex == -1 )

PlaceRect( bestNode );
rects.RemoveAt( bestRectIndex );

void PlaceRect( Rect node )
int numRectanglesToProcess = freeRectangles.Count;
for( int i = 0; i < numRectanglesToProcess; ++i )
if( SplitFreeNode( freeRectangles[ i ], ref node ) )
freeRectangles.RemoveAt( i );


usedRectangles.Add( node );

Rect ScoreRect( int width, int height, FreeRectChoiceHeuristic method, ref int score1, ref int score2 )
Rect newNode = new Rect();
score1 = int.MaxValue;
score2 = int.MaxValue;
switch( method )
case FreeRectChoiceHeuristic.RectBestShortSideFit: newNode = FindPositionForNewNodeBestShortSideFit( width, height, ref score1, ref score2 ); break;
case FreeRectChoiceHeuristic.RectBottomLeftRule: newNode = FindPositionForNewNodeBottomLeft( width, height, ref score1, ref score2 ); break;
case FreeRectChoiceHeuristic.RectContactPointRule: newNode = FindPositionForNewNodeContactPoint( width, height, ref score1 );
score1 = -score1; // Reverse since we are minimizing, but for contact point score bigger is better.
case FreeRectChoiceHeuristic.RectBestLongSideFit: newNode = FindPositionForNewNodeBestLongSideFit( width, height, ref score2, ref score1 ); break;
case FreeRectChoiceHeuristic.RectBestAreaFit: newNode = FindPositionForNewNodeBestAreaFit( width, height, ref score1, ref score2 ); break;

// Cannot fit the current rectangle.
if( newNode.height == 0 )
score1 = int.MaxValue;
score2 = int.MaxValue;

return newNode;

/// Computes the ratio of used surface area.
public float Occupancy()
ulong usedSurfaceArea = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < usedRectangles.Count; ++i )
usedSurfaceArea += (uint)usedRectangles[ i ].width * (uint)usedRectangles[ i ].height;

return (float)usedSurfaceArea / ( binWidth * binHeight );

Rect FindPositionForNewNodeBottomLeft( int width, int height, ref int bestY, ref int bestX )
Rect bestNode = new Rect();
//memset(bestNode, 0, sizeof(Rect));

bestY = int.MaxValue;

for( int i = 0; i < freeRectangles.Count; ++i )
// Try to place the rectangle in upright (non-flipped) orientation.
if( freeRectangles[ i ].width >= width && freeRectangles[ i ].height >= height )
int topSideY = (int)freeRectangles[ i ].y + height;
if( topSideY < bestY || ( topSideY == bestY && freeRectangles[ i ].x < bestX ) )
bestNode.x = freeRectangles[ i ].x;
bestNode.y = freeRectangles[ i ].y;
bestNode.width = width;
bestNode.height = height;
bestY = topSideY;
bestX = (int)freeRectangles[ i ].x;
if( allowRotations && freeRectangles[ i ].width >= height && freeRectangles[ i ].height >= width )
int topSideY = (int)freeRectangles[ i ].y + width;
if( topSideY < bestY || ( topSideY == bestY && freeRectangles[ i ].x < bestX ) )
bestNode.x = freeRectangles[ i ].x;
bestNode.y = freeRectangles[ i ].y;
bestNode.width = height;
bestNode.height = width;
bestY = topSideY;
bestX = (int)freeRectangles[ i ].x;
return bestNode;

Rect FindPositionForNewNodeBestShortSideFit( int width, int height, ref int bestShortSideFit, ref int bestLongSideFit )
Rect bestNode = new Rect();
//memset(&bestNode, 0, sizeof(Rect));

bestShortSideFit = int.MaxValue;

for( int i = 0; i < freeRectangles.Count; ++i )
// Try to place the rectangle in upright (non-flipped) orientation.
if( freeRectangles[ i ].width >= width && freeRectangles[ i ].height >= height )
int leftoverHoriz = Mathf.Abs( (int)freeRectangles[ i ].width - width );
int leftoverVert = Mathf.Abs( (int)freeRectangles[ i ].height - height );
int shortSideFit = Mathf.Min( leftoverHoriz, leftoverVert );
int longSideFit = Mathf.Max( leftoverHoriz, leftoverVert );

if( shortSideFit < bestShortSideFit || ( shortSideFit == bestShortSideFit && longSideFit < bestLongSideFit ) )
bestNode.x = freeRectangles[ i ].x;
bestNode.y = freeRectangles[ i ].y;
bestNode.width = width;
bestNode.height = height;
bestShortSideFit = shortSideFit;
bestLongSideFit = longSideFit;

if( allowRotations && freeRectangles[ i ].width >= height && freeRectangles[ i ].height >= width )
int flippedLeftoverHoriz = Mathf.Abs( (int)freeRectangles[ i ].width - height );
int flippedLeftoverVert = Mathf.Abs( (int)freeRectangles[ i ].height - width );
int flippedShortSideFit = Mathf.Min( flippedLeftoverHoriz, flippedLeftoverVert );
int flippedLongSideFit = Mathf.Max( flippedLeftoverHoriz, flippedLeftoverVert );

if( flippedShortSideFit < bestShortSideFit || ( flippedShortSideFit == bestShortSideFit && flippedLongSideFit < bestLongSideFit ) )
bestNode.x = freeRectangles[ i ].x;
bestNode.y = freeRectangles[ i ].y;
bestNode.width = height;
bestNode.height = width;
bestShortSideFit = flippedShortSideFit;
bestLongSideFit = flippedLongSideFit;
return bestNode;

Rect FindPositionForNewNodeBestLongSideFit( int width, int height, ref int bestShortSideFit, ref int bestLongSideFit )
Rect bestNode = new Rect();
//memset(&bestNode, 0, sizeof(Rect));

bestLongSideFit = int.MaxValue;

for( int i = 0; i < freeRectangles.Count; ++i )
// Try to place the rectangle in upright (non-flipped) orientation.
if( freeRectangles[ i ].width >= width && freeRectangles[ i ].height >= height )
int leftoverHoriz = Mathf.Abs( (int)freeRectangles[ i ].width - width );
int leftoverVert = Mathf.Abs( (int)freeRectangles[ i ].height - height );
int shortSideFit = Mathf.Min( leftoverHoriz, leftoverVert );
int longSideFit = Mathf.Max( leftoverHoriz, leftoverVert );

if( longSideFit < bestLongSideFit || ( longSideFit == bestLongSideFit && shortSideFit < bestShortSideFit ) )
bestNode.x = freeRectangles[ i ].x;
bestNode.y = freeRectangles[ i ].y;
bestNode.width = width;
bestNode.height = height;
bestShortSideFit = shortSideFit;
bestLongSideFit = longSideFit;

if( allowRotations && freeRectangles[ i ].width >= height && freeRectangles[ i ].height >= width )
int leftoverHoriz = Mathf.Abs( (int)freeRectangles[ i ].width - height );
int leftoverVert = Mathf.Abs( (int)freeRectangles[ i ].height - width );
int shortSideFit = Mathf.Min( leftoverHoriz, leftoverVert );
int longSideFit = Mathf.Max( leftoverHoriz, leftoverVert );

if( longSideFit < bestLongSideFit || ( longSideFit == bestLongSideFit && shortSideFit < bestShortSideFit ) )
bestNode.x = freeRectangles[ i ].x;
bestNode.y = freeRectangles[ i ].y;
bestNode.width = height;
bestNode.height = width;
bestShortSideFit = shortSideFit;
bestLongSideFit = longSideFit;
return bestNode;

Rect FindPositionForNewNodeBestAreaFit( int width, int height, ref int bestAreaFit, ref int bestShortSideFit )
Rect bestNode = new Rect();
//memset(&bestNode, 0, sizeof(Rect));

bestAreaFit = int.MaxValue;

for( int i = 0; i < freeRectangles.Count; ++i )
int areaFit = (int)freeRectangles[ i ].width * (int)freeRectangles[ i ].height - width * height;

// Try to place the rectangle in upright (non-flipped) orientation.
if( freeRectangles[ i ].width >= width && freeRectangles[ i ].height >= height )
int leftoverHoriz = Mathf.Abs( (int)freeRectangles[ i ].width - width );
int leftoverVert = Mathf.Abs( (int)freeRectangles[ i ].height - height );
int shortSideFit = Mathf.Min( leftoverHoriz, leftoverVert );

if( areaFit < bestAreaFit || ( areaFit == bestAreaFit && shortSideFit < bestShortSideFit ) )
bestNode.x = freeRectangles[ i ].x;
bestNode.y = freeRectangles[ i ].y;
bestNode.width = width;
bestNode.height = height;
bestShortSideFit = shortSideFit;
bestAreaFit = areaFit;

if( allowRotations && freeRectangles[ i ].width >= height && freeRectangles[ i ].height >= width )
int leftoverHoriz = Mathf.Abs( (int)freeRectangles[ i ].width - height );
int leftoverVert = Mathf.Abs( (int)freeRectangles[ i ].height - width );
int shortSideFit = Mathf.Min( leftoverHoriz, leftoverVert );

if( areaFit < bestAreaFit || ( areaFit == bestAreaFit && shortSideFit < bestShortSideFit ) )
bestNode.x = freeRectangles[ i ].x;
bestNode.y = freeRectangles[ i ].y;
bestNode.width = height;
bestNode.height = width;
bestShortSideFit = shortSideFit;
bestAreaFit = areaFit;
return bestNode;

/// Returns 0 if the two intervals i1 and i2 are disjoint, or the length of their overlap otherwise.
int CommonIntervalLength( int i1start, int i1end, int i2start, int i2end )
if( i1end < i2start || i2end < i1start )
return 0;
return Mathf.Min( i1end, i2end ) - Mathf.Max( i1start, i2start );

int ContactPointScoreNode( int x, int y, int width, int height )
int score = 0;

if( x == 0 || x + width == binWidth )
score += height;
if( y == 0 || y + height == binHeight )
score += width;

for( int i = 0; i < usedRectangles.Count; ++i )
if( usedRectangles[ i ].x == x + width || usedRectangles[ i ].x + usedRectangles[ i ].width == x )
score += CommonIntervalLength( (int)usedRectangles[ i ].y, (int)usedRectangles[ i ].y + (int)usedRectangles[ i ].height, y, y + height );
if( usedRectangles[ i ].y == y + height || usedRectangles[ i ].y + usedRectangles[ i ].height == y )
score += CommonIntervalLength( (int)usedRectangles[ i ].x, (int)usedRectangles[ i ].x + (int)usedRectangles[ i ].width, x, x + width );
return score;

Rect FindPositionForNewNodeContactPoint( int width, int height, ref int bestContactScore )
Rect bestNode = new Rect();
//memset(&bestNode, 0, sizeof(Rect));

bestContactScore = -1;

for( int i = 0; i < freeRectangles.Count; ++i )
// Try to place the rectangle in upright (non-flipped) orientation.
if( freeRectangles[ i ].width >= width && freeRectangles[ i ].height >= height )
int score = ContactPointScoreNode( (int)freeRectangles[ i ].x, (int)freeRectangles[ i ].y, width, height );
if( score > bestContactScore )
bestNode.x = (int)freeRectangles[ i ].x;
bestNode.y = (int)freeRectangles[ i ].y;
bestNode.width = width;
bestNode.height = height;
bestContactScore = score;
if( allowRotations && freeRectangles[ i ].width >= height && freeRectangles[ i ].height >= width )
int score = ContactPointScoreNode( (int)freeRectangles[ i ].x, (int)freeRectangles[ i ].y, height, width );
if( score > bestContactScore )
bestNode.x = (int)freeRectangles[ i ].x;
bestNode.y = (int)freeRectangles[ i ].y;
bestNode.width = height;
bestNode.height = width;
bestContactScore = score;
return bestNode;

bool SplitFreeNode( Rect freeNode, ref Rect usedNode )
// Test with SAT if the rectangles even intersect.
if( usedNode.x >= freeNode.x + freeNode.width || usedNode.x + usedNode.width <= freeNode.x ||
usedNode.y >= freeNode.y + freeNode.height || usedNode.y + usedNode.height <= freeNode.y )
return false;

if( usedNode.x < freeNode.x + freeNode.width && usedNode.x + usedNode.width > freeNode.x )
// New node at the top side of the used node.
if( usedNode.y > freeNode.y && usedNode.y < freeNode.y + freeNode.height )
Rect newNode = freeNode;
newNode.height = usedNode.y - newNode.y;
freeRectangles.Add( newNode );

// New node at the bottom side of the used node.
if( usedNode.y + usedNode.height < freeNode.y + freeNode.height )
Rect newNode = freeNode;
newNode.y = usedNode.y + usedNode.height;
newNode.height = freeNode.y + freeNode.height - ( usedNode.y + usedNode.height );
freeRectangles.Add( newNode );

if( usedNode.y < freeNode.y + freeNode.height && usedNode.y + usedNode.height > freeNode.y )
// New node at the left side of the used node.
if( usedNode.x > freeNode.x && usedNode.x < freeNode.x + freeNode.width )
Rect newNode = freeNode;
newNode.width = usedNode.x - newNode.x;
freeRectangles.Add( newNode );

// New node at the right side of the used node.
if( usedNode.x + usedNode.width < freeNode.x + freeNode.width )
Rect newNode = freeNode;
newNode.x = usedNode.x + usedNode.width;
newNode.width = freeNode.x + freeNode.width - ( usedNode.x + usedNode.width );
freeRectangles.Add( newNode );

return true;

void PruneFreeList()
for( int i = 0; i < freeRectangles.Count; ++i )
for( int j = i + 1; j < freeRectangles.Count; ++j )
if( IsContainedIn( freeRectangles[ i ], freeRectangles[ j ] ) )
freeRectangles.RemoveAt( i );
if( IsContainedIn( freeRectangles[ j ], freeRectangles[ i ] ) )
freeRectangles.RemoveAt( j );

bool IsContainedIn( Rect a, Rect b )
return a.x >= b.x && a.y >= b.y
&& a.x + a.width <= b.x + b.width
&& a.y + a.height <= b.y + b.height;




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