HDU1542 Atlantis(矩形面积并)
#pragma warning (disable:4996)
#define maxn 150
using namespace std; int n;
struct Segment
double l, r, x;
int li, ri;
bool isleft;
bool operator < (const Segment &b) const{
return x < b.x;
}s[maxn*3]; int top;
double ydis[800];
int ytop = 0; struct Node
int cov;
int l, r;
double len;
}N[3000]; void build(int i, int L, int R)
N[i].cov = 0;
N[i].l = L; N[i].r = R;
N[i].len = ydis[R] - ydis[L];
if (N[i].r-N[i].l<=1){
int M = (L + R) >> 1;
build(i << 1, L, M);
build(i << 1 | 1, M, R);
} void pushDown(int i)
if (N[i].r-N[i].l<=1) return;
if (N[i].cov!=0){
N[i << 1].cov += N[i].cov;
N[i << 1 | 1].cov += N[i].cov;
N[i].cov = 0;
} void add(int i, int L, int R,int val)
if (N[i].l == L&&N[i].r == R){
N[i].cov += val;
int M = (N[i].l + N[i].r) >> 1;
if (R <= M) add(i << 1, L, R, val);
else if (L >= M) add(i << 1 | 1, L, R, val);
else {
add(i << 1, L, M, val);
add(i << 1 | 1, M, R, val);
} double query(int i)
if (N[i].r - N[i].l <= 1&&N[i].cov>0) return N[i].len;
else if (N[i].r - N[i].l <= 1) return 0;
return query(i << 1) + query(i << 1 | 1);
} int main()
int ca = 0;
while (cin >> n&&n)
double x1, y1, x2, y2; top = 0; ytop = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
s[top].x = x1; s[top].l = y1; s[top].r = y2; s[top++].isleft = true;
s[top].x = x2; s[top].l = y1; s[top].r = y2; s[top++].isleft = false;
ydis[ytop++] = y1; ydis[ytop++] = y2;
sort(ydis, ydis + ytop);
ytop = unique(ydis, ydis + ytop) - ydis;
sort(s, s + top);
for (int i = 0; i < top; i++){
s[i].li = lower_bound(ydis, ydis + ytop, s[i].l) - ydis;
s[i].ri = lower_bound(ydis, ydis + ytop, s[i].r) - ydis;
ydis[ytop] = ydis[ytop - 1];
build(1, 0, ytop); double ans = 0;double lx = s[0].x;
for (int i = 0; i < top; i++){
ans += query(1)*(s[i].x - lx);
if (s[i].isleft){
add(1, s[i].li, s[i].ri ,1);
add(1, s[i].li, s[i].ri, -1);
lx = s[i].x;
printf("Test case #%d\n", ++ca);
printf("Total explored area: %.2lf\n", ans);
return 0;
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