Linux、mac的命令行下没有回收站功能,很多时候手一抖就把重要文件给 rm -fr * 了,虽然linux下有可能通过lost +found/debugfs找回,但难度也比较大,不能保证一定能够找回。人总是会犯错,本人工作这几年也犯过3次rm -fr删除后后悔的错误,与其后悔不如防范于未然,像桌面操作系统(windows、mac os、Ubuntu)一样加个回收站机制就可以了,经过几天的努力终于实现了,放到github上了,欢迎使用。


rmtrash 是linux和mac下命令行版本rm的回收站,安装后对用户透明,符合正常使用rm的习惯,有了他再也不怕rm时候手颤抖了。
rmtrash stands for "rm trash" which acts just like the system built-in rm command,and just moves the file to the trash for recovery when needed.




回收站功能在 Linux 中的实现:

Bash Getopts - 让你的脚本支持命令行参数:



  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. ### rmtrash,rm command line recycle bin for linux and mac osx.
  3. ### rmtrash 是linux和mac下命令行版本rm的回收站,安装后对用户透明,符合正常使用rm的习惯(支持rm -fr file哦),有了他再也不怕rm时候手颤抖了。
  4. ### rmtrash stands for "rm trash" which acts just like the system built-in rm command,and just moves the file to the trash for recovery when needed.
  5. ###
  6. ###
  7. ### --
  9. ###trash目录define
  10. realrm="/bin/rm"
  11. trash_dir=~/.rmtrash/
  12. trash_log=~/.rmtrash.log
  13. ###判断trash目录是否存在,不存在则创建
  14. if [ ! -d $trash_dir ] ;then
  15. mkdir -v $trash_dir
  16. fi
  18. ###动态修改用户shell中的alias配置
  19. os_type=`uname`
  20. shell_path=$SHELL
  21. shell_type=`echo $SHELL|awk -F/ '{print $NF}'`
  22. alias_file=~/.${shell_type}rc
  23. alias_rm=`cat $alias_file|grep ^"alias rm="`
  24. return_value=$?
  25. #echo return_value: $return_value
  26. #echo alias_rm: $alias_rm
  27. ###如果不存在rm alias,则生成
  28. if [[ $return_value -ne ]] ;then
  29. echo first time to run rmtrash
  30. echo "alias rm=/bin/" >>$alias_file && source $alias_file
  31. ###如果存在rm alias,且不是指向rmtrash的,则注释掉,区分linux 和mac
  32. elif [[ "$alias_rm" != "alias rm=/bin/" ]];then
  33. echo already has alias rm,and must commit out
  34. if [[ $os_type == Darwin ]];then
  35. sed -i .bak 's/^alias\ rm=/#alias\ rm=/g' $alias_file && \
  36. echo "alias rm=/bin/" >>$alias_file && \
  37. source $alias_file
  38. elif [[ $os_type == Linux ]];then
  39. sed -i.bak 's/^alias\ rm=/#alias\ rm=/g' $alias_file && \
  40. echo "alias rm=/bin/" >>$alias_file && \
  41. source $alias_file
  42. fi
  43. fi
  45. ####function define
  46. ###usage function
  47. rm_usage () {
  48. cat <<EOF
  49. Usage1: `basename $` file1 [file2] [dir3] [....] delete the files or dirs,and mv them to the rmtrash recycle bin
  50. Usage2: rm file1 [file2] [dir3] [....] delete the files or dirs,and mv them to the rmtrash recycle bin
  51. rm is alias to `basename $`.
  52. options:
  53. -f mv one or more files to the rmtrash recycle bin
  54. -r mv one or more files to the rmtrash recycle bin
  55. -fr mv one or more files to the rmtrash recycle bin
  56. -rf mv one or more files to the rmtrash recycle bin
  57. -R Restore selected files to the originalpath from rmtrash recycle bin
  58. -l list the contens of rmtrash recycle bin
  59. -i show detailed log of the deleted file history
  60. -d delete one or more files by user's input file name from the trash
  61. -e empty the rmtrash recycle bin
  62. -h display this help menu
  63. EOF
  64. }
  66. ###rm mv function
  67. rm_mv () {
  68. echo ----------------------------
  69. now=`date +%Y%m%d_%H:%M:%S`
  70. dupfix=.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
  71. ###将用户输入的文件循环mv到trash中
  72. ###for file in $file_list ;do
  73. #echo $file
  74. ###提取用户输入参数的文件名、目录名,拼出绝对路径
  75. file_name=`basename $file`
  76. file_dir=$(cd `dirname $file`;pwd)
  77. file_fullpath=$file_dir/$file_name
  78. ###判断要删除的文件或者目录大小是否超过2G
  79. #echo file_fullpath: $file_fullpath
  80. #if [[ "$file_fullpath" == "/*" ]];then
  81. # echo action deny!
  82. #else
  83. ####判断即将删除的文件在trash目录里是否已存在
  84. if [[ `ls $trash_dir|grep ^${file_name}$` ]];then
  85. ##已存在,文件名重复,需要rename,想原始名的基础上加后缀
  86. trash_dest_path=$trash_dir$file_name$dupfix
  87. echo trash目录里已存在$file_name,需要rename $file_name$dupfix
  88. else
  89. ##不重名,直接按原始文件名保存
  90. trash_dest_path=$trash_dir$file_name
  91. fi
  93. ####判断如果是要删除文件是根目录,则直接提示并拒绝
  94. if [[ "$file_name" == "/" ]];then
  95. echo rm拒绝执行删除根目录操作,否则系统就挂了,你就悲剧了,请检查...
  96. else
  97. ###mv成功记录log,记录删除时的文件、目录的路径等信息到log,以便恢复数据
  98. mv $file_fullpath $trash_dest_path && \
  99. echo $now `date +%s` `whoami` moved from $file_fullpath to $trash_dest_path >> $trash_log && \
  100. echo -e "\033[31m\033[05m $file is deleted from $file_fullpath\033[0m"
  101. #cat $trash_log
  102. fi
  104. #fi
  105. ###done
  106. }
  108. ###rm list function
  109. rm_list () {
  110. echo ----------------------------
  111. echo list trash_dir contents:
  112. ls $trash_dir
  113. }
  115. ###rm restore function
  116. rm_restore () {
  117. echo ----------------------------
  118. echo -en "请选择要恢复的文件名(多个文件中间空格分隔,取消ctl+c):"
  119. read reply
  120. for file in $reply ;do
  121. ###判断原始位置的是否有同名文件存在
  122. originalpath=`cat $trash_log|grep /$file$|awk '{print $5}'`
  123. if [[ `ls $originalpath` ]];then
  124. echo -en "originalpath:$originalpath already exists. continue overwrite or not(y/n):"
  125. read ack
  126. if [[ $ack == y ]];then
  127. echo restore:
  128. elif [[ $ack == n ]];then
  129. echo bye && exit
  130. else
  131. echo 输入非法 && exit
  132. fi
  133. fi
  134. ###
  135. mv $trash_dir$file $originalpath && \
  136. ###linux和mac下sed的用法有细微差别,故需通过操作系统类型进行选择对应的sed格式
  137. if [[ $os_type == Darwin ]];then
  138. sed -i .bak "/\/$file$/d" $trash_log
  139. echo os_type=Darwin
  140. elif [[ $os_type == Linux ]];then
  141. sed -i.bak "/\/$file$/d" $trash_log
  142. echo os_type=Linux
  143. fi && \
  144. echo -e "\033[32m\033[05m$file restore ok to originalpath=$originalpath\033[0m"
  145. done
  146. }
  148. ### rm show delete log function
  149. rm_infolog () {
  150. echo ----------------------------
  151. echo detailed deleted file log:
  152. cat $trash_log
  153. }
  155. ###rm empty trash function
  156. rm_empty () {
  157. echo ----------------------------
  158. echo -en "empty trash,all backups in trash will be deleted, continue or not(y/n):"
  159. read ack
  160. if [[ $ack == y ]];then
  161. echo begin to empty trash:
  162. elif [[ $ack == n ]];then
  163. echo bye && exit
  164. else
  165. echo 输入非法 && exit
  166. fi
  167. /bin/rm -fr ${trash_dir}* && \
  168. echo >$trash_log && \
  169. echo -e "\033[31m\033[05m The trash bin has been emptyed\033[0m"
  170. }
  172. ###rm delete function
  173. rm_delete () {
  174. echo ----------------------------
  175. echo -en "请选择trash中要删除的文件名(多个文件中间空格分隔,取消ctl+c):"
  176. read reply
  177. for file in $reply ;do
  178. ###if file exist then delete it from trash
  179. if [[ `ls ${trash_dir}$file` ]];then
  180. /bin/rm -fr ${trash_dir}$file && \
  181. ###linux和mac下sed的用法有细微差别,故需通过操作系统类型进行选择对应的sed格式
  182. if [[ $os_type == Darwin ]];then
  183. sed -i .bak "/\/$file$/d" $trash_log
  184. echo os_type=Darwin
  185. elif [[ $os_type == Linux ]];then
  186. sed -i.bak "/\/$file$/d" $trash_log
  187. echo os_type=Linux
  188. fi && \
  189. echo -e "\033[32m\033[05m$file is deleted from trash ${trash_dir}$file \033[0m"
  190. else
  191. echo $file is not exist in $trash_dir
  192. fi
  193. done
  194. }
  196. ###清空回收站中30天之前执行rm删除过的文件
  197. rm_delete_by_30_days () {
  198. rm_mv_30_days_ago_timestamp=$
  199. ###**=
  200. #30_days_by_seconds=
  201. #cat $trash_log|awk 'BEGIN{30_days_by_seconds=2592000}{if()}'
  202. awk 'END{
  203. print 时间差:$-
  204. {if ($->) print dayu}
  205. }
  206. ' $trash_log
  207. }
  209. ###跨分区的问题
  211. #####主程序开始
  212. ###参数个数为0,输出help
  213. if [ $# -eq ] ;then rm_usage ;fi
  214. ###根据用户输入选项执行相应动作
  215. ###通过非显示的方式(加入fr选项,但在case里不做匹配操作,遇到含-fr/-rf/-f/-r时直接删除)支持很多用户的使用习惯rm -fr file,rm -rf file
  216. while getopts lRiecdhfr option ;do
  217. case "$option" in
  218. l) rm_list;;
  219. R) rm_list
  220. rm_restore;;
  221. i) rm_infolog;;
  222. h) rm_usage;;
  223. e) rm_empty;;
  224. c) rm_delete_by_30_days;;
  225. d) rm_list
  226. rm_delete;;
  227. \?)rm_usage
  228. exit ;;
  229. esac
  230. done
  231. shift $((OPTIND-))
  233. ###将文件名的参数依次传递给rm_mv函数
  234. while [ $# -ne ];do
  235. file=$
  236. echo file=$file
  237. rm_mv
  238. shift
  239. done



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