1. Install Git and GitExtension
Install Git
Step 1: Run
Install GitExtension
Step 1: Run
Step 2: Then click “Next”.
Step 3: Choose “Install for all users of this machine”, then click “Next”.
Step 4: Choose “Install MsysGit” and “Install KDiff”, then click “Next”.
Step 5: You can choose your route where you install the software here.
Step 6: Remain the default configuration. Then click “Next”.
Step 7: Choose “OpenSSH”, then click “Next”.
Step 8: Now we begin to install Git Extensions.
Step 9: Then install KDiff3.
Step 10: Remain the default configuration. Then click “Next”.
Step 11: You can choose your route where you install the software here.
Step 12: Choose “Install for all users”, then click “Next”.
Step 13: Finish installing KDiff.
Step 14: Start to install Git.
Step 15: Remain the default configuration. Then click “Next”.
Step 16: Choose “Use Git Bash only”, then click “Next”.
Step 17: Remain the default configuration. Then click “Next”.
Step 18: Then finish installing Git. Don’t choose View ReleaseNotes.rtf. Then click “Finish” button.
Step 19: Then finish installing Git Extensions. Click “Finish” button.
1. Install Git and GitExtension的更多相关文章
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