from aip import AipSpeech bd_k_l = ['11059852', '5Kk01GtG2fjCwpzEkwdn0mjw', 'bp6Wyx377Elq7RsCQZzTBgGUFzLm8G2A']
APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY = bd_k_l def gen_bd_mp3(uid, str_):
mp3_dir = 'C:\\Users\\sas\\PycharmProjects\\produce_video\\mymp3\\'
mp3_dir = 'D:\\mymp3\\'
client = AipSpeech(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY)
result = client.synthesis(str_, 'zh', 1, {
'vol': 5,
# 识别正确返回语音二进制 错误则返回dict 参照下面错误码
if not isinstance(result, dict):
f_w = '{}{}{}{}'.format(mp3_dir, 'semHAND', uid, '.mp3')
# with open('auido.b.mp3', 'wb') as f:
with open(f_w, 'wb') as f:
f.write(result) import os os_sep = os.sep
this_file_abspath = os.path.abspath(__file__)
this_file_dirname, this_file_name = os.path.dirname(this_file_abspath), os.path.abspath(__file__).split(os_sep)[-1] uid_d = []
f, uid_n = 'html.parp.txt', 0
sen_l = ['。', '\n'] whole_s = ''
with open(f, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fr:
for i in fr:
whole_s = '{}{}'.format(whole_s, i) # 设置分句的标志符号;可以根据实际需要进行修改
# cutlist = "。!?".decode('utf-8') cutlist = ['\n', '\t', '。', ';', '?', '.', ';', '?', '...', '、、、', ':', '!', '!']
cutlist = ['\n', '\t', '。', ';', '?', '.', '?', '...', '、、、', '!', '!'] # cutlist = [ '。', ';', '?', '.', ';', '?', '...', '、、、',':',':',',']
# cutlist = [ '。', ';', '?', '.', ';', '?', '...', '、、、',':',',','、'] # 检查某字符是否分句标志符号的函数;如果是,返回True,否则返回False
def FindToken(cutlist, char):
if char in cutlist:
return True
return False # 进行分句的核心函数
def Cut(cutlist, lines): # 参数1:引用分句标志符;参数2:被分句的文本,为一行中文字符
l = [] # 句子列表,用于存储单个分句成功后的整句内容,为函数的返回值
line = [] # 临时列表,用于存储捕获到分句标志符之前的每个字符,一旦发现分句符号后,就会将其内容全部赋给l,然后就会被清空 for i in lines: # 对函数参数2中的每一字符逐个进行检查 (本函数中,如果将if和else对换一下位置,会更好懂)
if FindToken(cutlist, i): # 如果当前字符是分句符号
line.append(i) # 将此字符放入临时列表中
l.append(''.join(line)) # 并把当前临时列表的内容加入到句子列表中
line = [] # 将符号列表清空,以便下次分句使用
else: # 如果当前字符不是分句符号,则将该字符直接放入临时列表中
return l sentence_l = Cut(list(cutlist), list(whole_s))
sentence_l_noblank = []
for i in sentence_l:
if i != '\n':
sentence_l_noblank.append(i.replace('\n', '')) '''
''' '''
''' from aip import AipSpeech bd_k_l = ['11059852', '5Kk01GtG2fjCwpzEkwdn0mjw', 'bp6Wyx377Elq7RsCQZzTBgGUFzLm8G2A']
APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY = bd_k_l def gen_bd_mp3(uid, str_):
mp3_dir = 'C:\\Users\\sas\\PycharmProjects\\produce_video\\mymp3\\'
mp3_dir = 'D:\\mymp3\\'
client = AipSpeech(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY)
result = client.synthesis(str_, 'zh', 1, {
'vol': 5,
# 识别正确返回语音二进制 错误则返回dict 参照下面错误码
if not isinstance(result, dict):
f_w = '{}{}{}{}'.format(mp3_dir, 'oneSen', uid, '.mp3')
# with open('auido.b.mp3', 'wb') as f:
with open(f_w, 'wb') as f:
f.write(result) uid_d = {}
uid, uid_n = 43020157, 0
uid_d[uid] = {}
uid_d[uid]['sen_d'], uid_d[uid]['img_l'] = {}, []
for i in sentence_l_noblank:
uid_sen = '{}{}{}'.format(uid, '_', uid_n)
# gen_bd_mp3(uid_sen, i)
uid_n += 1
mp3_dir = 'D:\\mymp3\\'
f_w = '{}{}{}{}'.format(mp3_dir, 'oneSen', uid_sen, '.mp3')
uid_d[uid]['sen_d'][f_w] = i import glob f_img_d = '{}{}{}{}{}'.format(this_file_dirname, os_sep, 'mypng', os_sep, '*.jpg')
imgs = glob.glob(f_img_d)
uid_d[uid]['img_l'] = []
for i in imgs:
if 'logo' in i:
if 'uid' in i:
# print(i)
uid_d[uid]['img_logo_uid'] = i
uid_d[uid]['img_logo_our'] = i
uid_d[uid]['img_l'].append(i) for i in uid_d[uid]:
print(i) import os, time, glob
import cv2 os_sep = os.sep
this_file_abspath = os.path.abspath(__file__)
this_file_dirname, this_file_name = os.path.dirname(this_file_abspath), os.path.abspath(__file__).split(os_sep)[-1] logo_f, logo_f_uid, imgs = uid_d[uid]['img_logo_our'], uid_d[uid]['img_logo_uid'], uid_d[uid]['img_l']
img_size_d = {}
for i in imgs:
img = cv2.imread(i)
w_h_s = '{},{}'.format(img.shape[1], img.shape[0])
if w_h_s not in img_size_d:
img_size_d[w_h_s] = 1
img_size_d[w_h_s] += 1 # 取众数
mode_img_size_wh = [int(i) for i in
sorted(img_size_d.items(), key=lambda mytuple: mytuple[1], reverse=True)[0][0].split(',')]
mode_img_size_wh = [1208, 720]
os_sep = os.sep import imageio imageio.plugins.ffmpeg.download()
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip
# f_mp3 = 'g3dbG3g3uidnoBRBlankLine.06.mp3'
import mutagen.id3
from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3
from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
# EasyID3.valid_keys["comment"] = "COMM::'XXX'"
# id3info = MP3(f_mp3, ID3=EasyID3)
# t_spend = id3info.info.length
import cv2
import glob def resize_rescale_pilimg(img_f, w_h_tuple=(mode_img_size_wh[0], mode_img_size_wh[1]), mid_factor=1):
img_n, img_type = img_f.split('.')[-2], img_f.split('.')[-1]
img_n_resize_rescale_pilimg_dir = '{}{}{}'.format(os_sep.join(img_n.split(os_sep)[:-1]), 'resize_rescale_pilimg',
os_sep, img_n.split(os_sep)[-1], os_sep)
img_n_resize_rescale_pilimg = '{}{}{}'.format(img_n_resize_rescale_pilimg_dir, img_n.split(os_sep)[-1], '.PNG')
img_type = 'PNG'
img_f_new = img_n_resize_rescale_pilimg
mid_icon = Image.open(img_f)
mid_icon_w, mid_icon_h = w_h_tuple[0] * mid_factor, w_h_tuple[1] * mid_factor
mid_icon = mid_icon.resize((mid_icon_w, mid_icon_h), Image.ANTIALIAS)
mid_icon.save(img_n_resize_rescale_pilimg, img_type)
return img_f_new from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont myfont = ImageFont.truetype("simhei.ttf", encoding="utf-8")
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math br_step = math.floor((mode_img_size_wh[0]) * 0.018) f_v = '{}{}{}{}'.format('D:\\myv\\', uid, int(time.time()), '.avi')
fps, fourcc = 15, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G')
videoWriter = cv2.VideoWriter(f_v, fourcc, fps, (mode_img_size_wh[0], mode_img_size_wh[1]))
img_seq = 0
for f_mp3 in uid_d[uid]['sen_d']:
screen_str = uid_d[uid]['sen_d'][f_mp3]
screen_str_l = []
br_step_times = math.ceil(len(screen_str) / br_step)
for i in range(br_step_times):
myrow = screen_str[i * br_step:(i + 1) * br_step]
screen_str = '\n'.join(screen_str_l)
EasyID3.valid_keys["comment"] = "COMM::'XXX'"
id3info = MP3(f_mp3, ID3=EasyID3)
t_spend = id3info.info.length
imgname = uid_d[uid]['img_l'][img_seq % len(uid_d[uid]['img_l'])]
img_seq += 1
frame = cv2.imread(imgname)
if (frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0]) != (mode_img_size_wh[0], mode_img_size_wh[1]):
imgname = resize_rescale_pilimg(imgname)
frame = cv2.imread(imgname)
pass img1 = cv2.imread(imgname) # 加载图像
img2 = cv2.imread(logo_f) # logo
rows, cols, channels = img2.shape
roi = img1[0:rows, 0:cols] # 取img1的这个区域来处理
img2gray = cv2.cvtColor(img2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # 建立logo的二值图,也建立相反的二值图
ret, mask = cv2.threshold(img2gray, 175, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # 二值化
mask_inv = cv2.bitwise_not(mask) # 做非操作,黑的变白,白的变黑,黑色0,白色255
img1_bg = cv2.bitwise_and(roi, roi, mask=mask) # 与操作 ,参数输入,输出,与mask做and操作,黑色的被填充
img2_fg = cv2.bitwise_and(img2, img2, mask=mask_inv) # 与操作
dst = cv2.add(img1_bg, img2_fg) # 相加
img1[0:rows, 0:cols] = dst # 把添加了logo的该区域赋值回原来的地方 img3 = cv2.imread(logo_f_uid) # logo
rows, cols, channels = img3.shape
rows1, cols1, channels1 = img1.shape
roi = img1[0:rows, cols1 - cols:cols1] # 取img1的这个区域来处理
img3gray = cv2.cvtColor(img3, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # 建立logo的二值图,也建立相反的二值图
ret, mask = cv2.threshold(img3gray, 175, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # 二值化
mask_inv = cv2.bitwise_not(mask) # 做非操作,黑的变白,白的变黑,黑色0,白色255
img1_bg = cv2.bitwise_and(roi, roi, mask=mask) # 与操作 ,参数输入,输出,与mask做and操作,黑色的被填充
img3_fg = cv2.bitwise_and(img3, img3, mask=mask_inv) # 与操作
dst = cv2.add(img1_bg, img3_fg) # 相加
img1[0:rows, cols1 - cols:cols1] = dst # 把添加了logo的该区域赋值回原来的地方 frame = img1
frame_cv2 = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
frame_pil = Image.fromarray(frame_cv2) # 转为PIL的图片格式
# font = ImageFont.truetype("simhei.ttf", 50, encoding="utf-8")
font_size = math.floor((mode_img_size_wh[0]) * 0.040)
font = ImageFont.truetype("simhei.ttf", font_size, encoding="utf-8")
# ImageDraw.Draw(frame_pil).text((100, 20), mystr, (0, 0, 255), font)
f_x, f_y = math.floor((mode_img_size_wh[0]) * 0.06), math.floor(
mode_img_size_wh[1] * 0.85) - br_step_times * font_size
# ImageDraw.Draw(frame_pil).text((30, mode_img_size_wh[1]-30), mystr, (0, 0, 255), font)
# blue 0,0,255
ImageDraw.Draw(frame_pil).text((f_x, f_y), screen_str, (255, 0, 0), font)
frame_cv2 = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(frame_pil), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
img = frame_cv2 EasyID3.valid_keys["comment"] = "COMM::'XXX'"
id3info = MP3(f_mp3, ID3=EasyID3)
t_spend = id3info.info.length
myinterval = t_spend*0.01
print(myinterval, '---------------', screen_str)
this_time = time.time()
while time.time() - this_time < myinterval:
# if 1:
videoWriter.release() ddd = 9
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