Bucketing! A lot of details to take care.

struct Bucket
Bucket() :l(-), r(-), bValid(false){};
int l, r;
bool bValid;
}; class Solution {
* @param nums: a vector of integers
* @return: the maximum difference
int maximumGap(vector<int> nums)
// Remove duplicates
unordered_set<int> hs(nums.begin(), nums.end());
nums.assign(hs.begin(), hs.end());
size_t n = nums.size();
if (n < ) return ; long long mn = *min_element(nums.begin(), nums.end());
long long mx = *max_element(nums.begin(), nums.end());
if (mn == mx) return ; // Set up buckets
vector<Bucket> bk(n);
long long interval = (mx - mn + ) / (long long)(n - );
for (auto v : nums)
int binx = (v - mn) / interval;
bk[binx].l = (!bk[binx].bValid) ? v : min(bk[binx].l, v);
bk[binx].r = (!bk[binx].bValid) ? v : max(bk[binx].r, v);
bk[binx].bValid = true;
} // Go check bucket by bucket
int i = , ret = ;
while (i < bk.size())
if (bk[i].bValid)
int wi = bk[i].r - bk[i].l, wo = ; int j = i + ;
while (j < bk.size() && !bk[j].bValid) j++;
if (j < bk.size())
wo = bk[j].l - bk[i].r; ret = max(ret, max(wi, wo));
i = j;
return ret;

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