[翻译] VENCalculatorInputView
VENCalculatorInputView is the calculator keyboard that is used in the Venmo iOS app. Available for iOS 5 and beyond. Enjoy.
VENCalculatorInputView是一款计数器样式的键盘,该键盘在 Venmo 中有用到,支持iOS5+,希望你喜欢.
The easiest way to get started is to use CocoaPods. Just add the following line to your Podfile:
最简单的安装方式是使用 CocoaPods ,在下面的Podfile中加入以下一行即可.
- pod 'VENCalculatorInputView', '~> 1.4'
Sample Usage
You can choose to use just VENCalculatorInputView
(only the keyboard) and define your own behavior or use VENCalculatorInputTextField
(keyboard + text field with money calculation built in).
你可以选择直接使用VENCalculatorInputView(仅仅是键盘)然后定义你自己的行为,或者是直接使用VENCalculatorInputTextField(键盘 + 内置的价格计算样式).
Using just the calculator keyboard
1. Set the input view. 设置input view.
Find the UITextField
or UITextView
that you want to display the keyboard and set its inputView
to an instance of VENCalculatorInputView
- myTextField.inputView = [VENCalculatorInputView new];
This will have VENCalculatorInputView
display when my TextField
becomes firstResponder
instead of the system keyboard.
2. Implement the <VENCalculatorInputViewDelegate>
methods. 实现<VENCalculatorInputViewDelegate>代理方法
First, have a class implement the <VENCalculatorInputViewDelegate>
protocol and set myTextField.inputView.delegate
to an instance of that class.
Next, implement the delegate method that handles keyboard input:
- - (void)calculatorInputView:(VENCalculatorInputView *)inputView didTapKey:(NSString *)key {
- NSLog(@"Just tapped key: %@", key);
- // Handle the input. Something like [myTextField insertText:key];
- }
Finally, implement the delegate method that handles the backspace key:
- - (void)calculatorInputViewDidTapBackspace:(VENCalculatorInputView *)calculatorInputView {
- NSLog(@"Just tapped backspace.");
- // Handle the backspace. Something like [myTextField deleteBackward];
- }
Try it!
You can read more about custom keyboards in Apple's documentation.
如果要了解更多,你可以看一下自定义键盘的文档(Apple's documentation).
Using the calculator text field (optimized for money calculation) 使用计算器text field(专门为了计算金钱而优化)
All you need to do is use VENCalculatorInputTextField
instead of UITextField
and use it like normal text field. It will automagically handle the input and make calculations. Take a look at out ourVENCalculatorInputViewSample
Different regions use different symbols as their decimal separator (e.g. .
, ,
). By default,VENCalculatorInputView
and VENCalculatorInputTextField
use the current locale of the device. You can change it by setting the locale
We've written some tests. You can run them by opening the project in Xcode and hitting Command-U
我们已经写了好多测试,你可以在项目中键入 Command - U 来运行测试.
We'd love to see your ideas for improving this library! The best way to contribute is by submitting a pull request. We'll do our best to respond to your patch as soon as possible. You can also submit a new GitHub issue if you find bugs or have questions.
Please make sure to follow our general coding style and add test coverage for new features!
我很欢迎看到你提出新点子来改进这个!最后的贡献你力量的方式是拉一个分支.我们将会尽最大努力来添加上你的修改.当然,你也可以提交你遇到的bug到 new GitHub issue 上面帮助我们改进.
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