[codeforces 391D2]Supercollider
很水的扫描线吧~ 按 X 轴扫描,先把横的线段扫进去,再用竖的线段去查询
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
const int size=; namespace IOspace
inline int getint()
register int num=;
register char ch=, last;
do last=ch, ch=getchar(); while (ch<'' || ch>'');
do num=num*+ch-'', ch=getchar(); while (ch>='' && ch<='');
if (last=='-') num=-num;
return num;
inline void putint(int num, char ch='\n')
char stack[];
register int top=;
if (num==) stack[top=]='';
for ( ;num;num/=) stack[++top]=num%+'';
for ( ;top;top--) putchar(stack[top]);
if (ch) putchar(ch);
} struct line
int x, y, l;
inline line() {}
inline line(int _x, int _y, int _l):x(_x), y(_y), l(_l) {}
struct node
int type;
int x, y1, y2;
inline node() {}
inline node(int _type, int _x, int _y1, int _y2):type(_type), x(_x), y1(_y1), y2(_y2) {}
inline bool operator < (node a) const {return x!=a.x?x<a.x:type*y2>a.type*a.y2;}
}; int n, m, k;
line h[size], s[size];
node q[size];
std::multiset<int> t;
inline int max(int x, int y) {return x>y?x:y;}
inline void swap(int & a, int & b) {int t=a; a=b; b=t;}
inline bool query(int, int);
inline bool check(int); int main()
n=IOspace::getint(); m=IOspace::getint();
for (int i=;i<n;i++) s[i].x=IOspace::getint(), s[i].y=IOspace::getint(), s[i].l=IOspace::getint();
for (int i=;i<m;i++) h[i].x=IOspace::getint(), h[i].y=IOspace::getint(), h[i].l=IOspace::getint(); int left=, right=, mid;
for (int i=;i<n;i++) right=max(right, s[i].l);
while (left+<right)
if (check(mid)) left=mid;
else right=mid;
} IOspace::putint(left); return ;
} inline bool query(int l, int r)
return t.lower_bound(l)!=t.upper_bound(r);
inline bool check(int d)
for (int i=;i<m;i++) if (h[i].l>=(d<<))
q[k++]=node(, h[i].x+d, h[i].y, );
q[k++]=node(, h[i].x+h[i].l-d, h[i].y, -);
for (int i=;i<n;i++) if (s[i].l>=(d<<))
q[k++]=node(, s[i].x, s[i].y+d, s[i].y+s[i].l-d);
std::sort(q, q+k);
for (int i=;i<k;i++)
if (q[i].type)
if (q[i].y2==) t.insert(q[i].y1);
else t.erase(t.find(q[i].y1));
if (query(q[i].y1, q[i].y2))
return true;
return false;
可以查询 [l..r] 中是否有数存在,至于为什么这样是对的而不是别的样子了,大家在纸上画画就知道了吧
当 (set).lower_bound(l)==(set).upper_bound(r) 时, [l..r] 中一定没有数
lower_bound是为了将 l 算入 [l..r] 中,upper_bound(r) 也是为了将 r 算入 [l..r] 中
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