ArcGIS Developer Help  (Geometry)    

esriSRGeoCS2Type Constants

More geographic coordinate systems.

Constant Value Description
esriSRGeoCS_S_JTSK_FERRO 4818 S-JTSK (Ferro).
esriSRGeoCS_Estonia1937 104101 Estonia 1937.
esriSRGeoCS_Hermannskogel 104102 Hermannskogel.
esriSRGeoCS_SierraLeone1960 104103 Sierra Leone 1960.
esriSRGeoCS_HongKong1980 4611 Hong Kong 1980.
esriSRGeoCS_LisboaBessel 104105 Lisboa Bessel.
esriSRGeoCS_LisboaHayford 104106 Lisboa Hayford.
esriSRGeoCS_RGF1993 4171 RGF 1993.
esriSRGeoCS_NZGD_2000 4167 NZGD 2000.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


This enumeration contains entries for some of the predefined geographic coordinate systems. Please see esriSRGeoCSType and esriSRGeoCS3Type for other predefined geographic coordinate systems. A value corresponds to the factory code used in the Projection Engine library.

See Also

esriSRGeoCSType Constants | esriSRGeoCS3Type Constants


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