python网络数据采集 Tesseract
import time
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
import subprocess
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome(
while "pointer" in driver.find_element_by_id("sitbReaderRightPageTurner").get_attribute("style"):
pages = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//div[@class='pageImage']/div/img")
for page in pages:
image = page.get_attribute("src")
for image in sorted(imageList):
urlretrieve(image, "page.jpg")
p = subprocess.Popen(["tesseract", "page.jpg", "page"],
f = open("page.txt", "r", encoding='utf-8')
PENGUIN H“ :xA55(5
War and Peace
anrluhled Mmenzl
”mm @ cums
LEO ToLs‘roy was bom in central Russ|a m nus. He srudncd
ommal languages and law uhough failed (0 cam a dzgrre m rh:
lamp u the Unlvcrshry of Km", and :frtr a dissolut: yumh
evrntually joined an «mum Iegxmtm in (he Caucasus in 135;.
Hz wok pan in (h: thm w“, and the Sebasmpnl 31mm;
[hat emcrged {mm u :sublished h.s reputation. Arm livmg for
some mm m St Pucrsburg and abroad, he mamed Sofya sch“ in
1951 and xhey had Ihmuh duldruL The happincss Ihh brought
gave huh the creative xmpuls: (or his two gtcausl novels w."
am pm: (mast and Am Kmnma 11377). 1m: in f: h.s
views became increaslngly udmal as h: gave up his posscssions in
order m lwc a sumplc peasanr Me. Arm 3 quaml wnh nus wif: he
fled homc secrclly one nigh! to seek rrfuge m a monastery. He
became |l| during d'us dramatic flight and died at the small railway
station of Aslapovo m 19m.
AN‘IHONY muses has wnn‘cn, translated or edncd mmy books
.h the field or Russian and English meu, Including volumes
on Tolsmy and Pushkin. He has edned live volumas of English
merry and translated [hm books by :h: former Russian dissident
Roy Medvcdcv.
onmum FIGES1sthauthorofiheacclzlmed A Peopln‘s Tragedy
and Natasha': Dam- A Cultural Hlslory ofRussm.
anrluhled Mmenzl
anrluhled Mmenzl
anrluhled Mmenzl
anrluhled Mmenzl
War and Peace
Translation by Anthony Briggs
th an A/mwmd by Orlando ages
pzxcum BOOKS
anrluhled Mmenzl
anrluhled Mmenzl
.um cumin
wunwml h, m: P(nlum (Mp
ms...“ mm m. Mme, um. u m m. w...“
I'myuufimup mm In, W Hudmn Sum. Nu m NW Va... M. m
rm"... cm mm.» ;a Falmlvn Mm: 2m, 5m 7m.mem,0nlarm ( zmdz 1... m
MW... (I‘Y'mrmn mm ( ma. um;
mum mum. “ \l smmcm, mm.“ L Imam]
u am..." .11 mm limb m;
l'tngum amp (Ammha). m UmlklwkuKUIK‘.(I1VIMM¢“.V‘SI<‘W nu. mm
4: Wm "I Pulsar: Amlnlu omuppw m
mu...“ lwkflm‘u m m. n Cvmmumry mm, mm“ hm Nm mu" , mm. 1mm
mm mm mzy. 57 mm, D vr. Rustdak, th m," am, My mum
u. \llv M ..: yum... New mum: mu
l'mguln mm mm mm my; m, .4 mm“ mm, mam. 10mm“ Am. Sum. Al
g...“ Bunk m. Kkpnucd mu» {(0 5mm, loud" u u m. mm:
www mm mm
r. mhlnhxd m .v
m. lnnilnmu puma» . ngum mm mm m;
Pubhlhtd m mm... am. my
Tflmhnnn "mama manual mmma mm m”. m;
mmuldwpynflllo Ollmdu mm m,
All "um wurwd
m mm: mm mmmmmm mm chm: mm": m k... “um
mm a, mum mmpam mummmumsmk
mm m mum by clm m. 5: 1m pk
Emu" m. unuusumMMMJhymw mm mm
m mmmm mu um m. n, m alumina: amrrwliK km.
mm. mm a... m mm... (undamd vmhml m: puhluhzh
y. rwnknl m my (m u: mammmmmm mam.
Wm H pummm m: Wuhan” m: mdmun mgum..m
mam. 5‘... "mm“. m lubuqmlpunhm
anrluhled Mmenzl
anrluhled Mmenzl
Chronology vii
Introduction xiu
Translators Nor: xxi
War and Peace 1
Norcs x 3 5;
The Characters ‘ 37;
Maps I37s
Summary of Chapms x 579
Afterward 1 396
anrluhled Mmenzl
anrluhled Mmenzl
m4 Pyou Tolsmy (greapguapgrear grandfather) gwen hereditary
ml: of Count by Tsax Puer the Great
xau Duth of Pnnce N|ko|ay Volkonsky, Tolstoy's gmdmhcn (u
Yasnaya Polyana, Tula vamce, 130 milcs souih-wesx of Moscow
[32: Marriage of Count Ntkolay Tolstoy and Princess Marya Vol-
xszs 1.3 August (Old 5‘qu mm. of fourth son, Lao Ntkolayevich
Tolstoy. m Yasnaya Polyana
133° 1):th of morhcr
15;; Th: eldcsr, Nikolzy. informs his brothers that the secret of
earthly happiness |s inscribed on a gran suck, buned at Yasnaya
Polyanz (Tolstoy later buried (herd
ms Nikolay Gogol‘s Government lnspecxor
1s” om}. ofAlexander Pushkin in due]
Death of father
1540 Mikhail Lermonmv's A Hm 0/0141 Time
18¢! Dczrh of Lermonmv in dug]
Dcarh of 5m guardian Alexandra Osrcanaken, an aum. The
Tolsmy chum" move (0 Km“ m liv: wnh another aunt, magcya
x34; Gogol’s Dead Soul:
1344 Enters Km“ Unwersity. mds Onemal languages
x845 Transfers m Law am: failing examinations. D|ssulure lifestylr:
drinkmg, us": to pmslimles
ms Fyodor Dostoyevsky's ‘I’oox Folk’
1847 lnhuits mm of Yasnaya Polyznz. Recovuing {mm gonurrhoea.
compiles schemc for self-perfecnon. Leavzs university wnhour com-
plating Studins, ‘on groundsofill hulm and domesnc circumstances'
1343—50 In Moscow and s: Percrslmrg, debauchcry and gamblmg.
Ialgc debts. S(udlcs music
1550 Ivan Turgencv‘s A Month in the Country
x851 Travels to the Caucasus Wm, Nikolay. who is sewing m m:
anrluhled Mmenzl
anrluhled Mmenzl
‘Wall, Prince. Gem and Lucca am now nmhmg more than 35mm:
taken om by (he Buonapan: family.‘ No,1 gwe you (an warnings
If you Won’t say th|s means war. if you will allow yourstlf to con»
done all m: ghastly armcuiss perpetrated by that Antichrist , yes,
that's what 1 think he is — 1 shall disown you. You're no mm of
mm: — nor (h: “fauhful slave" you c aim to be u . . But how are you?
How are you keeping? 1 mn see I'm Innm|danng you, Do sit down
1nd talk to me.‘
Thes: woxds were spukzn (in anch) an: evening in July [305 by
the well-known Anna Pavlovna Scherer, maid of honour and cnnfidr
ante of the Empress Maria Fyodomvna. as she welcomed Kh: first
person to arnvc as her soiréc, Prince Vasily Kumgin. a man of
rank and influence. Anna Pavlovna had had a cough for m: last fcw
days and she called is In gnppe —gn'17y: being a new word nu! yet In
common currcncy. A fomman ofhers in scarlcr Iivcry had gone around
um morning dcllvering notes mum. in French, each saying prcctsely
(h: same thing:
If ybu have nothing bum m dc» Count (m Puma), and if (h: proiptcr
of spendmg an :vemng wnh a poor sick lady .s nm mo uuummg, I shall
be dehghud m see you a! my ruidence berwecn srven and ten. mum:
scs. Eux
‘My goodness, what a violent attack!’ replizd the prince. who had
only |usl come m and was not b. (be least put out by this welcome.
Drcssed in his embroidered sum unifoml with kncr-brezches, shoes
and stars across b.s chest. he looked at her wub a flat face of undbs-
lurked sucniry. His much was the clegam tongue of nut gund-
parents, who used in [or rhaughl as well as spsscb, and i: canisd
lh: soft muss of coudescsusibn ma: come naturally (a an eminent
anrluhled Mmenzl
anrluhled Mmenzl
a mum: I, mu:
personage grown old in mgh souexy and m noun, He came up w Anna
Pavlovna and kissed her hand, presenling [u her a perfumed and
glistening bald pale. and then sealed mmseltcalmxy on the snfz.
‘Firsr (hings first: he said. ‘How art you, my dear friend? Pu: my
mm] at «sex His voice remamed steady. and his (one. in. all its
couflesy and sympathy, implxed indmexence and even gentle mockery.
‘How can one feel well when one 15 . e . suffering m a moral sense?
Can any sensitive person find peat: of mind nowadays?‘ sand Anna
Pavlovna. *1 do hope you’xc sraymg 311 cvenmg.’
‘Well, that: is um xecepuon at the English Ambassador's, ms Wed-
ncsday. I must show my fact,‘ said (h: pnnoc. ‘My daughter is coming
to rake me there.v
‘I though: tonight‘s festivities had bun cancellcd‘ l mus: say all
these celtbmtions and fireworks are becoming rather (:diousl'
‘If they had known you wanted (h: celebration cancelled. a: would
have been,‘ said the prince With the predmahilny of: wound-upclock.
sheer hnbir made him say things he didn't even mean.
‘Smp (casing mcl Corn: on. tell me whal‘s bccn decided :bout
Novosiltsev‘s dispatch? You know cvu'ything.’
‘What is [here (0 Kc“? replied me pxince in a cold, bored (on:.
‘What‘s bun dcuded? Thcy‘ve decided that Bonayane has burnt his
boaIs, and l mhex :hink we’xe gemng Ieady m bum ours.‘
Prince Vasily always spoke languidly, like an actor declaiming :
part from an old play. Anna Pavlovna Schem was just the opposite —
a“ verve and exmemem, dcspne her forty ycals. To be an cnxhusiasr
had became her special role in may, and she would sometimcs wax
:mhusiasuc whzn she dudn’: feel like it, so as no: In frustraxe (h:
expemrions of (host who knew her. The discxcu smile that never left
her face, mongh u dashed wnh hu faded looks, gave her rhe appur-
mce of a spoil! child with a charming defcct that she was wen aware
of, (hough she neilhcr w|shed nor felt nblc m conect it, nor Even
though: it necessary to do so.
Then suddunly m the middl: of (his political discussion Anna
Pavlova: launchcd forth in great :xcmmznl. ‘Oh, don’t ralk m me
«bum Aumia!’ Perhaps it‘s all beyond me, but Austria has never
wantcd war and she mu docsn't want war. She‘s btrraying us. Russia
alon: must be Europe's saviour‘ Our bencfacmx is aware of his exalted
callmg and he‘ll live up to it. That's the one lhmg I do heheve m. The
noblzst mle on eanh awaits om good and wonderful sovucign, and
he is so full of decency and mm: that God wxll not forsake him. He
w|ll do what has (0 be done and scorch rhe hydra oi rcvolulion, which
has become mot: dreadful mm cvcx in me person of (his murdenng
anrluhled Mmenzl
cummmeu Mmenzl
mun“ . 7
villam.‘ w: alone must avonge tht blood of (he nghreous. And whom
can we mm, I ask you? England,w1th (hat cnmmercual spim of hers,
cannot understand (h: lofty soul of our Emperor Alexander, and ncvcr
w|ll. Shc has refuscd lo oyaoums Mons: She keeps on looking for an
ultcnor monve behind om acuons. What ma they say (0 NovosiIrsev?
Nothingu my didn’t understand, they're not Capable oi understand-
ing. how altruisnc our Emperor .s — he wants uoduug for himself but
everything for the good of mankind. And what have thcy promised?
thing. And what lmlc they have promised, they won't carry our,
Prussia has already dsolmd um Bonapan: is invmcible and [hit the
who]: of Europe is powcxless r0 oppose him . . .1 for ons don't believe
a single word from Hardznberg or Haugwlu. Thar much-vaunzcd
Prussian ueuualuy is just a trap. 1 pm my faith in God and (he nobls
calling ofnur beloved Emptxor. He'll be the savioux of Europe!‘
She smppcd suddenly, amuscd at her own passlunarc outburst.
'1 think if they had ssm you instead of our dear erunguode,“
said [he prlnc: with a similar smus, ‘zn onslaughi like (hat from you
would have got rh: King of Prussiz to agree. You as: so sloouom.
May 1 hm soms rea?’
‘Yes. of course. By sh: way,‘ she addcd. calmmg down, ‘rhcrc are
two very .mmsuug men commg hm Konigh _ the Vicarmc dc Mons-
man, a Montmorcncy through :h: Rom line, one of th: bzst French
families. He‘s the right kind of euugré, on: of (he genuinc oncs. And
(he Abbe Moxio _ such a profound dunk". Do you know him? He's
berm received by (h: Emperor. Have you hcard?’
‘ou, u w|l| b: a plasma to meer Khem,’ smd (h: ounce. ‘Bul (ell mo;
he added. with srudmd nonchalancc, as .1 an idu had iusr occurred to
him, though (his quesnon was (he mu... reason for h|s visit. ‘is u
nus (hat the Dowager Empress mm: Baron Funk: to become Fuss
Sacretary in Vienna? They do say he's a mxserable crcaturz, (hat humus
Prince Vasily wanted this post for h|s son, but other people were
working through the Emprcss Maria Fyudomvna m get u for mu
baron. Anna Pavlovna halfsclosed her eyts to indicate am n:nher she
nor anyonc olso could pass judgement on wrm (he Empress mighr feel
Ilka doing or want to do. ‘Eamn Funk: has been recommendtd (0 rh:
Dowzger Empress by her slsrer.’ was all shs said. In a dry, lugubnous
tone. As shs pronounced the name of (h: Empress, Am Pavlovna’s
face rook on an cxpression of profound and sincere dsvouon mixed
wixh respect and ringcd with sadness, which mvznably came upon 1m
when she had occasion to mcnrion her cxaltcd parmness. Sh: said that
hcr Majesiy had bssn gracious enough (0 show Baron Funk: great
Icspecr, at which her face once zgam dsssolvtd imo sadness.
cummmeu Mmenzl
Cnriyrluhled Mmonzl
x voLUMz .. mm;
The pnnce said nonung and showod no frcling. Anna anluvna,
my. all (he scnsltivity and quick dunking DI both :\ Coumer and a
woman, decided to rebuke 1h: pom for dzring (0 refer m such a
way [a a pmoo rtcommended m rh: Empress. and ax (h: Sam: time
to console ham ‘Bur, on (he subject of your family,’ she soid, ‘da you
realiz: how much your daughlcr has delighmi omyono in society
smce she came out? Thoy say she's :15 beautiful as (h: day As long.‘
The pnnce bowed as a mark afh|s gratkudc 2nd respecx.
1 oflen rhink,‘ Anna Pavlovna resumtd after a short pause, odgaug
closu lo the prince and smiling sweetly (o indncate am the pondool
and social Conversaunn was now at an and, and pusonal convzrsarlon
was an order, 1 often think am good fortune 111 m: .s sometimes
distributed mus: unfairly. Why has ht: gm“ you two such splendid
chxldxcn? 1 don’l mclud: Analolt, your youngest - 1 don't 1.1“ him,’
she cummcntcd in a pcxemptory (on: and win raised :ycbrows. ‘Such
chamuog childlcn. And 1 must say you sum to apprcclar: them less
than anyanz. You really don't dosmo lhcm.‘
And she smiled her exuberant smile.
‘What can 1 do? mam would have said am 1 hm no paternity
bump," said do: poooo
‘Oh, do stop joking. 1 wanted a scrions talk wad. you. Listen. rm
nor pleased with your younger son. just bnwecn oumlyos: her fact
went all gloomy agam, 1d: name has been monuoned in her Majesty’s
presume. and people an: feeling sorry for you . . r
The prince said nothing, while she gave him a knowing look. waiting
in silenc: for his Izplyo Prince Vasily frowned.
‘What am 1 du?‘ he said a last. ‘You know I‘ve don: cvcrything a
father cnuld do to bring them up well, and they hav: both (umed out
to be idiom At least Hippolyrc's a fool on the quiet _ Anatolc‘s the
xowdy one. That's the oo|y difference bmwun rhem,’ he said. wirh an
nnusuafly awkward and forczd smile. whmh gav: a sharp twist m m:
lines round his mouth, making ix surpxisingly ugly and coarse.
‘Why do men like you hav: children? 11 you wclen’l a farhtr, [could
find no fault with you,‘ said Anna Payxoyoo,1ookmg \Ip pensivcly.
‘l'm your faithful slave. I wouldn't admit in (0 anyone else, but my
childrm are (h: ban: of my life. They're the cmss 1 have to bur.
That‘s how I explain u w myodf. Who would you . . . .v He broke aff
wnh a gesture (ha! signallcd ho resignation to a cruel rm. Ann:
Pavlovna thought things om.
‘Thar pmdigal son ofyours,Anzmlc,l1aven'r you thought nf many
mg him off? They do say; she want on, law old maxds have 1 mania
for matchmaking. so far I‘ve never been conscious of dos mm m
Cnriyrluhled Mmonzl
anrluhled Mmenzl
cmnm 2. 9
mysclf. but 1 do have a ccnzin little peison 1.. my mind, someon: who
is very unhappy with her falhcr _ h Iclarivc of ours. the young Princess
Prince vsssly made no rcply, hm being quick on the uptake and
good at rcmemhcrmg [lungs — qualhies (hat cam: naturally to dl:
demons of high society » he gm a slight nod to show that he had
noted her comment and was cons|dcring H.
“No, Insten. do you realiz: mar boy’s cosnng me forty thousand
muhles a yem‘ he saxd, obviously unable to check the dismal drifi of
his (hinkmg. He paused. ‘Whar will h he like in five ycars' Kim: if he
canics oh hke shssz You see what the benefits or fatherhood arc . ..
Th.s princess of yours. is she rich?‘
‘Her father's a very rich man and a miser. He hvcs om in the country.
You know. I’xince Bolkonsky. He’s very wen known. He renred under
the lat: Empem. They used to call him the “the King of Prussia".
He's a very clzvtr msh, hm he's a crank, no: easy m gal on wuh. Poor
linl: thing, she’s as miserable as any girl could be. h was hcx brother
who mamed Lhza Meincn not mo long ago. He's one of Kumzov's
adjumms. He’s commg hue ronlght.‘
‘Lmtn, my dear Annenc,‘ said the prince, suddenly taking h|s com-
pamon's hand and pussmg k downwards fox reasons best known (a
himself. ‘You set this up for me, and HI strve you like 1 faithful slave
for eyes. {Or slafz. whh an ‘f', as my village elder puIs u when he
wshes m me.) She‘s a gal from a gnod firmly. and she’s rith. That's
all 1 nccd.‘
And wuh th: {xccdom, fanuliamy and sheer style [hat were 1115
hallmark. he took hold of the maid of honour's hand, khssrd h and
gave as 3 Int]: shake, easing back hm h.s armchm and looking away
from her.
‘Wair a minute; said Anna Pavlovna, rhinkmg things over. ‘ru have
a little talk wuh young Bolkonsky‘s wifc, [has very :vcnings Parr
hsos somerhmg ssh he arranged. ru use your {smuy m sun luming
the old maid's nade-
Anna Pavlovnz’s drawingrmom was steadily filling up. All the Imporb
shy people m s: Pemshusg socicry wcrc (here, varying :normously
in age and character for all their shared social background. mhee
Vasily's daughrer, the beaulifnl Héléne, had gush arrived to take
anrluhled Mmenzl
anrluhled Maternal
m vowm l, PARYI
hum on to the Ambassador‘s rcccpunn; she was mung a ballgown
enhanced by a mad of hnnour’s momsgsam The young Prmcess
Bolkonsky, a slip of s known as the most seam.“ woman m
Pcmrsbuxg, was there too; marlied sh: prevmus wmses, shs ho longu
appcared at large occasions brcause 511: was pregnanL but she dud sull
amnd small soirées. Pnnce Vasily's son, Pnncc Hippolylc, amved
wnh Moneman, and introduced him. Also preset“ were the Abbé
Mono and many o(hex pcople.
Anna Pavlovna was welcoming her gussss as (hcy amved with a
‘Have ynu met my aunt?‘ 01 ‘1 don‘t thunk you know my aunt' bcfor:
sucrmg Ihrm wuh yea! solemmry towards a little old lady wssh big
bows In her hair, who had Came sailing m from Ih: um worn as soun
as the guests had bzgun to arrive. Anna Pavlovna would announc:
them by name, slowly Iransferxing hcr gaze from guest (0 aunt. and
then move on. All (he gucsls went Khxough the motions of greeting
this aum. who was unknown, unmmssuhg and unneeded by anyone.
Anna Pavlovna observcd their grunngs wxrh sadness and solemn
sympthy, a picture of silent approval. The lady known as ‘my aunt‘
spoke in (he sams way (0 every hsw arrival, commzmlng on that
hcalrhs hex own health and the health of her Maiesry, who was by
now, (hank God, feeling ham. All those who approached wax: polite
enough so rcfmn from showmg nndn: haste. hm anc: this onerous
duty had been fulfilled they walked away ham the old lady wuh a
sans: of relicf, and never wcnr near hex agam an evsnmg.
Young Pnncess Bolkonsky had brought sum: work with hex in
a goldrcmbmidercd velvet bag. Her pretty link upper hp, slightly
shadowed wuh down, barely covered her (eerh, bur shas mad: i: an
the premer when u [use up and loveher still When .s curled down my
men ()1: lower lip. As [ends to happen with the best-lookmg women.
a defect , u. this case a shm hp and a half—open mouth — came out as
a d|srinctlve and beautiful feature. Everyon: enjoyed the ssghs of this
prcrty little morhcr-Io-be, bximming whh hcalth and vilahry and
sham light of her condition. After a few minmss in hex company
and the exchange ofa word or two. old men and bored, moms: young
men felt as 1f rhty themselvcs wet: beLommg hkc h". Anyone who
mlknd so her, watching her as every word sh: spok: revealcd (hat
bxighr linle smile and (he Constant gleam of those dazzhng whxtc teeth.
walked away feeling full of bonhomk. Evcnybudy did
The Inn]: pnncess waddled shghrly as she (upped sapsdly round :he
rahle, holding hr! (my workbag, then she cheerfully smooshsd down
her drsss and sat on a sofa near (h: sllvcr samovara Everything she dm
secmcd like a treat for herself and everyone around h".
anrluhled Maternal
anrluhled Mmenzl
Genoa and Luau Eummpavt: fumxly: (3:110: and Luccz war:
mums reccmly annexed by mm. Napoleon's Comczn nzm: was
Napoleon: Buonapmc; (he anginal version (th : ‘u') u used hm
as a deliberate “mun
Nuvaxlhszu': mama: N. N. Novaslltsev was 2 special ambasszdur
stm m P; by Empemr Alexander m mm wuh (ulnmzrely zbomve)
peac: ncgotmmm.
‘Oh, dam mu. m In! about Augmr: Only a {w wczks earlizr (in
Apnl (805) me 11“": Cualmun ma hzen formed between Gm:
Bmam, Austria ma Russia. Then plan was In dam Napoleon by
mam Di 1 mmpmnggd anack. Th: Russmns had bet" let down
bcfore by m Austrians, and dam were many whu beluved lhey could
not be mm on now.
me hydra ofreunlmmn . . ‘ murdmng mm. Am French Revolunon
ii snl! fresh m the memoryA In Irs wake mum onary srirnngs were
belugsmgd In other European counmu. including Rum. Napolcon.
wuh Ins common background. stems m embody the new mpublmn
spiril which mum": me smbxliry m countries ruled by monarchs
She has rzfuszd to evacuate Malta: lem had been taken by Napoleon
m .793, and mm capmkd by m: Bnnsh in 1800. Under m: Pcacc or
Amitns amt Brim" was due :0 leave me 151m. but refused :0 do 50‘
Russia's am, :0 mtdxare bum“ rhc Bnush and [he mm was
rqccred. and :he two counmts mm m War In 1303. mm Russia
snppomng me 3mm. agamsx Napalm,
Wmumgtmde: Many of (he characters are real peoplt; me most
Imponanl ones are xdmxified as ‘Hlsmncal Figurcs in Wmand Peace'
in ‘The Characters'1p. 1372;.
Lamar ‘ . . paternity bump: J. K. lavaur (l74l—xflox) was 3 5w“;
physmgnumisl, m “mm foruunners ofphrenolngy, a psendn-scienc:
anrluhled Mmenzl
Cnrlyfluhled Mmenzl
. 5 so u on 5
based on the idea rhal bumps on (he mu mdicm vanuns mental
g, m Duh: of Erlghien: The Dukc of Enghlen was shot by ihc meh
m .304, after bung wrongfully accused or plnmng r0 assassinat:
- ans xv: King of Franc: from m; h his dmh .h imi
in. ii,» 50ml Contract: Jeanrjacques nomscau's Comm Sam! mm, a
[realist ah govunmem 2nd cililenship, was “~321de by Sam: ptople
is a cause of ihe vlolenz excesses b1 div: French Revnllflion of 178;.
n, m m» Hymnal": The am an ibb Punch Revolutionary Calendar
(9 November [799) of a successful coup, follnwing which Napnleon
becnme Fim Consul. ‘Brumzue' was the second month in “1: French
Revulmionary Calendar, 11 Ombcmb Nuvembet. Bram: is much
for ‘fog‘.
12.. all those ynsoners billed m Africa: A Himiice m annlzun's
auihonzaiiah bi ihe bmai killing oi 3,0175 Turkish prisoners at Jaff:
m Seplembrr i799,
i, [a:abm: Popular name for one of (he Frtnch mbhmobary societies.
which me! in :h: hall of 1 Jacob"! convmt.
u. Napoleon on the bridge at Arcola . plagu-mctims: m Ami: in
1795. leading [he Frrndl agalnfl lhe Ausrdzns, Napoleon hm risked
his life by xushmg on m a bridge canymg a flag. In 1:“: in x799 h:
had taken anolhtr risk by m hg a plague huspnal.
x5. 0mm Cummzntanes: Julius Caesar‘s Cammmtanes on [he Galliz
War. oh: of (h: foundation Smiles 0f miiimy hisrory wrinen by a
highly successful geneml.
a {mmmm Frcrmasuns were a byword for ral ihihkihg. bu: war:
him ngaxdzd by :h: aurhoriries as prololrvulurionarizs. Ir lsn'l clear
hm which way hem is thinking.rypiml 0f Petevxbmg 17: jun . is muaiiy July; Tolstoy mus: mun ii
is lik: the hes: nights in Junt.
ix. namt-day: A smm's dzy celebraud by Russians who weir named aficr
Illa! particular aim. here 51 Namlya's Dayb
igb chaining: time: Calherin: (he Glut was Empress of Rum: from
(75; (o 1796‘
- Salomon]: Ah hang" bpemihgu midm in Russia and appuring
wnh . wuling German company m the whim of |30576.
“b Madame d: Gyms: Félicizé Ducmi dc SaxmrAuhin (ms—ixyoi, a
ribhch wmer of pnpulzr iumanus wuh strung moral comm, z
byword wixh the children for burmg gmwh-hp mpcmbihry.
11.. Calm! 0th: Cum“ Alexey oiiny was a popular and gentmus Mosr
cow grandee. famous vb, his lavish hnspn‘allty and tntulainmznn
1, mm hummim p31; ii is human m an Han").
24‘ his 12;: duty: This duty is m receive :chme uncunn. be anmmcd wuh
consccraud ml by a priest.
Cnrlyfluhled Mmenzl
Cnpvnuhlen Material
'hfl In ”H umh M'» ”I! my usnH.
mmhw ; mp! Mm/ m/mm \l‘,‘
Am glinenng society puny m S Penersbwg m 1905, conversmmns are
domianed by me prospad 0! way Tenor swlhly enguws .he mm
as Napoleon's army marches on RUM, and me lives ohhvee young
peop‘e are changed [or eve! The slones 0| quohc Pwerre, mm
Andvey and impemous Natasha \Nerweave mm a huge cosf, from
ansvocmvs and peusums 90 scldwers und Nupo‘eon himself In War
and Peace (1863-9), Tolsloy emwsnes grand memes 7 mum and
bve, birlh and death, hee WM and Me — wwh uniorgeqvcble scenes of
nineneenmcenmry Russ-o, Io creme a mugmhcenn epm a! human Me
in all N: imperfecvion and grandeur.
AmhunyEriggs'ssupelbvans‘mion combinessvinmg,accessiblepvose
mm fidelity lo To(sloy's ongvnul, wMe Orkmdo nges's nherwurd dis
cusses the nave": vast scope and depwchon o6 Russlan \denmy ms
edmon also mcludes appendices, notes, a Iisl 0‘ pvommenl (harocvers
and maps
‘A booklhulyoudon'l‘uslreod you‘we' S‘MONSCHAMA
’A masfievplece nus new Nons‘ahon \s exceHenI’ ANVONY BEEVOR
[mmlulnd w» an mnududmn “a "mu by ANIHONY BRIGGS
mm m. uFI-rword by OILANDO FIGES
Ilw I'm (Irwin 1'
'r mum:
psncu N (h) CLASSICS
annumell Material
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