esriSRGeoCS2Type Constants
ArcGIS Developer Help (Geometry) |
esriSRGeoCS2Type Constants
More geographic coordinate systems.
Constant | Value | Description |
esriSRGeoCS_S_JTSK_FERRO | 4818 | S-JTSK (Ferro). |
esriSRGeoCS_Estonia1937 | 104101 | Estonia 1937. |
esriSRGeoCS_Hermannskogel | 104102 | Hermannskogel. |
esriSRGeoCS_SierraLeone1960 | 104103 | Sierra Leone 1960. |
esriSRGeoCS_HongKong1980 | 4611 | Hong Kong 1980. |
esriSRGeoCS_LisboaBessel | 104105 | Lisboa Bessel. |
esriSRGeoCS_LisboaHayford | 104106 | Lisboa Hayford. |
esriSRGeoCS_RGF1993 | 4171 | RGF 1993. |
esriSRGeoCS_NZGD_2000 | 4167 | NZGD 2000. |
Product Availability
This enumeration contains entries for some of the predefined geographic coordinate systems. Please see esriSRGeoCSType and esriSRGeoCS3Type for other predefined geographic coordinate systems. A value corresponds to the factory code used in the Projection Engine library.
See Also
esriSRGeoCSType Constants | esriSRGeoCS3Type Constants
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