



1) 用vs2013新建一个mvc的项目。

2) 使用nuget下载UAParser

3) 新建一个接口和实现它的类。

4) 代码


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace UserDeviceDetectWebApplication.Service
public interface IUserAgent
string RawValue { get; set; } UserAgentInfo UserAgent { get; }
DeviceInfo Device { get; }
OSInfo OS { get; } bool IsBot { get; }
bool IsMobileDevice { get; }
bool IsTablet { get; }
//bool IsPdfConverter { get; }
} public sealed class DeviceInfo
public DeviceInfo(string family, bool isBot)
this.Family = family;
this.IsBot = isBot;
public override string ToString()
return this.Family;
public string Family { get; private set; }
public bool IsBot { get; private set; }
} public sealed class OSInfo
public OSInfo(string family, string major, string minor, string patch, string patchMinor)
this.Family = family;
this.Major = major;
this.Minor = minor;
this.Patch = patch;
this.PatchMinor = patchMinor;
public override string ToString()
var str = VersionString.Format(Major, Minor, Patch, PatchMinor);
return (this.Family + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) ? (" " + str) : null));
public string Family { get; private set; }
public string Major { get; private set; }
public string Minor { get; private set; }
public string Patch { get; private set; }
public string PatchMinor { get; private set; } private static string FormatVersionString(params string[] parts)
return string.Join(".", (from v in parts
where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(v)
select v).ToArray<string>());
} public sealed class UserAgentInfo
public UserAgentInfo(string family, string major, string minor, string patch)
this.Family = family;
this.Major = major;
this.Minor = minor;
this.Patch = patch;
public override string ToString()
var str = VersionString.Format(Major, Minor, Patch);
return (this.Family + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) ? (" " + str) : null));
public string Family { get; private set; }
public string Major { get; private set; }
public string Minor { get; private set; }
public string Patch { get; private set; }
} internal static class VersionString
public static string Format(params string[] parts)
return string.Join(".", (from v in parts
where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(v)
select v).ToArray<string>());


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using uap = UAParser;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace UserDeviceDetectWebApplication.Service
public class UAParserUserAgent : IUserAgent
private readonly static uap.Parser s_uap;
private static readonly Regex s_pdfConverterPattern = new Regex(@"wkhtmltopdf", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant); # region Mobile UAs, OS & Devices private static readonly HashSet<string> s_MobileOS = new HashSet<string>
"Windows Mobile",
"Windows Phone",
"Windows CE",
"Symbian OS",
"BlackBerry OS",
"BlackBerry Tablet OS",
"Firefox OS",
"Brew MP",
}; private static readonly HashSet<string> s_MobileBrowsers = new HashSet<string>
"Firefox Mobile",
"Opera Mobile",
"Opera Mini",
"Mobile Safari",
"Amazon Silk",
"webOS Browser",
"Ovi Browser",
"NetFront NX",
"Chrome Mobile",
"Chrome Mobile iOS",
"UC Browser",
"Tizen Browser",
"Baidu Explorer",
"QQ Browser Mini",
"QQ Browser Mobile",
"IE Mobile",
"ONE Browser",
"iBrowser Mini",
"Nokia Services (WAP) Browser",
"Nokia Browser",
"Nokia OSS Browser",
"BlackBerry WebKit",
"BlackBerry", "Palm",
"Palm Blazer",
"Palm Pre",
"Teleca Browser",
"PlayStation Portable",
"Maemo Browser",
}; private static readonly HashSet<string> s_MobileDevices = new HashSet<string>
"Kindle Fire",
"HP TouchPad",
"Generic Feature Phone",
"Generic Smartphone"
}; #endregion private readonly HttpContextBase _httpContext; private string _rawValue;
private UserAgentInfo _userAgent;
private DeviceInfo _device;
private OSInfo _os; private bool? _isBot;
private bool? _isMobileDevice;
private bool? _isTablet;
private bool? _isPdfConverter; static UAParserUserAgent()
s_uap = uap.Parser.GetDefault();
} public UAParserUserAgent(HttpContextBase httpContext)
this._httpContext = httpContext;
} public string RawValue
if (_rawValue == null)
if (_httpContext.Request != null)
_rawValue = _httpContext.Request.UserAgent.ToString();
_rawValue = "";
} return _rawValue;
// for (unit) test purpose
_rawValue = value;
_userAgent = null;
_device = null;
_os = null;
_isBot = null;
_isMobileDevice = null;
_isTablet = null;
_isPdfConverter = null;
} public virtual UserAgentInfo UserAgent
if (_userAgent == null)
var tmp = s_uap.ParseUserAgent(this.RawValue);
_userAgent = new UserAgentInfo(tmp.Family, tmp.Major, tmp.Minor, tmp.Patch);
return _userAgent;
} public virtual DeviceInfo Device
if (_device == null)
var tmp = s_uap.ParseDevice(this.RawValue);
_device = new DeviceInfo(tmp.Family, tmp.IsSpider);
return _device;
} public virtual OSInfo OS
if (_os == null)
var tmp = s_uap.ParseOS(this.RawValue);
_os = new OSInfo(tmp.Family, tmp.Major, tmp.Minor, tmp.Patch, tmp.PatchMinor);
return _os;
} public virtual bool IsBot
if (!_isBot.HasValue)
_isBot = _httpContext.Request.Browser.Crawler || this.Device.IsBot;
return _isBot.Value;
} public virtual bool IsMobileDevice
if (!_isMobileDevice.HasValue)
_isMobileDevice =
s_MobileOS.Contains(this.OS.Family) ||
s_MobileBrowsers.Contains(this.UserAgent.Family) ||
return _isMobileDevice.Value;
} public virtual bool IsTablet
if (!_isTablet.HasValue)
_isTablet =
Regex.IsMatch(this.Device.Family, "iPad|Kindle Fire|Nexus 10|Xoom|Transformer|MI PAD|IdeaTab", RegexOptions.CultureInvariant) ||
this.OS.Family == "BlackBerry Tablet OS";
return _isTablet.Value;
} public virtual bool IsPdfConverter
if (!_isPdfConverter.HasValue)
_isPdfConverter = s_pdfConverterPattern.IsMatch(this.RawValue);
return _isPdfConverter.Value;
} }

5) 修改HomeController.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using UserDeviceDetectWebApplication.Service;
using System.Diagnostics; namespace UserDeviceDetectWebApplication.Controllers
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
UAParserUserAgent userAgent = new UAParserUserAgent(this.HttpContext); ViewBag.Os= userAgent.OS.ToString();
ViewBag.Device = userAgent.Device.ToString();
ViewBag.Agent = userAgent.UserAgent.ToString();
ViewBag.RawValue = userAgent.RawValue.ToString(); Debug.WriteLine("user os: "+userAgent.OS.ToString());
Debug.WriteLine("user Device: " + userAgent.Device.ToString());
Debug.WriteLine("user Agent: " + userAgent.UserAgent.ToString());
Debug.WriteLine("user RawValue: " + userAgent.RawValue.ToString()); if (userAgent.IsMobileDevice)
ViewBag.MobilePc = "手机";
} else if (userAgent.IsTablet)
ViewBag.MobilePc = "平板";
} else
ViewBag.MobilePc = "普通电脑";
} return View();
} }

6) 修改views\home\Index.cshtml

Layout = null;
ViewBag.Title = "Home Page";
} <p>
用户的 操作系统:@ViewBag.Os</br>
用户的设备: @ViewBag.Device </br>
用户的浏览器: @ViewBag.Agent </br>
原始的用户访问设备信息: @ViewBag.RawValue </br>
用户使用的是 @ViewBag.MobilePc </br>

7) 编译我们的程序,运行它。试着用不同的浏览器,不同的手机访问http://localhost:62526/Home/Index。端口号你的环境可能和我的不一样哦。如果你不知道如何运行mvc的web程序,可以咨询我哦。



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