

public class Type implements PrimitiveType {

    /** The tag of this type.
     *  @see TypeTags
    public int tag;

    /** The defining class / interface / package / type variable
    public TypeSymbol tsym; // 只有ClassSymbol与PackageSymbol继承了TypeSymbol








/** This class represents Java types. The class itself defines the behavior of the following types:
 *  类本身可以表示的类型如下:
 *  base types (tags: BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, INT, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN),
 *  type `void' (tag: VOID),
 *  the bottom type (tag: BOT),
 *  the missing type (tag: NONE).
 *  使用静态内部子类来表示的一些类型如下:
 *  The behavior of the following types is defined in subclasses, which are all static inner classes of this class:
 *  class types (tag: CLASS, class: ClassType),
 *  array types (tag: ARRAY, class: ArrayType),
 *  method types (tag: METHOD, class: MethodType),
 *  package types (tag: PACKAGE, class: PackageType),
 *  type variables (tag: TYPEVAR, class: TypeVar),
 *  type arguments (tag: WILDCARD, class: WildcardType),
 *  polymorphic types (tag: FORALL, class: ForAll),
 *  the error type (tag: ERROR, class: ErrorType). *


public class A {
	int a;
	boolean b;
	Integer c;






 /** Constant type: no type at all. */
    public static final JCNoType noType = new JCNoType(NONE); // tag值为NONE


/** Represents VOID or NONE.
public class JCNoType extends Type implements NoType { // 实现NoType接口
    public JCNoType(int tag) {
        super(tag, null);

    public TypeKind getKind() { // tag值为TypeTags.VOID或者TypeTags.NONE
        switch (tag) {
            case VOID:  return TypeKind.VOID;
            case NONE:  return TypeKind.NONE;
                throw new AssertionError("Unexpected tag: " + tag);




public class BottomType extends Type implements NullType { // 实现NullType接口

    public BottomType() {
        super(TypeTags.BOT, null);  // tag值为TypeTags.BOT

    public TypeKind getKind() {
        return TypeKind.NULL;




public class A<T extends InputStream> {
	public void test(){ }





public class PackageType extends Type implements NoType {

    public PackageType(TypeSymbol tsym) {
        super(PACKAGE, tsym);






public class ClassType extends Type implements DeclaredType {

    /** The enclosing type of this type. If this is the type of an inner
     *  class, outer_field refers to the type of its enclosing instance class,
     *  in all other cases it referes to noType.
    protected Type outer_field;

    /** The type parameters of this type (to be set once class is loaded).
     * (1) class Test01<T>{}  TypeVar类型,bound为Object,lower为BottomType
     * (2) class Test01<T extends Number>{}  TypeVar类型,bound为Number,lower为BottomType
    public List<Type> typarams_field;

    /** A cache variable for the type parameters of this type,appended to all parameters of its enclosing class.
    public List<Type> allparams_field;

    /** The supertype of this class (to be set once class is loaded).
    public Type supertype_field;

    /** The interfaces of this class (to be set once class is loaded).
    public List<Type> interfaces_field;

    /** All the interfaces of this class, including missing ones.
    public List<Type> all_interfaces_field;



interface K{}
class F implements K{}

interface I{}

public class A<X> {

	class B<T extends InputStream> extends F implements I {
		public void test() {






// a clone of a ClassType that knows about the alternatives of a union type.
public class UnionClassType extends ClassType implements UnionType {
    final List<? extends Type> alternatives_field;


public void test() {
		try {
			int i = 2 / 0;           // ArithmeticException
			Integer.parseInt("abc"); // NumberFormatException
		} catch (ArithmeticException | NumberFormatException e) {



public class ErasedClassType extends ClassType {
	public ErasedClassType(Type outer, TypeSymbol tsym) {
		super(outer, List.<Type>nil(), tsym);

	public boolean hasErasedSupertypes() {
		return true;



public class ArrayType extends Type implements javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType {

    public Type elemtype;


Integer[][] x = new Integer[2][];



public class MethodType extends Type implements ExecutableType {

    public List<Type> argtypes; // 形式参数类型
    public Type restype;  // 返回值类型
    public List<Type> thrown; // 抛出的异常参数类型


public class B {
	public <T extends InputStream> T test(T a,Integer x) throws NullPointerException{
		return a;





public class TypeVar extends Type implements TypeVariable {

    /** The upper bound of this type variable; set from outside.
     *  Must be nonempty once it is set.
     *  For a bound, `bound' is the bound type itself.
     *  Multiple bounds are expressed as a single class type which has the
     *  individual bounds as superclass, respectively interfaces.
     *  The class type then has as `tsym' a compiler generated class `c',
     *  which has a flag COMPOUND and whose owner is the type variable
     *  itself. Furthermore, the erasure_field of the class
     *  points to the first class or interface bound.
    public Type bound = null;

    /** The lower bound of this type variable.
     *  TypeVars don't normally have a lower bound, so it is normally set to syms.botType.
     *  TODO Subtypes, such as CapturedType, may provide a different value.
    public Type lower;  // 一般没有下界,所以一般设置为BottomType


interface IA{}

interface IB{}

public class B<T extends Number&IA&IB> { }



public class WildcardType extends Type implements javax.lang.model.type.WildcardType {

	public Type type;
	public BoundKind kind;
	public TypeVar bound; // 边界是由TypeVar来指定的


public class B<T extends Number&IA&IB> {
	public void test1(){
		B<? super T> x ;



如上主要根据B<T extends Number&IA&IB>与 B<? super T>得出如上的WildcardType类型。


List<? super InputStream> x = new ArrayList();  


当类型声明为class X<E> 或者 class X<E extends Y>形式时,可以看到WildcardType中的type类型:

(1)形式为 ? 时type=Object

(2)形式为? extends XX 时type=XX

(3)形式为? super XX 时type=XX



public class Test5<T extends A<T>,X extends T,Y extends A<? extends T>>{}

查看A<? extends T>这个通配符类型。一般JCWildcard语法节点举个例子,如A<? extends T>,如下:

如A<T extends Number>与A<? extends T>时,截图如下:


/** A captured type variable comes from wildcards which can have
 *  both upper and lower bound.  CapturedType extends TypeVar with  a lower bound.
public class CapturedType extends TypeVar {

    public WildcardType wildcard;

	public CapturedType(Name name, Symbol owner, Type upper, Type lower, WildcardType wildcard) {
        super(name, owner, lower);
        this.lower = Assert.checkNonNull(lower);
        this.bound = upper;
        this.wildcard = wildcard;

    public <R,S> R accept(Visitor<R,S> v, S s) {
        return v.visitCapturedType(this, s);

    public boolean isCaptured() {
        return true;

    public String toString() {
        return "capture#" + (hashCode() & 0xFFFFFFFFL) % Printer.PRIME + " of " + wildcard;


10、DelegatedType (ForAll、UndeterminedVar)


public abstract class DelegatedType extends Type {

	public Type qtype;

	public DelegatedType(int tag, Type qtype) {
		super(tag, qtype.typeSymbol);
		this.qtype = qtype;


public class ForAll extends DelegatedType implements ExecutableType { // 实现了ExecutableType,说明ForAll与方法相关

    public List<Type> typeVariables;

    // 在生成方法签名时,如果有类型变量的声明则使用new ForAll(typeVariables,methodType)
    public ForAll(List<Type> typeVariables, Type qtype) {
        super(FORALL, qtype);
        this.typeVariables = typeVariables;

 /** A class for instantiatable variables, for use during type
     *  inference.
    public static class UndetVar extends DelegatedType {
        public List<Type> lobounds = List.nil();
        public List<Type> hibounds = List.nil();
        public Type inst = null;

        public <R,S> R accept(Type.Visitor<R,S> v, S s) {
            return v.visitUndetVar(this, s);

        public UndetVar(Type origin) {
            super(UNDETVAR, origin);

        public String toString() {
            if (inst != null) return inst.toString();
            else return qtype + "?";

        public Type baseType() {
            if (inst != null) return inst.baseType();
            else return this;



/*   A class for instantiatable variables, for use during type inference.

     public <T extends Serializable> void testMethod03(T t){


     public void test(){
        testMethod03(new Integer(2));

     需要对T进行类型推断,那么T要根据传入的参数类型Integer与声明的type parameter结合起来进行推断

     qtype的值为TypeVar类型变量,指的就是方法声明中的<T extends Serializable>。


public class UndeterminedVar extends DelegatedType {

    public List<Type> lowbounds = List.nil(); // 下界
    public List<Type> highbounds = List.nil(); // 上界
    public Type instance = null; // 变量类型
    // ...


/** A mapping that turns type variables into undetermined type variables.
	Mapping fromTypeVarFun = new Mapping("fromTypeVarFun") {
		public Type apply(Type t) {
			if (t.typeTag == TYPEVARIABLE){
                return new UndeterminedVar(t);
                return t.map(this);







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