The    Vickers Vane Pump    describes the matters needing attention in the maintenance of the vane pump:


1. Since the vane pump is very sensitive to the dirt of the oil, the oil is not clean and the vane will be stuck or block the oil passage. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to good oil filtration and environmental cleaning.


2. In addition to external pollution, the oil is easily oxidized and deteriorated under high temperature and high pressure to form viscous sludge, which also causes pollution and must be regularly inspected or replaced.


3. When the oil becomes milky white, it is caused by the mixing of water in the oil. It must be separated before it can be used. When the oil is in a transparent state but there are small black spots, it is caused by the foreign matter mixed in the oil. Filtered before continuing to use; when the oil turns dark brown with malodor, it is caused by oxidation of the oil and the oil must be replaced.


4. The temperature of continuous operation is generally in the range of 15-60 °C.


5. The fuel tank must be sealed and an air filter is added.


6. Please use mineral hydraulic oil or phosphate grease. The general vane pump and plunger pump are H-HM, and the gear pump is L-HL or L-HM.

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